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Everything posted by robskydiv

  1. Why are you pulling so high???
  2. Thanks Krisanne. Alot of good advice from everyone.
  3. Could not agree more! Do the Dave Ramsey debt thing before you invest any for you or your kids. Pay off all cars and CC debt first! Then do 401k up to the match then Roth IRA. Traditional IRA's are NOT as good! I would look at college saving's acounts for the kids then when they are of the working age (14) you can contribute what they make at ajob to Roth IRA's for them. You can get all of this on Ramsey's web site. Also if you look on his site he has ELP's (endorsed local providers) (top right of page). I have had great luck with a few of his ELP's. He has them for financial advisors. Check it out. Yes and no. Not all of Dave Ramsey's advice. Emergency savings for this, savings for that, pretty soon I wouldn't even be able to live a Spartan lifestyle or more importantly, skydive.
  4. I took about 1/4 semester of French in college. Since it was summer course, I had to concentrate more on Biology so I dropped it. However, I did name my cat Le Chat Noir. & yes he was a black cat.
  5. Thanks everyone. Keep'em comi'n if you haven't posted. btw What about gold?
  6. Early next year, I'll be able to start savings for my two children's college funds. I was thinking of an IRA or two IRA's. Do you think that the economy will recover? Or am I best suited to invest in CD's and bonds? One more savings for my personal retirement as well. Would you recommend 401K with the company (diversified of course) or IRA? Or Real Estate. All suggestions welcome. Thankyou (2 children btw) Harrison is 9 yo and Evelyn is almost 5
  7. Has to be a really low price... OTOH, prolly not.
  8. Just an observation, Is this guy displacing someone who had hoped to find work as a TI? If I'm not mistaken, Hawaii could use more TI's also. Just some thoughts...
  9. What I got out of that was that while you were slow dancing they could feel what they thought was a huge penis and they had to check it out. I've told some women (while dancing with them) what had initially attracted me to them. Then I asked them what about me were they attracted to. Fortunately I got an ego boost from it and some much needed encouragement at the time.
  10. While slow dancing with a different women on 2 separate occasions, they both said the same thing: "Take me home and do whatever you want to with me." Clearly a drunk proposition. One woman said to me (while standing in a church parking lot):"I know what I could do with you Harry, sit you in a chair, tie you up, etc.... So according to you, were those your best or your worst propositions??! The first woman was so blitzed, I didn't take her up on it. The second proposition (about the chair) occurred in a church parking lot. Her husband was a soldier who was deployed. I had to turn her down also. They were both horrible propositions. But the last time I slow danced with a woman, it turned out pretty well.
  11. What I got out of that was that while you were slow dancing they could feel what they thought was a huge penis and they had to check it out.
  12. But what about when the woman says: "I usually don't go to bed on the first date." If I had a nickel...
  13. Nice eyes, but she's a pirate's dream my friend, sunken chest.
  14. While slow dancing with a different women on 2 separate occasions, they both said the same thing: "Take me home and do whatever you want to with me." Clearly a drunk proposition. One woman said to me (while standing in a church parking lot):"I know what I could do with you Harry, sit you in a chair, tie you up, etc....
  15. Mine is really a sad/odd fucking story. You'll see why in a minute. Started in college w/ Army ROTC buddies. Enlisted in Regular Army in 1986. Drank briefly, but than gave it up for until 1996. Joined Tn Army National Guard. After drill the guys would hang out and drink, but I always went home. One of the guys drank alot one particular evening. On the way home, he ended up on the wrong side of the road & collided head on with a car who had a woman & her daughter inside. The woman was checking on the soldier when a semi topped the hill, striking and killing the woman. After that asshole left our unit, I'd stay with the group, have a few & then head for home. We would go to different schools and get hammered during our free time. We could always walk back to the barracks which was a good thing. Now, it's usually only on the weekends, (not every weekend) when I am watching football. It's all soon coming to an end though. In my new profession, .04% BAC is all that's needed to end my career. So it's not worth it. I'll only drink if I have a significant amount of time off to be completely sober/hydrated when I return to work.
  16. Since you seem to be the self appointed safety police, I'd like to see that video also. How could you say that Timmy? Clearly Chuck is concerned about protecting the tandem profession as a whole, and is concerned wiith the safety of those passengers. Aren't you?
  17. With really low jump numbers, I was invited on a 6-way. We left the Blackhawk, it was my turn to do a 180, outface. I just didn't know how to turn at the time while staying de-arched. I just stayed in place. The organizer de-briefed me and was saying "Just turn dude, turn! Oh well.... That's why I'm willing to jump with low timers now. I don't care if they screw up. Any jump is a fun jump as long as we're safe.
  18. robskydiv


    Garmin GPS for Truckers
  19. Yeah but OTOH, sometimes there IS instant chemistry that's real and undeniable... I met my wife at an airshow performer party, while we were being introduced we made some serious eye contact, as she was reaching out to shake my hand she ask...Did you just feel that? YES, I had! ...we've been together since that night, almost 20 years ago. Sure you can 'learn to like' and hope something worthwhile and meaningful comes of it...but I think most women are pretty perceptive when it comes to matters of the heart, they can tell pretty quick if a new recruit has the basic materials. If they don't get that read fairly early on then it's best to just release the small fry and bait the trap again...more often than not failure is imminent because of the self fulfilling prophecy from the initial assessment. Bait trap? Don't you mean pick up the trident? or Rearm the Harpoon?
  20. OMG! Thanks Christie! You look like Kazoo!
  21. That's me on the left. I've often felt like a dork for keeping the protec on for the pic.