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Everything posted by Radioahole

  1. I know you've never been to college/univ, but with higher education comes providing evidence with your claims, like I did several times in this thread alone. The cite must be objective and valid, so make a claim and back it........ just be Rush. College educations are overpriced and common sense is under appreciated.
  2. You nailed it. I'm in Dallas myself. Seen the short yellows, been caught by it a time or two. Basturds.
  3. Sure they do! Just swipe it down their butt-crack! [Sly] Did that to a stripper once. Notice I said "once."
  4. 9.5%, it rose 3.4% THE SINGLE YEAR BEFORE OBAMA TOOK OFFICE FROM YOUR PRESIDENTIAL GENIUS, BUT DON'T COMMENT ON THAT. Obama curbed the hammering unemp at 10.1, then it fell to 9.5 where it's at today. NOW YOU TWISTING SHEEEEET UP. W HAD A 5.6 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. OBAMA'S ISN'T FALLING. UNFORTUNATE FOR AMERICA. As far as who can claim it, unlike the Republican garbage, Obama and the Dems in congress have continued benefits longer than R's would think of, keeping more people on the unemp tally, henc eunemp is artificially higheer than it would be under Republican leadership. We won't talk about fascist Ronnie inheriting 7.5% unemp and driving it to 10.8% as he and Volkers contracted the money supply and gave tax breaks to the rich. PLEASE "ARTIFICIALLY HIGHER." I GOT LAYED OFF TWO WEEKS AFTER bho TOOK OFFICE AND HAVE BEEN OFF AN ON UNEMPLOYMENT SINCE. WANNA KNOW WHY SO MANY PEOPLE GOT LAYED OFF? BECAUSE NO ONE KNEW EXACTLY HOW BAD A SOCIALIST PRESIDENT WOULD F UP THE TAXES, TRADE REGULATIONS(CAP AND TRADE), ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS(ENVIRONMENTALIST WHACKOS SHUTTING DOWN DRILLING. KILLLING MORE JOBS), AND FOREIGN POLICY(IRAN, CHINA, RUSSIA). After GWB's last year ran over a 1T deficit and that wasn't including his TARP money and the economy was in total shambles. Hey, the Great Depression must have been FDR's fault too, huh? Get it, R's fuck thinsg up, (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover) (Reagan) (GWB), then the D's fix them (FDR) (Clinton) now Obama. WOW SHOWING YOUR A POLITICAL HACK RIGHT THERE. I'D LIKE TO THANK FDR FOR CREATING SOCIAL SECURITY TO CREATE A SLUSH FUND FOR THE DEMS THOSE 60 YEARS AGO. I'LL NEVER SEE A DAMN DIME OF IT, BUT WHAT THE HELL, IT AINT MY MONEY ANYWAYS, IS IT? OH AND LETS NOT FORGET ABOUT MEDICARE TAX, WHICH IS BUST. GREAT GOVERNMENT RAN PROGRAM THERE, AY? You don't know history, how can you know the future? So you are of the school that people w/o HC should go fuck themselves? Ah, let charity help them, I see, the dellusion goes on. I HAVENT HAD HC FOR 4 YEARS NOW. SO YEA GO FECK YOURSELF. I AINT PAYING FOR YOUR F'N HC. I AINT GOIN TO JAIL FOR NOT BUYING HC INSURANCE EITHER, GET IT. THIS IS AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE. FREE TO MAKE MY OWN FECKING CHOICES AND SPEND MY MONEY AS I SEE FIT. ME: (Not on my level boy can't arrange a reply): As for Bush, he did everything wrong, cut taxes, boosted spending, took the most robust economy and turned it into the 2nd worst and yet you say he was a good one, huh? Ok, bring me up to your so-called level and show me a major federal tax cut that has benefitted the economy. Quit talking in microcosms and use major trends. Here. here's a chart of the top margina brackets, show me where low taxes were great: I love the rhetoric, so don't stop, but in between it, show me the low taxes and good times. KINDA FUNNY HOW THE DEMS ARE TALKING ABOUT REINSTATING THE BUSH TAX CUTS TO GET THE ECONOMY ROLLING AGAIN. SO THERE ARE YOU FEDERAL TAX CUTS THAT BENEFIT THE ECONOMY. Yea, diff is that GWB inherited a 236B surplus which he turned into a >1T deficit in 8 years, Obama inherited a >1T deficit, 2 wars, the Great Republican Recession, banks on the brink of total collapse and unemp rising like gangbusters - 3.4% the year preceding Obama's term. I guess in a vacuum, that makes perfect sense. No, just 3.4% increase his last year. ME: As for 2012, don't be so sure, I was sure of your boy GWB too. Remember, the young vote is what got him there, they won't forget either in 2012 as to who got us here. You don't know history, how can you predict the future? YOU DONT KNOW SHIT CEPT WHAT THE MSM TELLS YOU.
  5. This is better..... NUTZ but better Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
  6. That is absolutely zero traffic control. Must be a Massachusetts thing.
  7. If you've never served you will never know. I guess all of you Military haters on this board dont realize that every single individual that enlists does of their own accord. All VOLUNTEER Military. In doing so they sign Uncle Sugar a check up too and including their very own life. SO, you can hate them all you want, but until your willing to make that same very sacrifice STFU.
  8. There is no such wording in the Constitution that reads "separation of church and state," or "division of church and state." What the Constitution does say is "there shall be no state sponsored religion."
