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Article Comments posted by verticalflyer

  1. The age old debate, Kudos for raising this. A couple of additions which I think maybe worth a mention. Firstly altitude, what is your hard deck if you are above your hard deck, you pack for yourself (are competent) and jumping a modern well maintained kit then I personally would attempt a 1 shot clear whilst still above my hard deck. Having had 2 PC in tows and cleared both; 1st Pc in two Teflon cables fitted instead of curved closing pin resulted in PC in tow on first jump after Modification. I reached around and physically pulled bridle and cleared it. Second instance PC in tow behind my Viper wingsuit, had not shut down leg wing as much as I could, I shut it down shook left then right and cleared it.
    If I was below hard deck I would be doing full procedures cutway and pull reserve. However I always take an extra 1000ft altitude over personal hard deck, 5 secs extra freefall time vs time to deal with any issues is not a hard personal choice. I jump standard kit for all my jump whether freefly or wingsuit or any other discipline, however if your flying a very long bridle as some do then this could also be something to think about with avoiding main reserve entanglements. No time to think what you might do in these situations you need to have decided before and have that muscle memory drilled for each scenario you can think of.

  2. Councilman24 comments spot on multiple differences in AAD design and operation. Take away read the manual of your AAD not a confusing article for the masses. Also starting articles with statements around 9 AAD fatalities and then failing to qualify a single credible source is not great or any real detail that supports the argument as if in each case the AAD was the real problem.

  3. Perhaps Ellen should have got some decent deployment/packing coaching as apparently she was constantly in line twists and apparently you turn up to DZ's and wingsuiters are cutting away all the time ;) Nice marketing but not really accurate. 1 cutaway in 2002 and over1500 wingsuit jumps with around 900 jumps on massive suits. Currently flying a Viper largest wingsuit ever built with a Spectre 120. So the messaging is not very accurate if your jumping a non elliptical 7 cell, of which their are plenty out their already suitable for Wingsuiting.

  4. Squirrel Epicene manual has an interesting point, their words not mine, "It may be necessary to change your pilot chute for non wingsuit jumps". Nice so you fancy a freefly etc type jump and you may need to swap out your PC what a great feature, but all the promo stuff says its good to go. Not very intelligent.