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Everything posted by VincePetaccio

  1. Are you sure it wasn’t a 790 or maybe an 820? Where did you come up with 810? Maybe a dragster ya think? Sparky 720+90=810. Thanks for the valuable post, none of us had any idea what he was talking about until you clarified. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  2. Hello e'erybody! I'll be in Orlando for a conference for work this weekend, and am coming down a day early to jump at Sebastian on Friday. I don't know many (read: any) people down there, so PM me for my number if you want to hang out! :oD Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  3. The Freefly jumps are also from higher altitude. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  4. I would love leg straps that don't accentuate my junk. Actually, nevermind. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  5. Couldn't find the story behind the photo on! Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  6. I use Google Chrome as it is simple clean and fast. I used to use Firefox but moved over a couple of years ago so I can't comment on recent changes that may have happened. I use IE when I have to - which is only really accessing MS Outlook over the web. IE is SLOOOW compared to Chrome and tends to have more security flaws that are exploited. Seconded. Chrome is the shiznit! While it's still new and occasionally has its quirks (Java doesn't work too smoothly... yet), I prefer it over IE, Safari, and FF. And's what all this noise about Safari being available for Windows machines? Weird. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  7. Maybe the aliens will be zombieish with a twist, they need to feed on those with closed minds ... that would be cool I have found that most people consider anyone who doesn't agree with them "closed minded". If you think you have the answer to any question, you are, by definition, closed minded on that subject. That's why I wander around acting on a set of probabilities based on past experiences that may or may not prove to hold up in the next moment. As far as I know, this is all a dream... Do you really think that when true alien life is found from somewhere out there that a few of the flat earthers, creationists, and others who might have a disdain for any change might have their rather small apple carts upset just a tad??? Exactly my point! I have yet to circumnavigate the Earth to prove it is not flat, watched creation or evolution in action or otherwise proven or disproven things others hold dear. Your mind is apparently closed on these issues. I am still merely working with heresay evidence and probabilities. THANK YOU! The original post here showed a completely disgusting level of idealogical elitism that is no better (nor is it different, fundamentally) than a closed mindset. Not trying to debate creationism vs. evolution, but rather trying to show the OP that his post represents a level of such self-damning "open-mindedness" that he, himself, is acting in a manner consistent with those he victimized. edited to fix quote Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  8. I've worked with JumpRun for about 4 months now and I'm thinking I may start work on a software package of my own. I'm thinking of incorporating a computer-based waivering system to cut down on staff workload and paperwork storage requirements (though a paper trail will probably always be required to some degree). Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  9. "(NECN) - Later this afternoon, NASA will answer questions about whether they have discovered alien life." It's possible (and probable) that they didn't find any extraterrestrial life anywhere. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  10. It took me four months to finish AFF, and four weeks to double my jump numbers. Hopefully this weekend I'll finish off my A. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is where the fun starts. :o] Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  11. So many trips this year! Went to Nashville/Myrtle Beach/Hilton Head Island, Fort Lauderdale, Vermont, Montreal, Pittsburgh, Orlando, Monterey, and Kennedy Space Center! Got offered a job post-graduation, was (admittedly informally) offered a slot in an MD/PhD program, found out I'll graduate with a BS and an MS simultaneously (in a total of 5 years), and got a job at a Neurology clinic doing medical research. Returned to snowboarding, and oh yea... STARTED SKYDIVING. It's been a good year.
  12. The ambigram you posted was made by a professor at my University (John Langdon), on whom the character Robert Langdon was based. He came and did a talk for us in the residence hall I work in and mentioned how often people steal his designs. I was kind of discouraged by his defeated attitude about it; he almost accepted it is an inevitability. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  13. At CK there is a satirical "group" called F.U.C.K.E.D. whose name stands for Future Unemployable College Kids Entrapped by the Dropzone. It's kind of a joke, but seems to work out to be pretty accurate, haha. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  14. 'course not. I don't want to jump with it, I want to throw it out of the door! I own it primarily for snowboarding, cycling through the city, and some occasional surfing. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  15. I can't believe nobody has brought this up yet... NJ DRIVERS ARE THE WORST IN THE WORLD. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  16. That used to be my motto, but now all nighters royally fu*@ me up. Okay, I've done some math here. ready? A younger person (you or I) ~ Caffeine has a half life in the blood stream of about 7 hours. At about 600mg, you start getting weird side effects ~ diarrhea, nervousness, headache, et cetera. So, if your average energy drink has, oh say 200mg, you need to be careful pulling all nighters. As an UG, I pulled an allnighter downing The "Low Carb Rockstars" @ 220 mg each. After 4 of those in the library, I remember tapping on the computer screen for 10 minutes fascinated about something. I got the paper done, but no more all nighters.... By the end of finals week, I am generally an over-caffeinated zombie craving coffee and brains. By the time I hit my ninth wind (give or take) I kind of give up with the whole "studying" thing in the name of not going into cardiac arrest due to sleep deprivation. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  17. I once got a trophy for participating in a "Bowl-a-thon." I also got a trophy for beatboxing for an acapella group. I don't count either. My sister, on the other hand, has literally dozens of trophies strewn across my mother's home, ranging from 6 inches to 4 feet tall. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  18. I know, I know. I just keep getting line twist doing 360s on my snowboard. The interwebz told me to just use more front riser. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  19. Finals shminals. We don't need to study until the night before and we don't need luck until we write our name on the test! Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  20. just tie it to your A lines and kite your canopy during a swoop comp. That's what I do now, but I can't do that when I'm snowboarding, cycling, or surfing. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  21. Soooo I just bought a rig (on here! :o), and the seller threw in the old pilot chute that was in the rig before it was replaced. I was thinking about what I could do with it, and I thought it could be neat to attach a GoPro to it, facing down, and throw it off of roofs, up in the air, or even out of a plane for some neat perspectives. Of course, the higher the altitude the harder it would be to recover, but right now I'm just thinking... THOUGHTS?! Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  22. I was disappointed to learn that this was not a thread about how to thread. Sewing's not an innate skill for me. :o\ Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  23. Oh, and sorry for bringing this thread back from the dead. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  24. Isn't the Mi-8 a chopper? You did AFF on a chopper? That's pretty sweet. Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!
  25. Welcome, Kevin! Sounds like you've got things pretty well planned out, which is more than most of us can say. I hear there are some beautiful DZs in Hawaii (though apparently some are B-license minimum due to water). Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!