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  1. Thanks a lot I'll check out his posts! I quickly seen some of his photo's on his page and yes he is a very big lad, I'd assume in th 250 range maybe? Thanks for the help guys!
  2. Thanks a lot! A local DZ says I can sill do tandem jumps, and thye said maybe they can work something out this spring, so I'll definitely be doing a tandem in the spring and hopefully I can start my solo certification! Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, Cheers!
  3. If you have any problems with flexibility, the type of aircraft you jump from could be a consideration. A Cessna 182 or 206 would be a tight fit. If you find a DZ to jump at that operates either of those, have a look at the plane, and maybe put on a rig and have one of the instructors walk you through the aircraft proceudres before you start your training. After a full day of training is a crappy time to find out you don't fit, or have to struggle to fit into the plane. Remeber if you are doing AFF, there will be at least two instructors in there with you and a coreographed routine you will have to follow in order to properly exit the aircraft. Jumping at a DZ with an aircraft such as a Cessna Caravan, Twin Otter, or King Air would make this a non-issue. None of those planes are short on room to manuver inside the aircraft. It might represent a big improvment to the quality of your experience if you are comfortable in and around the aircraft. It might be worthwhile to lose the weight needed so you can jump at any of the DZs listed up-thread. It looks like you only need to drop 10 or 15 lbs. to be under the limit for any of those places. It will also help in making the harness more comfortable (most student harnesses are designed for a more average sized guy) and you won't miss the pounds when it comes time to land. Flexibility is not an issue, and neither of those aircrafts will be an issue either as I am a Pilot and have flown in most of the planes listed I've started a diet as of today and hopefully I can shed off the necessary weight needed to jump! Thanks for the reply! :D
  4. Thanks to all who replied! If anyone else has any information on this, it'll be highly appreciated, thanks!
  5. It doesnt have to stop you, you can always lose that 10lbs.... I know that sounds harsh, but I know of more than one person that did lose weight in order to jump. There is a guy at my dz who lost a lot more than 10lbs so he could jump. Yeah I'd love to just go outside and go for a run. I've got Rheumotoid Arthritis which makes some exercises very difficult and painful however if there is no alternative I will lose the weight, no question about it. I have RA as well. Ive found that regular exercise helps my joints feel MUCH better. That initial push does suck tho I agree. Start slow and work your way up. I really hurt myself in high school by over pushing my limits. I wish you the best of luck
  6. It doesnt have to stop you, you can always lose that 10lbs.... I know that sounds harsh, but I know of more than one person that did lose weight in order to jump. There is a guy at my dz who lost a lot more than 10lbs so he could jump. Yeah I'd love to just go outside and go for a run. I've got Rheumotoid Arthritis which makes some exercises very difficult and painful however if there is no alternative I will lose the weight, no question about it.
  7. Thanks that's what I was wondering. Does anyone know of any DZ's in the Ottawa/Gatineau area of Ontario Canada who would take someone my size? Even as a tandem? I've been wanting to do this my entire life, and I really don't want weight to be the only issue stopping me from doing this!
  8. Hey guys, I'm new to skydiving, however I have always wanted to do it. I've been looking into getting certified here in Canada, and it doesn't seem too expensive, I think I can afford it. i do have some concerns however. I am not a small guy, I'm 6'3 and I weigh 230lbs. I'm not extremely physically fit, however I can hold my own. Just curious if weight will be an issue? one of the local DZ's in my area has a weight limit of 220lbs for their students, so I'm not eligible there... I don't understand the weight issues really because you see people doing tandem jumps and they easily weigh 150lbs, and then you see an instructor who weighs 180lbs all together that is well over 300 lbs...Could I not use the same chute they use? Like I've stated, I'm new to this and really don't know much about it. I'd really appreciate it if someone could shed some light on this for me, thanks!