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Posts posted by VincePetaccio

  1. Quote

    >But the scale is completely arbitrary. It's not like it holds any universal truth to it at

    Well, by those standards, all measurements are completely arbitrary. Still, basing it on a common and easily measurable physical event is a good idea IMO.


    I can think of no scale or unit of measurement that is not relative to something.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  2. Quote

    Do you understand what a search warrant is? It is authorization (in some places a legal requirement) for officer to seize a location, person, or object and search it for evidence listed in the warrant. So yes, in your limited vocabulary, the house was 'under arrest' until it was searched. Try to understand: even if the roommate was the target if the investigation, the search warrant was for the house, so the officers searched the house.

    This is dangerous thinking. Just because it's the law, doesn't make it right. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    Let's actually try to think about this for a second (and not just quote the law):

    WHY was the residence being searched? Because of the activities of the roommate (who was gone). What good could have come from searching the house?

    I understand that there was a legal "right" (allegedly) to search the house. However, my issue is with that fact. So, go ahead and quote the law all you want, but you're just showing your blind, sheep-like support for a legal system that- apparently- has blatant disregard for the privacy and safety of those it's sworn to protect.

    And after watching the video, I'm disgusted by this situation. To my eyes, this was cold-blooded murder on the part of the police officer who pulled the trigger.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  3. Quote


    You're a person that hears and listens!!!!?...
    Welcome to hell my friend. (just kidding)

    "See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil..."
    Yes, stage one, 'Denial.'

    I'm... not sure what this is in response to. :o\
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  4. Quote


    So you missed the part about the warrant was for a roommate.
    Who the police knew had moved.
    Is this guy guilty by association?
    I know people that are currently holding weed, should I be served an aggressive take down warrant?

    No, you missed the part where this was a search warrant, so it was for the residence. That fact that the investigation focused on one resdient more than another is irrelevant. If the guy had sat still and acted right, he would have held misdemeanor weed and paraphernalia charges at most. Instead he came out swinging a golf club.

    I'm sorry, but this argument is crap. Was the residence itself under arrest?

    The roommate, who left, was the one the police were after. There was absolutely no reason for them to be in this residence.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  5. Quote

    If its in no way a sexual act then why are there simulated rapes made for purely pornographic purposes?

    Probably for the same reason that there are people who are turned on by murder or other effed-up fetishes.

    I could post a way-too-long description of neuroplasticity and the ill effects of pornography, but I'll refrain. Suffice it to say that too much porn can result in a seriously "messed up" mind that needs extreme stimulation to become aroused.

    If you're interested, read the book The Brain that Changes Itself by Dr. Norman Doidge.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  6. Quote

    The movies I like are typically things that most people find horrifying. Though I only seem to get hate when I say I found the scenes sexy.

    I hate useless gore movies, but I love effective violence when it is used in a way to increase the psychological 'horror' aspects. And instead of merely shocking, it eats at your mind.

    A few movies I've seen recently that I enjoyed though that many seem to find 'disturbing'.

    Begotten, Antichrist, A Serbian Film, Irreversible.

    Most people seem to have a hard time with necrophilia, rape, decapitation, incest, genital mutilation and mother nature masturbating Gods dead body.

    YES! I saw Antichrist last week and it ate away at my mind for like three days. Seriously powerful, but it requires appreciation for Lars' intent- not to disgusts the audience ala Hostel, but to drive home the impact of the situation. Perhaps the creepiest part of the film, for me, is knowing that this whole situation could recreate itself in real life (minus the Beggars, obviously) given an adequately crazy person.

    This is what I love about films like The Exorcist- it's so real, offensive, and unprecedented that it leaves some emotional impact on the audience. To me, this is the absolute definition of art.

    Of course, it doesn't take a scary film to do this. Other films that have left me emotionally or intellectually introspective include Solaris, The Fountain, and others.

    Then there are those films that stand out due to technical merits or sheer talent- Blade Runner for its lighting innovations, THX 1138 for its sound design, Quarantine for its acting (whoops, did I start a debate?), etc.

    Sorry... got me on a hot topic. :D
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  7. Quote


    I see where you're coming from, but I can't really agree here. Here's why:

    1. It's easy to blame "society," but when it comes down to it, nobody can tell me what that means. Certainly "society" is not a single person controlling social standards, and surely it is not an emergent property of peoples in an area. I think it's the whipping boy of a culture of those who need to explain away their problems.

    2. If this were true, what property would make it exclusive to attractive women? By your theory I would expect unattractive women- and men- to be affected MORE.

    3. Why don't men seem to display this behavior? Unless you're implying that men are somehow less vulnerable to insecurity (and I don't think you are).

    4. Who is really teaching a need to "fit in"? I was always taught to embrace the "things that make me special," a concept that I find to be pretty universal. Even if we WERE teaching people to "fit in," wouldn't being less attractive than those enhanced beauties make you... fit in?

    I think we need to accept that, sometimes, the victims have few to blame but themselves. Once we acknowledge that, we can help them.

    The reason only women bitch and whine about this issue, about how the society is shaping people and forcing crazy beauty ideals on young women and blaa, blaa, blaah is simple.

    Women are herd animals. Women cannot function as individuals. Women always have a peer group they adhere to. Women are all about everybody doing the same thing and getting along. Nobody, in womens opinion, should ever do their own thing and go their own way.

