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  1. I am just over an hour now.. and I am working on transitions and feeling stable on my back. How quickly you get to a sit depends on how stable and quick you move through on your back. I would not rush it though, enjoy the tunnel remember this is suppose to be fun.
  2. I recently started at the tunnel myself, I fly at iFly-SF Bay. I can only speak to the way that it worked for me. I called iFly front desk and they transferred me to one of the coaches. I spoke to them about my needs, because I was already a skydiver I did not need a first jump course. I have a feeling that the two new people probably caused the issues. In my experience going to the tunnel, the front desk people are not trainers and are just trying trying to figure out the best fit, with little to no experience or knowledge. I am glad that your experience with the instructors went better.
  3. Great show as always really enjoy listening to you guys... recently I have started from episode one, its great to listen to how you guys have grown.
  4. This is what I have read, I am still a little ways from picking up my first chute but I have been throwing these two around as the ones I would like to try. Will follow this by saying I am not wanting to downsize just looking for a first chute
  5. I am really new to the sport, and this is just a question. Do you think high performance landings have caused these numbers to increase. With the push of more people getting into "swooping" do you think you see less experienced jumpers pushing the envelope faster to get smaller shoots faster and preform the more aggressive landings. Just a question on what people think.
  6. I have lost my first military log book, I was just lucky that I also had copies of my jump manifest because of pay issues regarding jump pay. I do have both the iPhone app and plan on using a hard copy for back up.
  7. look forward to seeing it though I would print one
  8. In defense I try to get advice from multiple sources, people, forums, experts/instructors and manuals (if applicable). Then I take the information and compare to what I read. People around me hate it because I read everything about the subject to learn as much as possible. Now I do know that there are a lot of people out there that are not like myself, but there are a few. As people have mentioned on here already I feel that bad advice or information can be experimented with no matter if your a student or fresh A license holder. In some cases one might think that the fresh license holder might be even more dangerous because they don't have instructors/coaches jumping with them. The other advantage you do find on here a lot is there are a bunch of really experienced jumpers like POP's that ready post and have no issue with politely or impolitely if needed telling someone there an idiot By no stretch do I think that anything on this thread is wrong. But I do feel that subjects like this could lead to an issue of instant flaming of noob's on the forum. If members start to think that any person on here that doesnt have X number of jumps is an idiot. It can create a huge shirt of new members not reading or posting, which in my experience with other forums is the quickest way to alienate new people interested in the sport and kill this forum at the same time. Please like everything else on here take this as my opinion. Nothing more or less
  9. I am a new jumper here and I would like to say that I read a lot on here, but I then take the information and try and measure that against common sense. Then if I have questions I usually pm someone that I believe knows what there talking about on here. Or will ask my coach when I start my classes.
  10. They where talking about this on Skydive Radio on the most recent episode. Crazy to think peoples first jump could be a base.
  11. How do I get your job for one day.. Thanks for the heads up
  12. Well she wants to jump, so I have the advantage there. So I am having here do it early so if she gets hooked she doesn't regret waiting. The main thing is that I want to wait for my AFF until after her tandem to see if she wants to continue with it or is done with jumping.
  13. I have though it would be nice to get a club at my school. The issues that I have noticed was that a lot of people just want a free jump. But any info that you get would be nice, to pass on.
  14. Well our forecast is rain... :( For this weekend.. I knew I wasn't going to get to jump, but I am hoping to get the GF hooked with a tandem jump.