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Everything posted by stcyrjoe

  1. Well said! CHEERS I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!
  2. That video is funny as hell!!!! I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!
  3. Im new to the sport and a waiver will not make me think twice about something a wanna do. I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!
  4. Im right there next to you. Everytime I hear a plane or look up i wanna go jump. I think my friends are getting sick of me talking about it so much. And NP I will definitly see you on Sunday. I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!
  5. Im gonna talk to them this week and see If i can bang out my first few jumps. i do not know if they will let me start the class this late but I will see. I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!
  6. I will be starting my AFF in the spring. CPI is a great DZ my first jump was a blast but not as much fun as Yesterday. And I have already met alot of great people at CPI and a few on here that will be there on Sunday when I go back. I also wanna learn as much as possible before my AFF class next spring would you recommend learning how to pack and help people out and hope they return the favor. Thanks Joe I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!
  7. Jim im right there with you!!! I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!
  8. Well i did my first jump 5 years ago. But Sunday was my second jump and know im hooked it is all I can think about. Im going again next Sunday and hopefully a few more times before it gets to cold. Then in the spring Im gonna start my AFF class so Im gonna try and learn as much as I can from you guys until then. Thanks Joe I finally realized what I was missing in my life!!!