I bought the Viso after enjoying the excellent customer service L&B are famed for when my pro-track battery cover broke. The Viso is a reliable alti and is best used in conjunction with the L&B gloves with the see-through pocket on the top. When used like this it is brilliant for FS as it won't be ripped off or damaged when exits go awry! (5 stars). It is not really suitable for FF when wrist mounted, as the string provided is not strong enough to withstand the rough and tumble of exits and openings. It can be difficult to see the screen when sit flying (both when wrist and glove mounted) and I far prefer using an analogue Alti-2. (2 Stars) I also use it for altitude awareness under canopy as the screen is easy to see when glove mounted on 1/2 brakes. (4 Stars) If the Viso had audible altitude alarms then it would be great for canopy work - L&B take note please!