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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. Not that I know of, it's anyones guess. It's better to say 'I don't know' then to claim god did it. Gods and deitys were created by men to explain the things they couldn't explain.
  2. The Bible is of human creation. The idea of god is of human creation. You were suckered in by it. You imagine some all knowing invisible being that has no evidence of ever existing. If you can't scientifically show or have any evidence of any deity existing then there is no reason to believe in any deity.
  3. That's what I thought, pretty much anyone that doesn't believe in the bible or your religion is "spiritually depraved". Pretty narrow minded aren't you.
  4. oh you are still working weekends? That's why I don't see you out much on Sat and Sun. I will be out of town this weekend, but plan on being at the dropzone the next weekend. I will have to make it out on Friday so I can jump with you.
  5. Yeah I have been planning on doing some tandem video. I don't want to do it full time, just help them out now and then when they are swamped. I just added a still camera and haven't been able to try it out yet. When will you be at the dropzone next? I haven't jumped with you in a long time.
  6. Sorry man that doesn't look great to me. I jump a 2k Composites FF3. For a side mount I think it's the best helmet out there. I really don't like that big piece of metal on there. It looks like one big potential snag point. If I were to buy a new camera helmet right now, I would get a Vapor Wes Pro. It and the Bonehead FTP give you the most flexibility in what type and number of cameras you can mount on it.
  7. Come on Ron, of course they wouldn't hear gun shots. Everyone here uses silencers!
  8. What is "spirtual depravity"? From what I have seen of your writings here on it appears to be not believing in the same religion as you.
  9. Hey Mikel, Why did you choose Cookie for your helmet? From what I saw from looking at their website, they are primarily a side mount video camera helmet. So the only way for you to jump both a still and video camera is to side mount the video camera and top mount the still camera. Have you thought of getting a Bonehead Flat Top Pro or a Vapor? That way you can top mount both cameras.
  10. oh man then there would really be a conspiracy at hand!!! I guess it wouldn't be SC if people didn't blow things way out of proportion.
  11. Their motive is pretty obvious. They wanted to put their best foot forward. They wanted to present their General in the best possible light. Your comparison implied that their changing the photo is similar to the crimes you used in your comparison. Changing the photo is not that big of a deal. The AP rejecting it isn't that big of a deal either.
  12. hmm, What if the Muslims are right and everyone else is wrong? What if the Hindus are right and everyone else is wrong?.... There are so many what if's, which one do I choose? I would rather go with the evidence, rational thinking.
  13. Ahh the classic we don't understand so why bother trying, God must have done it arguement! The biggest problem with creationism is that it starts with a conclusion and then looks for evidence to support it. That is the biggest difference between it and any science and why ID is not and can never be considered to be science.
  14. That's a bullshit comparison. Nothing was stolen or harmed by adding a flag in the background to make the photo look better. No one here has come up with a good reason to be upset over this. All photos should be considered questionable when used as evidence. Anything can be photoshoped. This photo was not submitted as evidence of anything.
  15. This wasn't a photo that was submitted as evidence. Why should be treated as evidence?
  16. I don't see how this is a big deal? So they put a flag in the background?
  17. Yea, she was hispanic so it really took me off gaurd. I really don't think about race that much. It's too late to change now. Not like I had a choice anyway.
  18. LOL that sounds familiar. I am half Mexican on my Dads side, but I look "White". I was at a Sears and the girl at the cash register noticed my last name on my credit card and looked at me and said "I thought you were white!". I wasn't sure how to respond to that.
  19. I would rather have this over the CX12. I would not use it to replace a still camera. That's not what it is for.
  20. In this case being a USPA member is needed. These dropzones are USPA group members and would require you to be a USPA member. I have never been to a USPA group member dropzone that did not make this requirement. It's mostly for the insurance that is included in the USPA membership.
  21. This just reinforces my disdain for the news media. It shows their bias and disregard for accuracy. Whether or not Palin is qualified to be VP or P doesn't matter any more.
  22. If I were to buy a new rig right now. I would get a Vector Micron with most of the options, a PD Optimum 143 reserve and a Katana 107. Not sure what the end price would be, but it's not cheap.