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Everything posted by base851

  1. My 100% subjective take... Interesting exercise. I've done a fair amount of freeflying in the past so I found that my brain sort of instinctively processed the original from a headdown perspective. But you're right, if you're not used to that sort of orientation, the original may look a little odd. I think you have the right idea in taking everything up to the exit rightside up, then flipping the headdown footage. That way the video is 100% sky->up, ground->down oriented.
  2. OK this whole two wingsuit-BASE-jumping-Yuris is just too confusing. Yuri (outrager) posted in this thread and you're linking to Yuri's (yuri_base) Z-Device thread.
  3. My freefall photography career is a short one, but these are the favorites of my favorites.
  4. Until the canopy pilot decides to make a sudden turn because outs were neither considered nor discussed...
  5. Pilot 150 loaded about 1.5-ish. I've only had it spin up on me once in about 100 jumps on it... and then it just kept flying on straight while I kicked 'em out. Doesn't seem to really care whether you trash pack it or not, opens the same pretty much every time. Front risers on it are a hoot! The recovery arc is so short that you can pretty much dive it until flare time and get a decent little surf out of it.
  6. And so begins vidiction. I have it bad myself.
  7. Nice work! I'm afraid to ask how much the carbon fabric cost.
  8. Don't MAKE me stop this car and come back there!
  9. I've only been to the Utah FlockU event, so I don't have the widest perpective that others may have, but here's my $0.02. Advanced - I personally really like the vertical/3D work you guys have been doing. Adding multiple points CRW-style would be very cool. Beginner/Intermediate - It seems to me that one of the big keys to more advanced flocking is getting to your slot FAST. Sessions on getting to your slot quickly and smoothly, and especially overcoming, as I call it, "crash-o-phobia" (which slows you down as you approach... stop... approach... stop... approach... stop...) would be fantastic. Oh and beer.... lots of beer.
  10. It is hurricane season here. If I got some rope and found a sturdy tree... hmmmm....
  11. Those guys are tearing it up! Let's hope it catches on and we start seeing more and more cool & creative vertical flocks! So many possibilities!
  12. Any of you know anything about the Sony Alpha NEX series still cams? I'm not needing hardcore Canon/Nikon SLR quality. My main concern is light weight & form factor.
  13. I have an older L&B ProTrack set on the SLO jump profile and it works correctly about 95% of the time. It still gives me the freefall alarms even if it registered "deployment" 6000 feet previously, which is nice. I had a Neptune III before and it worked right on the Wingsuit setting. You may want to check the jump type setting on the unit and make sure that it's in a Slow/Wingsuit setting... if it has one. If not, any of the newer audibles should be able to handle wingsuit weirdness pretty reliably.
  14. Woot! Welcome to the flock Jordan!
  15. What's really funny is that they cratered head-to-head. LOL
  16. I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but I've know people my age who have the emotional maturity of a 14 year-old and 14 year-olds who have the maturity of a 40 year old. I'm assuming the adults teaching him are responsible and heads-up, so while 14 is sorta pushing it, if the kid has proven himself in skydiving and has his head screwed on straight, I can live with it. I wouldn't say I'm particularly thrilled at the notion, but I can live with it. BTW: Just finished watching the vid. Looks like he did great. Welcome to the flock!
  17. Others can give the specific "whys"... but there's a reason that wingsuiters tend to upsize.... rather than downsize... their canopies. I currently fly a Pilot 150 that has been very good to me on openings. Don't think you'd want to upsize that 230 though. You probably just had a wonky body position at pull time. It's common on early flights.
  18. Nice stuff! Don't forget to put the grid in for multiplayer! *** ducks for cover***
  19. Oh look... a tostada! Think I'll go do the laundry...
  20. Just to sort of echo what the others have been saying... learn to just enjoy being in the sky. I personally come from a freefly background, and I've found that it serves me well when I tumble out of a King Air door and *cough* wind up in a funky body position. Being on my head in a slight spin is no big deal because... well... I've done it hundreds of times before. YMMV But, regardless of the discipline you choose, just enjoy it for what it is. Each one will teach you body and environment awareness in their own ways. Each one will be fun in their own ways. That's one of the great things about skydiving... the variety and neverending challenge. So stop and smell the roses as you make your way toward your ultimate goal.
  21. WTG Scotty! It was a blast meeting and jumping with everyone. Thanks to DSE, Justin, Callantine & everyone else for putting on and organizing the boogie. Looking forward to next year!
  22. I still regret not getting video of all of the guys (yours truly included) hurriedly turning on (and later off) their cameras. A classic moment on that was the Anynonymous Altitude Giver yelling "You better not be fucking with me!" when I was having problems getting Hyp-Eye to turn off.