  9. If he's really posting from zimbabwe(which I doubt), his point of view doesn't surprise me.
  10. Obama can only tie for Number 2 with Jimmy Carter,(a good man but a bad Pres.) W will always be THE WORST. Still blaming bush, eh. Just like the lame duck in office. Obama will be the worst president ever. History will tell that tale, if he survives this presidency without being kicked out of office. I'm pretty sure he's done in 2012. You make your statement based off emotions. Try actually comparing the two's time in office and you'll have to eat your words. Get some intelligence and stop paying attention to the MSM. Apparently you weren't able to see the guy you replied to wasn't giving Obama a compliment. He's saying Obama could be tied for 2nd worst along with Carter. So, "Get some intelligence and stop paying attention to the MSM." Oh, I know he wasn't paying him a compliment. You're not on my level. Obama is worse then Carter. Number one. 10% unemployment(of the people who can claim it), a 1.56 trillion dollar deficit after 17 months of his policies, and Socialized medicine(which will be a disaster). Just to start the debate. As for Bush, he did everything wrong, cut taxes, boosted spending, took the most robust economy and turned it into the 2nd worst and yet you say he was a good one, huh? Cutting taxes is bad? So the less the government has of YOUR PAYCHECK is BAD? HUH? WTF?! So, I guess the worst economy ever is now Barak Hussein Obama's since Bush turned his into the second worse(in 8 years I add we're only 18 months into BHO's). W never had anywhere close to double digit unemployment. As for 2012, don't be so sure, I was sure of your boy GWB too. Remember, the young vote is what got him there, they won't forget either in 2012 as to who got us here. Obama is done. So is Congress and the House.
  11. Not a fan of Ben Quayle, and I've heard the ad. It's ridiculous. It definitely lacks substance. I'd much rather hear what a candidate WILL do, then hear him slam his opponent. Although, It's tough to believe ANY politician.
  12. Obama can only tie for Number 2 with Jimmy Carter,(a good man but a bad Pres.) W will always be THE WORST. Still blaming bush, eh. Just like the lame duck in office. Obama will be the worst president ever. History will tell that tale, if he survives this presidency without being kicked out of office. I'm pretty sure he's done in 2012. You make your statement based off emotions. Try actually comparing the two's time in office and you'll have to eat your words. Get some intelligence and stop paying attention to the MSM.
  13. Roundabouts are retarded. That has to be worst idea I have EVER seen for traffic control. Back to the red lights, I believe Dallas County a while back had to refund or dismiss a metric shlt ton of tickets due to the collection practices/agency. It was deemed unconstitutional. I believe all traffic citations should not result in criminal prosecution. It's a civil violation, but you should still be able to face your accuser in court. Just like any other civil trial. This is America for crying out loud. I'll save my rant about auto insurance for another day/thread.
  14. I think you r point is the most accurate. When these types of "enforcement" are pursued we lose OUR ability to challenge OUR accuser. It's more guilty before innocent due to circumstantial evidence. The camera doesn't show if the driver behind you was following too close for you to make a safe stop and they stopped at the crosswalk line. You still get the fine. That didnt happen to me but I saw a similar incident happen today. The first car got shot by the cam and the trailing car MIGHT get a ticket. Where they were the ones in the wrong by tailgating.
  15. That's good to hear. I'm considering SkyDive Dallas as the place I learn at.
  16. RIGGER you're probably right. I'm pretty sure this is a Yuma chute. Hate to sound like a cheap ass, but has anyone ever traded training for equipment. What if I take this to a local school and they could use another chute this size for the "heavy drops." Impossible? Improbable? What's the scoop?
  17. Tons of threads about this already but if you want to do AFF then do AFF
  18. Tons of threads about this already but if you want to do AFF then do AFF
  19. Big Mike, Dunno if it'd help your situtaion, but I have a Military Surplus canopy. I have a thread in the "Gear and Rigging" forum. Check it out. Maybe it would work for you.
  20. Phree, LouDiamond, Thank you very much for the advice. It looks like ebay will be where I place this chute, then. I'm in no way a big guy and it sounds like I'm not big enough for this kind of chute. I can see how a guy my size would need one if I was in the service, once you add on all the other gear(weapon system, ruck, other items). It's surprisingly in good shape so hopefully someone will snatch this up in the quickness. So let me ask this question, if you dont mind, about first jumps. Tandem or Solo? I really dont want to do the tandem. I wold rather just start the AFF.
  21. If only they would. I'm 25 minutes from there. I am dieing for some tunnel action!
  22. See I did not know any of that. I was able to get the canopy for pretty cheap and figured it would make a good first rig. Shows what I know. I may just turn this canopy into a parasail canopy and be done with it. Any advice about getting a good first rig? Or has that been beaten to death round here and I could easily search for it? BTW, to everyone, Thank you for the quick replies. I asked about this canopy in a military forum and got zilch for an answer.
  23. I believe you're right about it being an MC4. I hope these two pics will come up clear enough to read. Gotta love cell phone cams. The intended use of this rig is to jump. I was hoping to find gear that would have been issued with this type of canopy. Like the harness, risers, etc.
  24. Hello all, have a rig Ive been trying to finish piecing together. Problem is, I dont know exactly which equipment I should use when it comes to weight and what is designed for this canopy. It's a 9 cell military surplus. Grey spec ops type. The 550 cord is in great shape and was never demilled. Slider is in good shape and all the stitching on the canopy looks good. No water stains or storage damage is apparent. I have a pair of risers but I do NOT believe they will hold me. I'm 209, 5'11". I can post some more detailed pics if needed(prolly will be). Thank you for any help/advice in advance. OK, I'm gonna need a lil advice on how to post a pic. Not used to this style of forum. It's showing as an attachment. Hopefully that is what I'm supposed to do.