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  1. they do run a bit smaller as mentioned. I figured the dates of the above posts and my measurements being under the maximum listed, they would have updated their info and the size I chose would be okay.. wrong. they fit tight below the waist, for me. I have the next size coming and will see whats up when it arrives. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  2. space/alpha @1.32 WL canopy started what seemed to be a normal deployment, then the canopy yanked me and went into an aggressive spin. The line twists just started growing and growing. I figured I'd never kick out of that, so I checked my altimeter and cut away, before I had my reserve handle out, I was sitting under my reserve; the RSL did it's job. I didn't even hesitate, just knew it was time to chop and did it. I do practice my EP's before every jump. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  3. go with what makes you happy. you have to pack and fly it ;) you might also take this into consideration, it's a study on canopy fabric, strength and effects of exposure to the sun, based on color: DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  4. I'm interested if anyone knows of any places. My GF is Chinese and doesn't know of any places nearby. the only place listed here in the DZ section is the Club just outside Bejing/Peking... thats over 540 miles away for me... DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  5. I got a cheap Ir dongle off ebay, plugged it into a USB extension cord so I can sync on top of my desk. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  6. if they were to do this, I hope they would have it as a mode you could turn on/off.. battery life will probably be seriously effected leaving it on full-time. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  7. I just mounted mine last weekend. I used a little bit longer screws I found at Ace Hardware, and used the hand strap plate as a backing (and as a drilling template), as the composite is pretty soft, shouldn't be an issue, but I didn't want to take any chances ($1.00 in hardware < $150 altimeter) ;) fwiw, I found that the reuse of the OEM hardware w/o the strap plate only had a couple threads grip in the altimeter. more would be safer/secure pics of my installation below. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  8. I'm in.. but dates/location and venue will factor in I had a good time at WFFC in the past, but I'm not in at the very beginning for cash w/o more details. maybe join or sign up based upon interest, if that proves fruitful, then maybe secure a slot financially as long as it was refundable if the event doesn't happen. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  9. ok, got my Solo II in that little hole.. thanks for the assist. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  10. I didn't want to start yet another G3 thread.. so I'm posting this question in here.... I just got my G3... where are the altimeter pockets? I see some slots in the foam on either side, but they're kinda small and looks like there is actually two cuts per side. the Cookie documents don't speak of this feature. I don't want to assume anything.. the instructions should say something. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  11. +1 Stane will help you, he helped me with some questions about my Alpha about 6 months ago. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  12. the Cookie website has a pic with all the colors... I'm trying to figure out what color I want as well.. with the G2, it was simple, I like the CF look.... now too many choices! DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  13. personally, I had a cut-away at less than 10 jumps into this year, friend had one same weekend. another friend had one the following weekend. and yesterday, another friend had a very close call with a fired brake. and thats just people I know. I've seen more cutaways in the past month than I recall seeing last year. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  14. I have one rig with and one w/o the one w/o is my "spare".. I'd like to get one, but $ is the biggest obstacle right now. hard to justify the greater cost for a low time use rig.. yeah, I know, my life is worth it.. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930
  15. I wonder how long she's been there..(?) it is an airport after all, and I KNOW that airport has been there since at least 1980. I flew my first flight in a private airplane out of there back then (C-150 for those keeping score at home) I wont tell you where I think this lady should go or do with her "problem". I hate whiney bastages who move next to established airports and then bitch about the noise. DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930