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  1. Dan, of all people, deserved better. So sad. Thanks, Wendy. If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  2. Heartbreaking news. Robbie was one of the kindest people I've ever known, and the world is diminished by his loss. Condolences to his family, on and off the dz. If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  3. FYI, Outlook 2013 does not allow disabling of the test message that it sends during account setup. I had no problem logging into the server, but for whatever reason, the test message failed. Repeatedly. And yes, all my settings were correct. I ended up exporting to a spare Gmail account, but I wanted to make note of this in case someone else has the same problem. If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  4. The names you're looking for are at the bottom of each forum between the post links and the icon legend. See the attachment. Clicking the individual links will take you to your selection's profile. The profiles have a link to send a private message, immediately under the personal profile information. I understand why you're angry--I even agree with you--but you're mistaken if you think it was ever any different. I hope the man in charge comes along soon to address this, but I figured that in the meantime, you'd want to be able to reach out to the appropriate moderators. rl If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  5. Looks like we have an answer to the what--no surprise considering what the first one did to him--but the when was after October 31, 2010. That's the date of his last post in r.s. rl If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  6. Unhappy anniversary. If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  7. http://www.lankfordfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Vicki-Johnston/#!/Obituary If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  8. She was a wonderful person. I'm so sorry, Mike. If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  9. This came up in the comments to a legal blog post about spammers (and ponies--never forget the ponies). It made me a bit sentimental, so I thought I'd post it here. http://www.instructables.com/id/Making-a-Paracord-Whip/ (This was the post: http://www.popehat.com/2013/11/17/the-three-habits-of-extremely-entitled-marketeers/ IMO, everyone has something to learn from Popehat.) If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  10. Great post, Jim. I don't have time to read the whole thread, so if this is a repeat, I apologize. This link has all the tools required to do death planning, and if you elect to receive the emails, it will periodically remind you to get your shit together: http://getyourshittogether.org/ rl If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  11. RECAP's copy of the complaint: http://ia601809.us.archive.org/11/items/gov.uscourts.nvd.95379/gov.uscourts.nvd.95379.1.0.pdf RECAP's copy of the docket: http://ia801809.us.archive.org/11/items/gov.uscourts.nvd.95379/gov.usc If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  12. Near-perfect characterization. I'd add "generous, fair and loyal" to round it out. I can't believe he's gone.
  13. I did not find anything you posted to be offensive, and I understand your anger. I hope you're able to get the treatment you want and that it leaves you dancing with NED for good. rl If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb
  14. In case anyone cares to read it, the novel on which the movie was based is available here: http://www.drought.com/gypsy.htm If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb