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Everything posted by f1racer696

  1. i might not have alot of jumps, but when i did my hop n pops and when i see people do theirs. yes i doesnt not cut back, but he sure as hell leveled off the plane. my first h n p was out of the 99. they talked about it with me on the ground, talk about it again with me on the way to altitude, and reminded me again right before i jumped. if you cant listen to that then i dont see how that is their problem oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  2. Ya I thought 150 was a bit steap. 75 is still alot but more reasonable and fairly understandable. It's just kind of one of those things I would like to so at least once. My friends and I are going down to San Diego most likely may 24-28 so we would probably do it either at the beginning or the end of the trip. oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  3. thats great! dont worry about calling skydive SD i can do that. but yeah next time your out there and can get that number that would be awesome, only if its no trouble, dont worry about it if you cant. but thanks for the info! very helpful. i found one place in Temecula but its 150 per person, and i need at least 4. thanks again! Tristan oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  4. i might be able to make it out for a day or two. but unfortunatley school gets in the way for most of that time [/:/] oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  5. awesome thanks! we might be able to make a detour there on our way to SD. thanks oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  6. Nothing guys?? oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  7. im in! ill take whatever youve got. im already thinking about where to put them on my jumpsuit. oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  8. does anyone know of any places in the california bay area or san diego where they do regular helicopter or balloon jumps? thanks oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  9. yeah and you know hes making mad profit off of those $5 hop n pops. what a rip off... oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  10. Ya Wendy pretty much nailed it. Idk bout the whole dolphin thing but ya. Haha. I'm guessing the point is to demonstrate that you are in complete control without any unwanted movements. I agree there are definatley much more fun ways of exiting but once you get your poised exit down that all will come later oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  11. it's a deepseed suit. I actually got it second hand so I'm not sure if they make stock suits like that or it's only custom. But I woulD recomend definitley going with something second hand first, or more towards the freefly side I think. Cause if you get an RW suit you can't really freefly with it. But if you get a freefly suit. You technically can still do RW with it. Especially at your level and my level ad well, I don't think it's gonna make a huge difference. And I'm sure you can get grippers sewn on if you don't have them oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  12. You gotta learn to belly fly before you start anything else. And that is where the relative wind is hitting right? oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  13. I don't have a lot of experience or anything but when I had about the same jumps as you I bought kind of like a hybrid suit. It's pretty much a small freefly suit with Grippers. It's Been perfect for me and my skill level since I'm still pretty new and kinda getting a taste of everything. oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  14. first off i used the search, but i didnt really find exactly waht i was looking for. or im just retarded at using the search. so i know people jump safire 2's for wingsuiting. but i was wondering. how a safire 2 would be for a beginning wingsuiter. obviously i dont have enough jumps or experience to really even be thinking about it. i was just wondering for later down the road in a year or so cause im in the process of buying a rig with a safire 2 149. i will be loading it about 1.17. is this a really bad canopy for a beginner to wingsuit? or is it acceptable? oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  15. cool guys thanks for the reply oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  16. anyone have experience with this canopy? is it any good? i read a bunch of the reviews and it seems people like it, but in the future i want to get into wingsuiting. if i still have this canopy, would it be something i could wingsuit with? oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  17. my friend just left for perth yesterday! shes gonna be there for 6 months. happy new year! oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  18. the parents got me a new Cookie GAS! oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  19. you better not be drinking my taquila oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  20. then lets see them. cause all i have seen is people giving you shit. but i would like to see those PM's of people on your side. hmm, i wonder why they just didnt post it in the tread? oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  21. anyone in here know why you cant install a skyhook on a Wings container? oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  22. I don't think I would actually post it for 700. That was just an estimate to see if someone would pay that. But what do you think I could get for that? 400-500? Or not even that. That's kind of dissapointing. Cause I realy like the canopy. Its just probably not to great for what I want to do. oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  23. ah i see. ya i didnt know that. yeah i get a bit of oversteer but its pretty easy to control since i have a pretty low wingloading oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  24. the colors are black, dark blue, light blue, yellow, light blue, dark blue, black. To tell you the truth I don't know what the lines are. They are the original lines though. Send me your email in a PM I'll send you some pictures. oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61
  25. i got the diablo 170 at about 35 jumps. they gave me a good talking to about its capabilities and how careful i have to be. the stuff people have said about it i havnt had any trouble. like yes it oversteers, but so what? its not hard to correct. and people say its twitchy and hard to land? not really for me, i havnt had any trouble landing it. i came into this sport from some other extreme sports and i know from experience that you cant think your hot shit and try stuff your not ready for, or your gonna hurt...bad. and i dont really need to downsize, i started on a 170 and am really comfortable with it, and i kind of want a new canopy that i can eventually wingsuit with. like a spectre or a pilot or something. and if im gonna get a new canopy than i want to get one that i will keep for a while. im not really looking to downsize like RIGHT NOW, but sometime in the next 6 months or so. im in no rush. sooo pilotpilot. any offers? haha oh dude DUde DUDE BRO DUDE. omg DUDE! ummmmm. i forgot.... Dudeist Skydiver #61