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Everything posted by pyrotech

  1. I like to post a reply to something that I know will piss someone off, then when they start typing curse words and insults in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, I delete my comment to leave them looking like an ass. For example: Person 1: God did so much for me today. Let me post a prayer about it, because God totally reads facebook. Me: Keep your beliefs to yourself. God is a lie. Person 2: F*CK YOU, HYPOCRITE! Keep YOUR beliefs to yourself!!!!11one! edit out my line, and it reads: Person 1: God did so much for me today. Let me post a prayer about it, because God totally reads facebook. Person 2: F*CK YOU, HYPOCRITE! Keep YOUR beliefs to yourself!!!!11one! ... and many lulz were had that day.
  2. I'm doing S/L training, and this weekend I was cleared for freefall. I did jumps 4 - 6 on Saturday; #4 was a PRCP, and #5 and 6 were freefall. #5 was supposed to be 3 seconds of freefall, but from watching the GoPro footage from my instructor filming my jump, I must have counted to 3 REALLY fast, because it looked like I pulled almost immediately. The main objective was to pull my pilot chute though, so that was good. Jump 6 was supposed to be 5 seconds of freefall. I didn't get to see footage of my jump (the instructor forgot to turn the GoPro on before hitting the shutter), but something was off on my arch. I did some sort of backflip and was going head-down for a second, then I became disoriented, and simply tried to arch back into a stable position. That didn't seem to work out for me, so I just waited until I saw ground and pulled. That jump taught me that while my arch is great on the ground, it sucks during freefall. I don't want to get in tunnel time this early in my training, and would rather give jumping a few more times before I do that to see if I can get myself stable in the air. I don't know if I'm just subconsciously freaking out when I let go of the plane, but I never really get a sense of nervousness or fear when I leave the aircraft; it's more as though I can think about what I need to do, just cannot get my body to do it properly. On a better note, my 3 jumps on Saturday were the first 3 where I landed on my feet without falling! Hahaha.
  3. Joe Biden! ...Is that you!? How'd you guess? BTW, not letting condoms hit the ground is a big f*cking deal...
  4. I was in massage therapy school about a decade ago. There was this guy in my class that was mostly paralized from the waist down. He walked with 2 crutches, used a wheelchair half the time, the whole bit. There were several times that I helped him into his car, to class, etc. I knew perfectly well that he had very little use of his legs. One day during a break from class, we all got bored so I blew up a condom and we were all bouncing it around, playing that whole "don't let it touch the ground" game. Well, I hit it his way, and he missed it with his hand. The wind blew it to where it hovered around his waist for a bit, so I yelled, "There's still time, kick it!" Everyone shut up and stared at me. He had this "how could you?!" look in his face, but played it off and just sorta chuckled and said something like "yeah, let me just kick it..." I was still sorta laughing, but it finally clicked. I didn't feel too guilty, because I didn't really mean any harm by it and it just didn't occur to me in that instant that he couldn't use his legs, but everyone else thought I was an asshole.
  5. Did they say your entire SSN? If so, did you agree that it was yours? Same with CC numbers? Bank names are pretty easy to get, along with phone numbers, addresses, etc. Getting a SSN takes a little more work, but when you have one and suspect it is correct, it's best to call the person in a way such as you were called to get confirmation before stealing their identity or finding out whatever information the person wants. We (erm... enthusiasts in information security breaches...) call it 'social engineering.' Monitor your credit closely for the next year. Record the phone number that you contacted them with, and start researching as to who it is registered to. Find out as much information as you can, and talk to the Social Security Administration ( They may or may not take your researched information into account, but it could help them with their jobs a little. Luckily, since you say you have bad credit, it's going to be hard for them to take out a loan in your name. Chances are, if they obtained your SSN (either through a security breach or bought it from a harvester), they'll check out your credit before they start opening new lines. It may be hard to find without looking at your credit report a few times throughout the year, but if you see that someone opened a card in your name, or that you have cell phone charges for an account you did not create, then don't be too terribly surprised. Hopefully this will be the last you hear of it, but they have your information, so you need to protect yourself.
