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  1. Hey, Thanks for all the comments. Because of my job I haven't been able to jump in almost 40 days but I'm looking forward to getting back into it this weekend. It was great to hear that I was not alone in having to repeat jump, thanks for the comments!
  2. Thanks for the link to your logbook, helps me understand that if skydiving was easy then everybody would be doing it! I will say that your input has given a better understanding to the process and to what I can expect. Thanks again, Philmo
  3. Thanks to all for the comments. The first thing that I want to do is to learn to skydive as safely as possible and enjoy the experience, so if I have to repeat a lesson then no big deal; but at the same time I hate to fail! Having to take a break for about two weeks due to work but I already have my repeat jump scheduled for mid July! Will keep you updated on progress/repeats:) Thanks again for all the advice!
  4. I have recently fallen in love with skydiving and have begun the AFF course. Did my 3rd jump today and totally gooned it up, problem with legs on my butt and unstable in my arch so I will be repeating the jump. I'm not a perfectionist but I hate to it common to repeat jumps during the AFF process. Just wanted to see what others experienced during their qualification. Thanks.