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Everything posted by richravizza

  1. Is anyone makin Ben Bucks
  2. If you can't beat'em Join'm. Just a Rehash of the RICH GET RICHER thread. Six Flags (SIX) Pays 5%+ has doulbled,the div.Doubled, NOW there's a Split.My $7,000 is worth $30,000 and it pays $me $350 every three months. That $ 10,000 I saved up For 10 Yrs.(30yr ago) AT&T Pays over 6%.My 1st dividend checK was $128 3yrs ago now it's $230 every 3 months.In 3yrs. it's now worth $ 18,000. Corporate America is not the Problem,It's our Solution.
  3. Educations the KEY, We'll teach our kids about Sex, drugs, and global warming !!! But, Wealth creation, Personal Financial independence FAGETTA ABOUT IT!! I'm one of those ON the Poverty line,but that doesn't stop me from: Paying myself First Dollar cost averaging Investing in Income producers. The gov't SSI systems is going to be a losing investment. So we're all in it for our selves.
  4. The gummit has been growing @8.5% per yr.for the past 10+ years.It's more than Doubled in size. The Working Class just Recieveda 2.5% pay reduction.We all have to"manage it" All gummit MUST DO DA SAME(da sequesture). A 2.5 % reduction from da 8.5% growth rate,leaves the gummit a 6.5%pay raise(OOPS)I meanGrowth.No Cuts have been made. Small cuts of growth,@1% per yr. is management. Economic growth will then tip the scale toward a sustainable future.
  5. I mentioned this to Cal City Refugees this Sat. @ Perris. All were a "GO" for Sat. and /or Sun. once or twice a Month. Weekdays were a "NO GO"for the majority. so ADD 6 to the List
  6. Please put me on a contact list,I Can't PM you with my info?But I'd love to meet all them legends. Sat. & Sun. Works best.
  7. How many Obama supporters actualy read his Books ? How do you feel about his Ideals? Do u Feel the Movie"OBAMA 2016" was Accurate ?
  8. It seems like the current admin. has vision without a plan and doomed to this failure. the current tech. for "green" fossil fuels have been Shuned & dismissed, for less effective higher cost technology. example: honda Nat. gas Civic, costs less than a high bred,get about the same mileage on a per Gal/cost. yet emits less emissions then the a HIGH BRED. american want an alternitive that has a meaningful and lasting impact.
  9. QuoteAgreed. A better approach would be to not make the stupid statements to begin with Oboma "this will be a one term proposition if unemployment isn't below 6%" "cut the nations Debt in half" health care bill will reduce costs dramatically My admin. transpancy
  10. I think it a Loaded Question. Look @ the Graph Who in the middle Hasn't Lost 50K in Home Equity? " ' in 401K / IRA ? How many mid class lost a good payn job/ income? I think(oops)U answered your own Question: WITH A STRONG ECONOMY.HOW? Start with an ENERGY POLICY, How can the Greatest Nation On Earth be captive to the Middle East/foreign energy Producers. The US can produce Natural Gas @ an advantage to any other. Rite NOW 1 million BTUof nat gas in the US is$3.00,cleaner ,cheaper, abundant,Domestic Energy Asia ,mid east, Eurpoe Costs $15.00 We have the ability for a Manufacturing Renaissance!! WE just need a Pro Growth, Pro Free Market Capitalist Admin, NOT with a "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THIS",administration. Mitt first course of ACTION, XL pipe,100% American Energy Independence by 2020
  11. Supporter No, but I'm indep. & voted for him in the Hopes of Troop removal.My Take' My president Now Has Hope in ME?thoght is was the other Way Around. Where's the BEEF? No mention how to FIX: unemplyoment,he did say He was one term proposition if it was above 6% Debit,he did say he would cut in Half. Please Mr. Pres. Throw me a BONE !!! I heard the same talk, But NO PLAN.
  12. Any mention of a bridge Fuel like Nat Gas? The NG hona Civic is priced a Couple Grand more than gas, the Volts pay off is 10 yrs. NG civic have 30% less emissions, 36-40MPG with a cheaper fuel than the Highbred. Domestic, Clean Cheap fuel for a century or more. Big Nasty Class A deisles need to blaze the trail for distribution,& adoption to the masses. I burn it /breathe it every day I Cook.
  13. Leo Davinci, I have always longed to Fly. Cannot afford to be a private pilot,when I can, I will. Swimming thru the sky,is truly flying. (some call it falling) The contrast between terminal & Canopy flight. The Flight it's self, peacefully,quietly floating 1000's of Ft.above the,machine confining U within. My dreams of flight Realized.
