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Everything posted by hermosabeach

  1. http://mashable.com/2012/06/27/google-glass-skydive-video/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29 Pretty sure it's a matter of time til the first AFF asks if he can jump with it.
  2. the manual was useless to me too. it says "hit right front access" which i couldn't figure out. after trial and error, i finally discovered it means: press the right front button, let it go when the access light blinks hold the right front button when the access light lights again let go of the right front button then you can tap the right front button to turn backlighting on / off.
  3. Sent you a PM, i live right by the pier also, and drive down to SD to jump. nice to meet you!
  4. Me too. something just seems wrong about that when i i go to bed earlier on the weekends.
  5. You don't have to wear a jumpsuit, but it's highly recommend you wear one, they come free w/ the rental. Look around the drop zone, how many bad-ass skydivers don't wear them? There's a reason for that. Talk to bonnie at gravity gear, and start to think about getting one for yourself, they act like chains on a car, and make sure that your clothing and such don't interfere with your handles.
  6. for those of you who follow the prank wars, there's a new one that involves skydiving of some sort. Debuts tonight. Wonder if anyone knows what's up with it. http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1794361