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Everything posted by Newbie

  1. Excellent suggestion Link now added "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  2. hi all, i could have sworn i already put this post up already! I would really appreciate feedback on the latest vid - which incorporates tracking, tracing, vertical sequentials, spaceball jumps and all sorts of other freefly goodness. This was shot over 2011, and incorporates the Vector Festival in Prostejov, Funshine Boogie in Seville and the UK headdown record as well as a few other fun jumps thrown in to spice up the mix. Enjoy, and as ever, constructive criticism and feedback always appreciated!
  3. Hi gals and guys (and small chimpanzes) the world over! Made a short little vid of boogies and jumps from 2010 to hopefully get y'all hyped, psyched and bag piped for the 2011 season. As ever, whether you love or hate it, feedback is always appreciated Adios muchachos, have a fun, safe 2011 all! "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  4. I love Andrew Kramer, he is my god. On a serious note, i try and go through his tut's and then add a small twist in some way. That way it feels like im not stealing ALL of his genius and creative brilliance. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  5. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  6. thanks for the tip DSE. What do you think to some of the new tech in cameras like the Casion EX-F1 that shoots at 300/600 fps Example footage: I'm sure you pay in res, but some of these guys are uploading pretty good footage shot in high fps on youtube. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  7. I posted up a test vid of 1 jump some months back highligting the Opteka 0.3x lens for some peeps on here who wanted to see what it was all about. Here is some more of the same, hope this helps you guys out when making a decision about possible HD lenses. Enjoy "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  8. Some test footage from my CX105 with the Opteka. I exported this straight out of Sony's PMB software as MPEG2 and couldn't play with any settings, so the actual quality of the upload to Youtube isn't great (you can see it's not a particularly smooth video) and my camera is still a little shaky (still playing with the mount/set up) but this gives you a fair idea of the quality of the lens for shooting HD Youtube footage atleast. Hope this helps you guys make a buying decision. In all honesty i think this lens is amazing given the price. The actual quality output is higher than what you see here. Yes there is some aberration around the edges, but its not as significant as what i have seen when people are using SD lenses on the CX105 (which is to be expected i guess). All in all, not bad for $100!
  9. Thanks bdrake - woulod be VERY interested to see some test footage with the opteka too if you manage it!
  10. Thanks Bill, very useful. I'm probably looking to get the Opteka 0.3 now - seen some footage on youtube, looks decent and a full 0.3 wide angle. Cheers! "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  11. Bill is that right? i.e. the Raynox 3032 on a CX100/105 is actually more like a 0.5 wide angle view? Thanks "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  12. Hi all After 6 years of my faithful PC9, i'm going tapeless and have taken the plunge and bought a CX105. I have a couple of Royal Lenses which i use, but from what i gather, they are not best suited to capturing HD footage because the resolution is lower than some of the HD specific lenses being talked about in the forum. My question is, to what degree of degradation/image quality will i use if i just continue to use my Royal Lenses? To be honest, i don't really want to have to sell them, and i really like them, but if it's not going to cut the mustard and give me the full HD res, then i'm motivated to look at other lenses that are being discussed here. Is anyone using the Royal on their CX100/105? Any links to footage? Thanks to anyone who can provide some steer here. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  13. I noticed there was a Vector festival boogie in Spain later this year - what are these festivals all about? Is it something sponsored by UPT? Are they any good? I know there is some Youtube footage of a wingsuit-focussed Vector festival from 2006 or something, but what are they like in general terms? Thanks to anyone able to provide some info "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  14. If, like me, you enjoy evenings of cheese and wine, while watching the odd air trapeze show and discussing it's virtues as an artform, perhaps you might like to enjoy the smells of the new "our plaYground productions" video, which i have creatively entitled "2008" which symbolises the inspiration, drive, and energy of the year in which the footage was shot. This film was edited lovingly to inspire fire in your groin/Ladies Bits, and i would love to hear from those of you who have the prerequisite 2-5 mins it takes to download and watch this what you thought, and if you liked/disliked what i have tried to create (which is essentially a visual loin-stirring experience of wind assisted tomfoolery set to a musical piece akin to Beethovens 2nd). GRACIAS AND I LOVE YOU ALL LIKE THE CHILDREN I THANKFULLY DO NOT YET HAVE!! PS I am proposing to run my competition which is linked in the comments section in the United States of Amerikey - please come up to me at a dropzone if you see me (i will be wearing the Sasquatch suit and smoking a blunt in the corner) and let me know if you prefer Hersheys or Reeses Pieces and i will shower you in x1 bar of either one or the other but certainly not both, what do you think i am, made of money, now get out there and shake your rump like your momma did show you how etc etc. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  15. Many thanks for the feedback, i always appreciate it, and thank you for the kind words.
