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Dropzone Reviews posted by woppyvac

  1. This is the newest / oldest DZ in Va. The school and club moved from West Point to Dinwiddie near the end of last year and, true to form, have again established themselves as the safest and best run drop zone out there! I'm a fun jumper who started jumping when they were at West Point and now gladly trek the extra distance to jump with them at Dinwiddie -- It's worth it!!! I've done roughly 25 jumps at VSC out of either the Caravan (this thing is clean with a Large Door) or the 182 Cessna. The landing area is very large and would take a bit of doing to land off, the packing area is rubber matted, music is normally on, and they keep making new additions to the building every time I journey out to keep their students and jumpers comfortable and happy. I'm proud to claim it as my home DZ and encourage jumpers - new and old - to make it theirs as well! Blue Skies!