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Everything posted by furbo

  1. I dislocated my right shoulder in freefall one year ago (jump 16). It took me 5 weeks of immobilization of my right arm; then I have done a lot PT, with an extreme implication (+100 push up every day + swiming 3 miles/week). No surgery. 3 months later I was back on air (but I had tested before my shoulder in the tunnel and it was ok). Now I ve done +50 jumps and everything is cool :) This is just my personnal case, but I just wanted to testify that in some cases, everything fall into places. Heal good & be patient I wish you courage, luck and bluesky
  2. Thanks a lot; these informations will help me. Bluesky
  3. Bad news. Naturally, I ll follow medical advises, put a shoulder brace and test it in a tunnel prior jumping again. But, doctors have already said "it will be OK in 2 months". In fact, my question is about freefall : are there special positions to avoid the risk or positions not to do when I ll be able to jump again? Thanks
  4. Hi everybody. Firstly, excuse my bad spelling (I'm French). 2 months ago, I had my right shoulder dislocated in freefall (1st time), while passing from the back to the boxman position. I tried to pull 3 time in vain. I tried one more time, and it worked out. Strangely, I had no problem under canopy and for landing with my 2 arms… But, just after putting down my rig, right shoulder was hurting a lot again (and blocked). A doc put back my shoulder at hospital easily (but it was a full dislocation). Doctor said adrenaline was the thing which annihilated the pain during freefall and landing (?!) Now I’m doing PT since 2 weeks and recover well, with pain. I want to jump in august and the doc is OK. I posted that thread because I have 2 questions : first is : do you think it is reasonable to jump after 3 months of PT? And also, how to fly in order to reduce the risk (special techniques, risky moves to avoid…). Many thanks for your answers. Blusky