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Everything posted by SpinxB

  1. I'm planning on taking a trip to Eloy in february next year, and just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on the place that time of year, stuff like the weather and activity around the dz :) Thanks!
  2. Hehe yeah I guess that's right... Luckily I only have myself to feed :)
  3. Thanks for the advice :) My initial idea was to live at or close to some DZ and work with whatever really, so I could get my jump count and experience level up. I might not have been clear about my situation. I live in Denmark where jumping is pretty limited. The DZs are really small, they ony operate on weekends and in descend weather (which is rare). So the whole idea was to do it at some DZ elsewhere in the world. I've been thinking about Empuriabrava in Spain since I've been there 3 times, but I am definitely open to suggestions.
  4. Yeah I've read a little bit about the commercial license in New Zealand... Do you know how pricey it is?
  5. So you're saying that everyone who dedicates a large amount of their time to skydiving will end up a washed up bum at the DZ? That sounds a bit pessimistic to say the least.
  6. Well that's comforting :) At least the you were in my shoes part anyway :P There's nothing I want more than to do a few hundred jumps, I'm just trying to figure out how to go about it, hence the thread :)
  7. I plan to ;) I'm just having problems with my Sabre2 190 :P But it's only got like 45 jumps on it, and I've been told that it will soon begin to be more coorporative :) I hope so...
  8. Thanks for the advice :) Only problem is that I suck big time at packing :P
  9. Hi guys. So I am basically looking for advice on how to get a lot of jumps on a budget in like 6 months to a year. My idea is to go to some DZ, don't really know which one yet, to live and jump a hell of a lot to get my experience and jump number up. I guess the obvious solution would be to get a job around the DZ, I would just like to hear some takes on what other people with the same idea in mind have done, and where they have done it... Blue ones :)
  10. That is the most bad ass thing I've ever seen
  11. Hello everybody. So my situation is; I want to get alot of jumps done in like six months, in other words I want to get a lot of jumps done in a short period of time, and I'm not a skilled enough packer to pack others' rigs... What should I do? Thx!
  12. If you dedicate all of your time to AFF during that week (and the weather allows for it), it should be no problem to get through it... I did my AFF at Empuriabrava in Spain, and it took me about 3 full days to get my AFF done. Have fun!
  13. I was trained to use one hand per handle too, and that's what I'm gonna do if I need to cut away, but the method in this video looked just fine to me as well... I've never jumped a WS so I wouldn't know what's best in that situation, but it seemed to work just fine :) Blue ones
  14. I have sort of the same problem, wanting to build up my jump number for the summer. Jumping in Denmark is most of the time chilly to say the least, and the weather guy just said that the temperature won't exceed 0* C all week :( Damn him! Blue ones
  15. You should always carry one! How else are you gonna open bottled beer?? :D Blue ones
  16. Speak of the devil... This year we had a student go through the FJC who thought he was going to take his phone with him on his first jump, presumably to take pictures or something (I'm guessing under canopy). The AFF I caught wind of this, and of course put a stop to it. What does this genius do? He routes a lenght of clear fishing line through the lanyard attachment on the phone, and loops the end of it around his thumb. Then he slips the phone up the sleeve of his jumpsuit, past the elastic cuff, in an effort to smuggle it on the jump anyway. Of course his instructor also caught on to that plan, and again put a stop to it, but it's proof positive that students can and will do anything under the sun, no matter how stupid it may be. OMG... Didn't he notice the camera mounted on his instructor? :p
  17. Okay. Thanks guys. I guess it being a lot of fun is pretty much enough of a reason :) Hehe
  18. Of all the ways I can think of that you'd be at 1200ft with a mal that required cutting away, nearly all of them involve a fuck up of some sort to get you there in the first place. If you pulled at 1200ft and had a mal, you're an idiot for pulling that low. If you rode a mal down to 1200ft, you're an idiot for not chopping higher If you did something to give yourself a mal at 1200ft, you're an idiot for flying like a cock. If someone flew into you at 1200ft, you're both idiots for not looking where you're going Having said that, my personal plan is to do whatever I think will give me the best chance of walking away. 1200ft is low, but I might consider it if the alternative was worse. Well put. I had sort of the same idea, that I would basically only cut away that low if I thought I was gonna die otherwise...
  19. I'd actually like to hear peoples thoughts on cutting away at 1200 ft. as well. Personally it would have to be one bad ass unrecoverable malfunction before I'd do that!
  20. I agree with what people say about he had every right to say no and that he is not obligated to say yes and he might not have been arrogant and what not, but I wasn't there so it's hard to judge. On the other hand I totally understand what you mean about experienced guys who think they rule the world because of their jump record... Fortunately I personally don't run into them very often, but every once in a while you come across that guy with a lot of jumps under his belt, which for some reason gives him the idea that he doesn't have to at least talk politely to people, including less experienced guys. I don't mind at all getting tips and pointers from experienced jumpers if I've made a mistake, in fact I appreciate it, just as long as they tell me without coming off as arrogant. Everybody started off at jump nr. 1.
  21. Hey guys. I'd just like to hear somebodys opinion on the PF tracking suit, and if there is a minimum or recommended minimum of jumps to fly it. Thanks! Blue skies
  22. I agree. As far as the questions go, ask about anything you think is relevant. There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers :)
  23. I agree, that makes a lot of sense. And I mean setting a certain minimum of jumps in order to do certain things makes it a lot easier to get at least a small idea of when you might be ready for it. Fortunately I haven't personally met a lot of "me me me/badass" people around DZs, and people like that really ought to reconsider their involvement in the sport.
  24. Straight up dude :) it would be a shame to let your focus on getting to a certain jump number blind you from the fun of jumping. Blue skies and soft landings!