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Everything posted by skinnay

  1. Country of scumbags,0,1552960.story#axzz2jWl5CUOa
  2. What we need to be spending money on is more simulated drug busts:
  3. They're also church leaders, go figure.
  4. Very sad indeed that beautiful animals are tortured for the amusement of the dumb-shit general public. I don't always have a problem with zoos assuming they give the animals a proper home, but animal circuses should be banned and people that bring their kids to them need to get slapped.
  5. I think psychologically its easy to get people to jump again right after they did it. But I remember my next few jumps being the most difficult to build up courage for. To come back to jump requires a real commitment, not many people are willing to test out a new hobby that can cost them their life. Having an incidents section that says: Fatality Fatality Fatality Fatality Critical Injury Fatality Fatality Fatality Critical Injury Fatality etc.. ..doesn't help either. I say let people come back if they want. Why do we even need to grow the sport?
  6. Yes. You should probably move to another country then. Your kind of people died off a couple generations ago
  7. Just out of curiosity, do you know where your shoes were made? Do you know who made most of the household items in your home? Hate to bring you back to reality, but its that same unskilled malnourished worker This is just a product of western capitalism, its funny to see people so upset because its the arabs doing it
  8. It's hilarious to see all the Americans in a fit about human rights violations, yet aren't bothered at all by the children who made their iPhones and paid even less. The company managing workers and contracting scumbag agents is no different than the thousands of American companies who squeeze every penny they can out of people already in extreme poverty. If you really think this is a reason not to visit Dubai, you should probably surrender your US passport also.
  9. That's my guess. She doesn't seem to eager to thank the instructor for saving their lives. If you didn't want the risk, don't sign the waiver, don't get in the plane. Thankless people... stay on your couches
  11. Hahahaha. I knew that arguing like a 10 year old would strike a nerve. I'm actually going to continue to call you out on your racism!
  12. Just doing my job of reminding you that you're a racist
  13. Well I guess a black person is cool if you can share some mutual bigotry. I would actually never live in a shithole like Texas. Maybe it was your dad?
  14. ------------------------------------------------------------ Interesting you seem to know so much about me when you call me a racist. I lived in Dallas for 15 years. Around 10 of those years I was roommates with a black man. I suppose when you write my biography with all you know about me you forgot about that part. Its whimsical how you are so quick to call someone else a racist but when black people murder whites its totally fine with you. I know being a racist doesn't mean you hate all blacks... btw did you rant on and on every day about black on white crime to your roommate? I'm sure he'd be proud to call you a friend after knowing how you really feel.
  15. Seems to describe you pretty well eh?
  16. Just doing my job of reminding you that you're a racist
  17. Maybe you should find some white supremacist news sources? they will surely report on what you want to hear
  18. The children that make Pilots in the South Africa factory are actually much better than other american seamstresses. Because their fingers are so small and nimble they can make some of the stitches much better. 2005 is actually a better quality than newer canopies since the kids have grown quite a bit since then and I hear have developed arthritis.
  19. 2% Skeet Skeet 98% Bull Shit; Climate Change Looking forward to the USA becoming the Saudi Arabia of Natural Gas... while laughing at all the climate change idiocy of wanting everything changed over to NG; when its still a hydrocarbon, and is in no way clean, nor "cleaner" to the point that it would make any difference if man made climate change were not utter bull shit; instead of what it is, a tool of power and control. Meanwhile virtually every climate scientist will think you're an idiot. But I guess they're all just in on the scam. What's your scientific background again?
  20. Interesting that your example is a tv show almost 50 years old. Can't find anything more relevant? Great point. Brilliant fucking point. You should run with it and make sure your kids don't ready any irrelevant books that are over 50 years old.
  21. That is affirmative. Talk about horse shit