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Everything posted by arlo

  1. wow. razor-sharp wit is an EXCELLENT descriptor, erin. he was one smart motherfucker, that's for sure! i met PJ when i moved to zhills in 99. he was packing then. he was always so kind-hearted but would dumbass someone in a second if they deserved it! :) i remember asking him to PLEASE get some lotion on those feet. god bless 'em. then there were the times with the muff bros and the tons of jokes about theo. holy mother of christ! sometimes pj would just say shit that would make you look at him like "where the hell did THAT shit come from?!" lol again, he was brilliant. then there was the little crw wrap incident at the perris nationals.... stories upon stories. damn. this sucks. we sorta lost touch the past couple of years, but as peeps do, i sorta expected to see him roll thru zhills during the winter. i'm very sorry that this won't be the case. to his wife and friends: my sincere condolences go out to you guys up there.... he'll be missed by many in florida, that's for sure. with love, a
  2. kevin, you're my hero. :) super nice to be flying a 4-way while watching your baby go... :) hopefully i'll catch up with you guys soon. i need me some crwdog hugs. love, a
  3. wow. very nice way to let the dust settle, guys.
  4. dude, you are sooooooo funny. :) sounds like you guys were ass deep in the debauchery early last night. hopefully katie was leading the way...
  5. what's going on? you guys gettin' bored? do i need to drive over there?
  6. really? sounds like you might have some insight on this one. i heard it might be alot sooner than you think, but who really knows.. either way, the thought of people being able to upsize their reserve and still be able to keep their uber-small rigs is music to my ears.
  7. arlo

    Mariann Kramer

    bumped up for the weekday crowd and at the request of someone who couldn't find the thread...
  8. arlo

    back in the saddle

    oh quit pissing and moaning and get your ass on the next load. glad you're back, darlin.
  9. hey guys, if you don't mind me popping in here, i'd like to reference a post in Bonfire. a paypal account has been set up for garrett's trust fun by mariann's parents. the information is located in this thread: i just thought this might be the best forum to reference it because so many of you guys knew her. thanks... arlo
  10. arlo

    Mariann Kramer

    hey guys. sorry for all the confusion, but the paypal account has finally been setup. you can access this from the following webpage: if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and i can get the answers for you from mariann's parents or from rick. thank you so very much from mariann's family. her dad isn't computer savvy and has asked us to post this for him.
  11. southern cross - crosby, stills, nash, and young LOVE it.
  12. i'll be in town anyway, so don't be surprised if you see me roaming around there friday eve or saturday...
  13. arlo

    Mariann Kramer

    here's part of the info for the fund set up by mariann's parents. the bank administrator was out today but will return tomorrow with the information regarding paypal and/or the website for the fund. this will be posted as soon as the info is provided to the family. thanks so much and again, we'll get the website info up asap... Mariann Kramer Memorial Fund Attn. William Womack Chase Bank 3382 Preston Rd. Frisco TX 75034
  14. well damn. katie, i was gonna surprise you friday evening. i'm headed that direction for the weekend to decompress a bit. oh least i know where you'll be once school starts. love you sweetie and i'll catch ya next go-round... a p.s. does this mean chuckie's running loose while you're gone? holy mother of god.
  15. thanks for that jim. it was hard to watch, but good to see.
  16. how about a little neil peart... he's not so bad. but: dave grohl... LOVE him.
  17. i should be out there for some part of it. not sure if i'm gonna compete or not. if so, it'll be with some of the same folks you saw me with. be afraid. be very afraid.
  18. remi is a handsome devil, eh? i met him ever-so-briefly in AZ a couple months back. then i got sidetracked with my other friends and never got a chance to chat with him.... sorry remi! good to meet ya though. :)
  19. remember when we got our (proverbial) pee-pee spanked 2 yrs ago, charley hit deland on Aug 13th...a friday. then it was frances, then jeanne. so our bad hurricane season started about this time. i made a pact with my friends in ATL that i'd be visiting them for all the hurricanes. :) this way they don't worry...
  20. i can promise that if ever decide to get a cock stitched onto the front of my vagina and have the hole sewn closed, i will not feel it necessary to play in the NFL or participate in any other manly sports. also, i would not have the cock attached for the sole purpose of participating in aforementioned activities.