    Think about it. How many women you know who do their own thing and risk potential social isolation due to going their own way. Not that many right. Now think about how many men you know who do that.

    Hell the whole history of the mankind is built on the fact that men went out of their way to go against the grain of the society Galileo Galilei, Christopher Columbus etc.

    I know theres bound to be a response from some chick saying 'well i'm not like that'. I don't care. Women in general are like that and just because you aren't doesn't mean dick all.

    Wow, that seems like a pretty strong generalization.

    While I stand by my original feelings on the issue, I submit that all people are "herd animals" in this way.

    I'm not arguing that attractive women are crazy, or that women in general are any more crazy than men. I'm simply saying that people in general (including these "messed up beautiful women") have a tendency to blame others for their own problems.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  8. Quote

    A total mind fuck, yeah she's cute, yeah she looks good in a thong...yeah all the guys are hitting on her....just walk buy and say whats up and ignore her and talk to her friend.

    Wait.... what dropzone is this at again?! :o

    I'm on my way.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  9. Quote


    Nobody is telling them that they need to look like that but themselves.

    IMO society does tell them they need to.

    Society today is massively exposed to and bombarded with images (beautiful enhanced images).

    And we have been taught and continue to teach to fit in.


    I see where you're coming from, but I can't really agree here. Here's why:

    1. It's easy to blame "society," but when it comes down to it, nobody can tell me what that means. Certainly "society" is not a single person controlling social standards, and surely it is not an emergent property of peoples in an area. I think it's the whipping boy of a culture of those who need to explain away their problems.

    2. If this were true, what property would make it exclusive to attractive women? By your theory I would expect unattractive women- and men- to be affected MORE.

    3. Why don't men seem to display this behavior? Unless you're implying that men are somehow less vulnerable to insecurity (and I don't think you are).

    4. Who is really teaching a need to "fit in"? I was always taught to embrace the "things that make me special," a concept that I find to be pretty universal. Even if we WERE teaching people to "fit in," wouldn't being less attractive than those enhanced beauties make you... fit in?

    I think we need to accept that, sometimes, the victims have few to blame but themselves. Once we acknowledge that, we can help them.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  10. Quote

    Nope! Just because one dude steps back for ONE SECOND and realizes that on average your average hot chick is bat shit crazy doesn't mean the world will change.
    Because just because the dude steps back doesn't mean he will stop dating or desiring hot chicks! I mean a man must have standards!

    Bro Code "No bro will ever allow another bro to ever use the line 'But she is nice' to ever justify why he is with a questionable woman of squared off proportions"

    lol. I thought there was hope for a second there.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  11. Quote

    I truly believe they have problems heaped on them by a society that places an extreme amount of value on beauty. One needn't look further than the kiddie beauty pagents, ads aimed at young girls, and the music and film industry. Take a good long look at the next Victoria's Secret (I always do) or the covergirls on the magazines in the checkout line and you'll see where the problem begins.

    They'll spend most of their lives chasing that look only to find that it really gets them nothing but bullshit.

    This doesn't say to me that anybody's making these women you speak of into victims.

    It tells me that they themselves place so much value on emulating these symbols of physical, shallow beauty that they will never achieve that they feel the need to blame "society" (whatever that means?) for their own insecurities.

    Nobody is telling them that they need to look like that but themselves.

    I'm a man, and I'm confident that I have a lot to offer the world. No, I don't exactly look like the guy on the cover of GQ, or Tom Hanks, or any man on,,20315920,00.html, but I know there's more to me than what's on the outside.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  12. Though perhaps the fact that this discussion is happening is evidence that that's not true.

    ...or that we have risen above this weakness of man. B|

    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  13. Quote


    This is why I have grown to hate bars frequented by attractive women.

    Damn, you had an interesting childhood.

    lol, what? I never set foot in a bar as a child. :S
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  14. Quote

    Orrrrr .... if we're going to make generalizations, perhaps we could say that it's the very narrow standard of beauty that is expected of women (particularly in the U.S.) that can cause issues in many girls and women who either do not meet that standard, or who believe they do not meet that standard, or who live in fear of no longer meeting that standard. Till we as a society start valuing and judging our girls and women on more than their aesthetics, this'll continue to be an issue for many women. Even the ones who are intelligent, educated, and accomplished are still evaluated on their conformance to the beauty standard.[:/]

    I truly believe that, for the most part, the only people who really feel this way are self-victimizing women.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  15. Best feature, I feel, on Mac OS X- preview.

    Click an item (any file), then hit space bar. Songs play, photos enlarge, videos preview, pdfs enlarge... all without opening a host program.

    For screenshots, press Cmd+shift+4. Draw a box around what you want to take a shot of and it will appear on your desktop. Hit space before taking the shot and you can get screengrabs of individual application windows.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  16. Quote

    but if you buy 'em ripe, half the time they are brown and nasty when you cut them open. It's really a conundrum (well not really in the bigger scheme of things, but ya know)

    YES! That is my problem, too!

    omnomnom I just can't stop myself from opening up that avocado- even if I suspect it won't be ripe yet.
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

  17. I bought two awesome-looking avocados last night. I cut one of those bad boys open only to find that they're nowhere near ripe (probably shoulda squeezed first).

    Thoughts on accelerating the ripening process?
    Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!