  16. our plaYground productions Halloween Special (in so much as the vid is called "666" ) How much fun can you have in one day at the dz? 6 friends... 6 hours... 6 jumps... A short tracing/tracking vid to help set the scene for the forthcoming "our plaYground" year-end video... Please feel free to leave constructive feedback
  17. Hi all, To celebrate the leap year i've uploaded our year end footage in time for the start ofthe season. I would as ever appreciate any and all constructive feedback to help improve on the vid for next year. It's 100meg in size, but hopefully quite entertaining. You can find it the SDM here: Thanks to any and all that can provide some feedback on it.
  18. If the nominal value of your house, i.e. book price if you sold it today - is the same as the book price from 2 years ago, then in real terms it's worth less today than then, because inflation has been about 3-5%/year depending on what figures you look at and who you believe with regards to the rate of inflation. A book price is not also necessarily the selling price. If you paid $400k and its valued at that today, obviously it goes without saying you will be unlikely to get slap bang on what you ask, particularly in times when the market forces shift to favour the buyer and not the seller, which is what many of the US real estate markets seem to be finding themselves in at the moment, it would seem. "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  19. Yep. Case in point: Last year, two of our neighbors (one next door, one across the street and up one) both sold their houses within a week for full asking price. Now, our neighbor across the street and down has had her house on the market for over 6 months and has had to lower the price twice and it still hasn't sold. Our house just over-appraised (I know it's inflated; I used to work mortgage and I know what they were doing. ) for $401k. We bought it for $203 in 2001. Right now, that neighbor has a better yard, about 200 s.f. less living area, but isn't selling at $318k. These homes would be 'reasonably' appraised in the high $300's. Seattle area is supposed to be holding better than much of the country, and we're feeling the squeeze alread... What do you think about the ARM resets due next year and the likely impact on sales going forward? Given your background in mortgage sales etc, would be interesting to know. Here is the chart from the Real Estate Journal... There is a scary amount of subprime ARMs about to reset, almost double that of 2007. I'm not a betting man, but the data points to further nominal falls or at the very lleast ongoing stagnation, leading to real falls through inflation. I can't see the Fed able to cut rates too much either, certainly not in the medium to long term, there is still way too much upside from inflationary pressures for that to happen. The 50 point cut was a shot in the arm but it's the equivalent of a body builder taking more and more steroids to artifically inflate himself - you know something will eventually have to give out. The old "between a rock and a hard place" comes to mind... "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  20. Alot has happened in just over a year. Just thought i would resurrect this one to see what sorts of price drops people have seen in their areas. I know Manhattan and SF area are still holding out well, but aside from that it seems like a full blown crash for a lot of the US, outside the still much-in-demand metropolitan areas. It has all the feelings of a recession to me, and as the old saying goes, when the US sneezes, Euroland tends to catch a cold... "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  21. What did you think? "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  22. Holy shit dude, thanks so much! I knew it would be a good idea to post up on here...and it took you all of 3 mins to put me out of my misery. Much appreciated! "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  23. This is driving me crazy - i think its a late 90s early 2000s flick - 2 consultants, one a complete dick, the other a nice guy. On their travels, the nice guy ends up falling for a blind girl (i'm pretty sure she was blind). Then he gets talked out of dating her by the dick colleague of his, only to have the dick start to date her for himself. It all goes wrong and i seem to recall she was working in a bank afterwards and the nice guy who dumped her bumps into her. I can't for the life of me remember what it was like. If anyone can tell me and put me out of my misery, it would be greatly appreciated! "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts
  24. Alot of what you say rings true - i put one side in first which generally tends to be neater than the other side which is more stuffed and often not as even as the first side i bag. Please share any tips you were told on bagging up more evenly, i would really appreciate it. Thanks "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts