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Everything posted by sacex250

  1. Well, that was random! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  2. There's no rule that says an acronym has to only use the first letter of each word. It's common for acronyms to use multiple letters from words or skip words. California Department of Transportation - "Caltrans" Medical Information Super Computer - "MedICS" Marsh Management Activities for Learning the Lifestyles of Wildlife - "MarshMALLOW" Biodiversity and Ecosystems Informatics Work Group - "BioEco" California Highway Patrol - "CHiPs" Technically, acronyms are a specific form of initializations. Initializations and acronyms are abbreviations that shorten a title or phrase using the first letters of each word. The difference is that acronyms create a speakable word. Initializations - FBI, CIA, USCG, USAF, NBA, USPA Acronyms - NASCAR, QANTAS, NIMBY, SWAT So, SDH isn't an acronym because it's not a pronouncable word, it's an initialized abbreviation using the first letter of each word including compound words. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  3. Is there something in female genetics that requires that every video shot by a female requires that the camera be turned on its side for a minimum percentage of the length of the video? For Example Seriously, could we invest some money into researching this phenomenon. Not posted in the Women Only forum for obvious reasons. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  4. To reduce impact when it did hit, the pilot would be better off not keeping the nose off the runway as long as possible. In fact, this landing is about speed management, for the sake of impact management. Maintaining airspeed over the horizontal stabilizer means you maintain more control. The pilot would want to keep the nose off the runway until as much airspeed as possible had been bled off to minimize the risk of fire. The impact damage is negligible compared to the friction damage. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  5. FIFY It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  6. I would have to pay half? I realize it was my dog that 'attacked' hers but I can't get past the leash laws....I didn't violate anything... Don't offer to pay anything. Let her take you to court. You have a good chance of winning. 1) Your dog didn't "attack" hers. They were playing and her dog got injured. 2) Your dog was on the leash, not hers. 3) The worst thing that could happen is you'll have to pay the full amount, which is what she's asking for anyway. 4) The best thing that could happen is you'll have to pay nothing, which is the current status quo anyway. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  7. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  8. This is a great thread for "The Bonfire," isn't it? It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  9. Yes, and let me get on the record now so that in ten years when we invade Libya to overthrow the Taliban-like-government in the name of human rights I can say that I saw it coming! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  10. One night back in my youth, my dearly incompetent father who fancied himself the greatest handyman in the world was trying to start a fire in the family room fireplace. Problem was there wasn't any more lighter fluid to start said fire. My dad rummaged through the garage and found a container of Coleman Camping Fuel for campstoves and proceeded to douse his diligently stacked arrangement of kindling and logs as if he were a mad arsonist trying to burn down a building, which as we were about to find out wasn't far from the truth. All I remember was me and my mom jumping backwards over a sofa, that was about 8 feet from the fireplace, to escape the resulting fireball and while laying on my back behind the sofa watching a flash of light rolling along the ceiling. As for my dad, well, let's just say his eyebrows did grow back! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  11. Would you like nuts on that? Seriously, the teacher is freaking incompetent if she can't handle a kid saying a swear word without having to call the parents about it. Oh yeah, that's right, arbitrary rules, shooting stars, and black holes! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  12. No, Shania (Twain) is da Bomb! This feels like a political thriiler in which Chevy Chase is playing the President and Randy Quaid is the Secretary of State! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  13. Is there no end to the madness? Here we go again! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  14. I feel for Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossi; there was nothing more they could have done to avoid it. Rossi's front wheel hit Marco's head so hard the helmet flew off. Can't imagine the helplessness that Edwards felt on the side of the track nursing his own wounds knowing he couldn't do anything to help Marco. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  15. Dude, in California your "arsenal" would make the National Guard shake in their boots! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  16. Sure, if you had enough frequent flier miles you could fly for free on United - hence, freeflying! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  17. The OP stated there was a diagnosis, what's the diagnosis, then? The problem seems to be that fluid is collecting in the inner ear during free fall as ambient pressure increases because the air is forcing whatever fluid or mucus is in the Eustachian tube into the ear. Like the OP says, there's no problem when ascending because the air is moving away from the ear and into the throat. If there's not a significant amount of pain then it's not a pressure problem it's a fluid problem, like when someone has a cold. The ears get stuffy because the Eustacian tubes and ears get filled with fluid and mucus and can't be cleared. Putting in ear tubes doesn't cure the problem; it only cures a symptom while adding a plethora of new risks from hearing loss, infection, perforated ear drums, water intrusion, etc. The solution to the problem is to get the Eustachian tubes cleared out so that air, and only air, moves through them. It's likely that jumping on a regular basis will fix the problem automatically as the tubes will get "flushed" routinely. Another solution could be to take a cold medicine with an antihistimine a couple hours before jumping (watch out for dizzy and drowsy) and see if that helps clear the fluid out before the jump. Another solution could be just to go flying with somebody and have them do multiple ascents and descents to see how the ears respond. When I started flying, I remember my ears and lower jaw being sore after my early flights which went away after several lessons. The Eustacian tubes are asked to work harder when they have to move more air more often, something that isn't noticed when we spend most of our lives at one altitude. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  18. Either you're confused by what the doctor told you or he's a quack! A deviated septum has nothing to do with your Eustachian tubes and would have no effect on clearing your ears. So, either having tubes put in the ears or septum surgery is each a solution to a completely different problem and are not interchangable options. If you're not feeling any ear pain, I'd say keep jumping on a regular basis, the tubes should get better at clearing on their own. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  19. HEY, WHERE DID EVERYONE GO? It feels like I'm the last person on Earth! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  20. Just get rid of the deer crossing and start ticketing the deer for jaywalking. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  21. That looked like a normal arrest by the LAPD to me! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  22. Quite easily when a bottle of acetone was next to the candle, This I found out later, Chain of events, She poured a bit of nail polish on the flame of the candle, a bottle of acetone (lid off) was next to the candle, when the nail polish flared up she knocked the bottle of acetone over which spilled on to the bed then somehow managed to knock the night stand and the candle fell over, the rest is history. Your daughter's not an arsonist. If it wasn't for the power outage she wouldn't have had the candle out at all. It's clearly an unfortunate accident. Take the high road, shrug your shoulders, be glad that no one was hurt, and use it as an opportunity to show your daughter how to use a fire extinguisher. It's not like she was pulling a Richard Pryor and freebasing cocaine! It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  23. How does a drop of nail polish on a candle burn up an entire room? There's got to be more to this. Otherwise, punishing your kid for a candle accident during a power outage seems a bit extreme, at least your attitude/tone towards it does. It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  24. Here's what happens when you try to shoot a gun at Mickey Mouse. Smith & Wesson no match for a mouse It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.
  25. Already being discussed in at least two other threads:;post=3195113;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC; It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.