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Posts posted by shamanski

  1. Quote

    Cookie, Tonfly, and Bonehead all offer a box for the CX100. I think they're all good boxes, but I haven't seen the Bonehead yet.

    how i see there is a high difference in price between cookie and tonfly boxes!!!

    how i know for each fly discipline preferable optimum lens, so The .55 Century is good for ff jumps?

    do u have any ff tests of cx100 in good res? thanks

  2. hello to all

    i have some questions:
    1) i have rawa camera man helmet and what place on him most optimum for cx100 for ff jumps - top or side mounted?
    2) what middle lens is optimum for this camera and by what brand (company)? what can u advise? with my canon hf 100 i has use 0.5
    3) so - only one way easy control - HYPEYE D PRO?
    i can turn it on-off before every jump by hands - 1. open box door - turn on - push play button - close box door?
    4) what box u can advise - tony? for example

    thanks for answers before

    p.s. and anybody post please FF tests of cx100 in good res to check how is it - u can download them at
