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    Skydive Arizona
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  1. Not a vegan, but I've been a vegetarian for 6 years, and I'll likely never go back to eating meat for both health, ethical, and environmental reasons. For me, I derive no pleasure in eating something, even if it was tasty, that required an animal to die in order for me to eat it. And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  2. Here are our fur kids Cooper and Sammy...both are rescues that we bailed out of doggie jail We're still not sure if we rescued them or they rescued us! Words cannot express how much we love these damn dogs. And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  3. I love reading, oh boy do I love it. I feel naked and vulnerable without having a book to read. I LOVE my Kindle Paperwhite. But I also love paper books; I don't discriminate among reading mediums. I have not had to pay for a book in several years: 1. Amazon Prime lets me have 12 free books a year 2. My city has a large and in charge library system, so if I can't get a ebook from them, its certainly available in paperback. 3. I have all these paperbacks that were sitting on my shelf, and it made me sad that they were read only once and not being enjoyed by others SO....I signed up for an online book club (Paperbackswap.com for those interested) that lets you swap books with other members. Basically for every book you send to someone (media mail for one book is usually $2.60), you get to request a book from another member. This book club has worked like a charm. And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  4. Hey! I used to live in Reno; the skydiving gang is smallish, and it might be even smaller than when I lived there (2 years ago) due to some of them leaving the sport. I'll PM you to put you in touch with some of them. And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  5. B.S. in Biology M.S. in Biology (nerd alert!) I review high-risk medical and cancer research protocols and help them get approved at the Research 1 University I work at. I'm amazed daily and proud of the research that's going at my university. Although much of the medical research is 'cool', I hold a soft spot in my heart for the cancer trials and the doctors who are trying to save the lives of our cancer subjects. And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  6. Your post made me cry I'm so sorry for the pain you are experiencing. Our animals have a way of teaching us what is important in life, what unconditional love is supposed to feel like, and how much it hurts when their time is up. I hope that your good memories, of which I'm sure you have many, makes this hard part not feel as hard... And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  7. Out of curiosity, why are men allowed the 30 extra pounds? I've heard this weight allowance difference at other DZs as well, but I've often wondered why. Is it because women tend to be shorter, thus a larger weight concentration in a smaller area? And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  8. My ultimate weight indicator is my jumpsuit, not the scale. "Oh man, jumpsuit's been tight the last couple weeks, I need to lose some mass!" And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  9. Awesome...thanks for all the recommendations, I have them written down in my planner
  10. If anybody is free (Amazon, Mitchells, whoever else) we would be up for getting together and meeting you guys if you're available
  11. I just looked up the Ivar's menu online...sounds good! And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  12. Going to Seattle this week and we have one free day and want to make it count...other than the Pike Place Market, what should we do? Any awesome hole in the wall restaurants downtown we should hit? Space Needle: go or no go? And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  13. I'm with you NWFlyer-I have many books on reserve that are shipped to my library when they are available. We also have a HUGE selection of ebooks, so if you cant find it in book form, its possible its in e book form. And I totally understand about the 3 week checkout...sometimes if its a big book, I have to calculate how many pages I need to read daily to finish it before its due Also, libraries have an amazing selection of music and movies...I don't have or need Netflix and never pay for movies because our libraries basically have everything. Also, for those who have books in their house that they will never read again, there is an AWESOME program called Paperbackswap.com that allows you to send and receive books from other members (which there's like 5 million of them) for only the cost of media mail. So you end up paying roughly $2.41 per book you request. I've been doing it for about two years and it is amazing! And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  14. Of course it matters where the people are from, all sorts of diseases show different characteristics in different populations. I misspoke. What i meant was the anatomy and the method of transmission is the same regardless of location. The preputial sac harbors secretions that may contain bacteria or HIV virus that can be transmitted through sexual contact. And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8
  15. I don't think many folks from sub Saharan Africa read this site. My source was purely to show that there was a meta-analysis done on multiple studies from one large group of people that shows reduces rates of infection. It doesn't matter if the people are from Africa, or New York, the epidemiology is the same. And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant. D.S. #8.8