  7. My, Shah, what a long... neck you have.
  8. I like to eat Doritos and drink a Monster right before I do anything hardcore. Then I crush the can on my head and yell "EXTREEEEEEEME!" and jump my mountain bike into an active volcano. Rawr!
  9. pyrotech


    If you look at it from the right angle I think your right. I never noticed before. The only thing I see when I look at your avatar now is 'penis.'
  10. My puppy likes to run up to me, look me in the eyes, then turn around and poop on my floor. I think it's her way of saying "you haven't steam-cleaned this floor in a few days; you should get on that."
  11. I don't know, I just made that one up for this post Ehm, Canopy facing Right way Avoid obstacles Point into the wind any good? Sounds like a load of CRAP.
  12. All my landings have been crap so far (in that I've never successfully stayed on my feet). But we didn't go over any acronyms for landing. What does CRAP stand for? I'm assuming it means basically the same as ROT, but what does the acronym mean?
  13. "Most quotes I read on the Internet were never spoken by their supposed author." -Benjamin Franklin
  14. Yeah, not to mention that if he's in an orange jumpsuit and has an out landing, the first cop who spots him will think he's escaped from jail. The DZ I'm going to has prisons EVERYWHERE around town, including right next to the drop zone. This is a very possible scenario, lol. I heard a story of a student landing in one of the prisons. The guards knew what was going on, but scared him for fun anyway with guns pointed, making him jump around in circles, etc.
  15. Thanks everyone; I'll start looking around at batting gloves and see which will block the most wind without losing much palpation. I jumped at the Fremont County Airport in CO. A couple guys at the DZ were wearing what looked like workout gloves from UnderArmor. I'll probably hit up a sporting goods store this weekend and give several pairs of gloves a try. Hoping to have my own set of goggles before my next jumps in a few weeks as well. Some of the goggles at the DZ fit better than the others, and I couldn't find the ones I'd really liked and put back.
  16. From viewing other posts about how these were provided, I agree with you.
  17. I started static line this past weekend, and on my second jump, I got quite a bit of canopy time when the wind picked up a bit. It was great fun to play in the canopy for a while, but my hands were FREEZING! My fingers went numb after a few minutes, which wasn't very comfortable. I asked someone at the DZ about gloves, but they didn't have any for sale, nor any extras for students to use. Someone there mentioned using baseball gloves (of course not the "catching a ball" kind [forgive my terminology, I'm not into team sports]). Now, when I made my second jump, my instructor wanted to see a DRCP. I tried, and failed twice on that jump before my canopy opened. I couldn't find it when I reached back for it. My third jump, I successfully performed a DRCP. When I talked with someone at the DZ about gloves, they mentioned how I didn't feel my practice ripcord, and said that gloves may make it more difficult to really get to feel where it is located. I can understand that, but would also like to not have my hands go numb while under canopy. Ultimately, it's up to me, since my jumpmaster said he'd let me jump whether I am wearing gloves or not. Is it worth it to get gloves as a student, or should I really wait until I nail the DRCP on my next 2 jumps and pull my ripcord at least once or twice on the following jumps?
  18. I did my first few static line jumps this weekend, and also did not wear a jumpsuit (not offered). On my first landing, the wind picked up, and I wasn't able to drop the canopy fast enough to not be dragged through some cactus. I was glad that I was able to change pants and sweatshirts before going up again, but it would have been nice to just change jumpsuits. I want one before I go back for my next round of S/L jumps.
  19. Congrats! looks like it's time to update that jump number on your profile. :-)
  20. Being a fresh wound, 2 - 3 days isn't long enough to go about your day wearing non-loose clothing. No matter where the tattoo is located, you should not plan to do any real physical activity for the first week. It's just asking for a break and scab. If I were the OP's artist, I'd have to beat his ass if he went skydiving 2 - 3 days after I gave him a tattoo. Either wait a week or two to skydive, or wait until after you jump to get the tattoo.