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  1. Hi everyone, So, I started IAD last summer and scared myself away with a bad second jump. Probably not bad by comparison to what many of you have been through but as a newbie, it rocked me. I walked away saying, "not sure about this" and for several months after, flashbacks of fear made me sure I was content to keep my feet on the ground the rest of my life. I had one tandem prior to IAD. I remember watching a licensed female, run out of the plane and I was like, "yea I want to be able to do that". First IAD jump went great, I was so consumed by the thrill that my mind didn't really process until I was safely back on the ground. On the second one, phew, different experience. I was terrified the entire ride up, climbed out on the step, grabbed hold of the strut, kicked my feet off and was flung like a rag doll off the plane, jamming my fingers. Found out afterwards, the pilot didn't cut the speed back. I am not criticizing at all - he was great and so apologetic, stuff happens you know, just noting the impact on my psyche. I counted to three but I was stunned (my instructor said I curled up rather than arch) but the chute opened, thanks to my quick instructor, not me
  2. Yuengling [Pottsville, PA] - porter and black/tan might be up your alley and Dogfish Head - already mentioned
  3. Wow, I have so many of these but I'll just tell the funniest one... I was sixteen, newly licensed, went to the guy's house and met his family. His mom suggested I move my car because I was on a corner and might get hit by someone flying around it. He lived on a long and windy street so rather than go all the way around, decided to reverse the car. Hit the accelerator instead of the break. Went about 45 miles into a pickup truck. I was too embarassed to get out of the car. His mom thought I was hurt, called 911, the firemen came took me out of the car while the whole neighborhood watched. I begged not to go with the ambulance but underage, they had no choice. Turned out the pickup truck was his sister's boyfriends and the entire bed had to be replaced. In total about $6000 worth of damage.
  4. Thanks everyone for all of the schmoney I know I want to do this and so I'm going to, I can live on rice and ramen
  5. Thanks for the official definition, it all makes sense now
  6. lmao...and I guess I totally lived up to that definition, thanks for the insight, I'll try to live it down after I finish the AFF
  7. I hope I spelled that right. Anyways, I've been reading tons of posts and I have no idea what that means. Could anyone fill me in? BTW, I'm lurking because I am definetely signing up for AFF in March. I have been debating it but I did a tandem jump about three years ago and wanted to do it ever since. After reading your forum posts, I am doing it this year. Is it really as expensive as everyone says? Also, does anyone have any comments on the Crosskeys Airport in Jersey or the instructors? I am pretty close to it so it seems natural to start there. And, do you just show up to your first class or am I supposed to buy gear ahead of time? Thanks for any help! ~Lori~