  15. WOW Thanks for all the advice, I'm thinking I'll ask my rigger to install Loops @ my next repack. I chickened out this weekend, still haven't landed on my rears alone, there was a stiff wind on my last jump of the day,But bailed to the brakes at the last moment.GEAR FEAR? Anyhow after 3yrs, & 180 jumps, this crw pass was a memorable jump & plan on doing one @ sunset from here on. SO MANY HIGH SPEED TURNS/DIVES made me seasick.
  16. Did a solo crew pass @ 11K & Wore myself out flyn around on the rears. If loops are on the fronts , why not the rears? It was a great learning experiance,a couple more flights & I'll be confident enough to land with the rears.(with a stiff head wind) Loops sure would help.
  17. HEY GUYS HOW ABOUT THE "US NAT GAS ACT" Eliminate oil imports ,reduce emmission by50% USA energy independence. Convert Dirty Coal plant to Nat. Gas. Boost Manufacturing/Construction. US NAT GAS = 11 Bucks for a barrel of oil equiviant reduce transpotation cost/energy intensive Products,at the same time reduce pollution. MANY MORE BENIFITS not listed. I've been fallowing this bill for 3 yrs,HOPING FOR CHANGE? LOL NOW, DEMs will say the REPBs won't pass anything, But the Dems are doing the Same!!!!
  18. OBOMA the Great Devider. 2 DAYS BEFOR A HOLLYWOOD FUND RAISER. mAKES A 'pERSONAL STATEMENT" AND mAKES 14 MILLION $ FOR RE-ELECTION. he'S jUST Buy'n VOTES,the old way, with 'Hope & change' Then said "it a STATE ISSUE" if so why open your mouth,=NO CHANGE/no action, JUst DIVIDE the US,and DEFECT IN REAL ISSUES. THE ECONoMY IS THE #1 CONCERN THE NATIOAL DEBIT #2 Concern No Change/action Marrige Issue #18 onthe list?.... EVEN DEM. Ex-pres.BILL Clinton thinks this guy is a AMATURE!! AMERICNs DONT CARE WHERE WE"VE BEEN, ONLY WHERE WE"RE GOING! AS FOR HOPE? THAT FEELING LEFT 3yrs.AGO The Balanced Budget Act, BOLDS/SIMSON ACT The US Natural gas act all SHOT DOWN BY HIS PARTY
  19. I noticed on on Skydive Taft website gumpy old farts reunion,on May 26th.
  20. NO EFEN WAY!!! ARE U NUTS? Just think for a moment, WHY DO FREE AMERICANS VILIFY AMERICAN SUCCESS. we have no one to blame ,but ourselves. BLAME ONE OF THE GREATEST AMERICAN, NO THE WORLDS GREATEST,Innovator, Inventor,Employer,Wealth creators, we have ever Known!!! ALL ON THE DAY AFTER HIS DEATH. THEN BLAME HIM FOR OUR GOV'T WRONGS. HENRY FORD, Thomas Edison, Don't even Compare to this Man, and your going to bash him because the middle class is being screwed. Want to blame someone Look no further then your VOTE. He started in his garage,walked 6 miles to get a free meal at a soup kitchen,because he was broke. We all have a lot to learn form this mans life
  21. +1 The soft ones are our elected"LEADERS" Their heath care, retirement,Other benefits,Staff,and perks ALL PAID FOR BY THE Sweat of WORKING poor,self-employed ect. All of witch is better that what "we the People"can afford.or "entitled" to. Don't let thousands work for Boeing,when they can get a 4 yr vacations Collecting unemployment. The Gov't in the meantime keeps growing @ 8.5%, effectively DOUBLING IN SIZE EVERY 7 YEARS. YEA The country's Getting Softer all Right, STARTING RIGHT AT THE TOP!
  22. Go to a Wind tunnel !!! In a matter of mins. things will start clicking. You'll have a good relitive reference (the walls/ instructor)& you will work on your muscle memory. Fly Big up High,with turns ,side slides, ect Fly small down Low,with turs,slides, forward; rear movements. Pick a simulated Alt., practice pulls, E.P. ect. Have fun, relax, Tracking skills can't be practiced , But your balance, and corrections in body positions will help. I allways try to have Altitude Awarness in Mind.I break the time in tunnel into sections with a simulated pull/E.P. drill. @ $10-20 a Min. It's alot cheepr than coach jumps!
  23. Do some research on knee resurfacing, the FDA hasn't OK ed their use in the US yet, But it's much less invasive & recovery is but a faction. Oh , the cost is even less. the whole idea of cutting off the jiont,instead of just the broken down surface,seems a bit much to me!! Hope this helps
  24. I'll bet she's living on SSI, collecting food stamps from wefare, & Medicare for all the meds.& hospial stays till she,s gone.