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Gear Reviews posted by Grumpy

  1. First the good - When it came time to retire my previous camera helmet, I checked out everything on the market and this design stood out in terms of safety and functionality.
    The camera box is internally latched and flush with the side of the helmet so the chance of snagging is virtually eliminated. I can review footage,and access firewire and charging sockets on my PC 104 without removing the camera from the helmet and I can easily alter the angle of the camera for freefly, tandems or FS. It has twin internal audible ports which are located over my ear (unlike a lot of other helmets I considered which have them half way up your head) so I can hear both easily.
    I've done 200 jumps on the helmet and it's extremely comfortable and secure. Finish is tip top and all the fittings are high quality.
    Style is very personal but for what it's worth I think it's the business.
    The icing on the cake is that it cost substantially less than any comparable helmets!
    And the bad news? They may just be too good. They've become very popular at my DZ so when there's a line of identical helmets hanging on the rack and I'm rushing for a load it can be difficult to identify mine from the rest!
    Highly recommended