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Everything posted by Gravitymaster

  1. This is likely to be what's really going on.
  2. When I was in school just about all of my professors were extremely well recognized in the professional and scientific community. Many were active directors at commercial firms. Surely you have a real explanation? Right, recognized and perhaps on the BoD but none were CEO's nor ran their own business. Reminds me of the guy who was always the "assistant" Manager but never the Manager. Is that based on any kind of actual experience or research? Being CEO has nothing to do with your original point. The population of CEOs of large businesses (when compared to the conservative US population) is statistically insignificant to explain why liberals dominate the academic world. There's still the other 99.9% of the general US conservative population who is doing other normal shit. The question is why aren't they teaching? Care to try again? Because they are out there doing instead of sitting on BoD's and garnering the admiration of their peers. I'd also say that given the poor performance by those with a public school education that those in Academia and Education in general are a smashing failure.
  3. When I was in school just about all of my professors were extremely well recognized in the professional and scientific community. Many were active directors at commercial firms. Surely you have a real explanation? Right, recognized and perhaps on the BoD but none were CEO's nor ran their own business. Reminds me of the guy who was always the "assistant" Manager but never the Manager.
  4. Probably right over there next to the wankers who screamed outrage when Bush did it after 911, but remain strangely silent as Obama takes it to the extreme.
  5. Wrong again But then, we already have them BTW I do know there are way to many liberal left anti gun loonies Does that count? I am the conservatives worst nightmare, a gun loving liberal Actually, you are a gun hating Liberal's worst nightmare.
  6. I don't know about the US but I think not many Canadian prosecuters would charge them and less jurys would convict, plus they showed the scum a lot of mercy, they let him live. Jan You do realize he didn't actually commit anything? The dudes filming themselves on the other hand did. If we can believe the text before the video begins, he apparently made his intentions clear over the internet of what he planned on doing once he got to this 13 year old girls home. Soliciting a minor for sex over the internet certainly is a crime.
  7. Financial Sanctions against Iran seemed to have worked. I'm sure the Iranian people suffered.
  8. There isn't anything any President of the US could possibly do about it. That said, there's quite a bit the hypocritical ultra right-wing "Christians" could do to denounce it. He could pressure any country giving foreign aid to cut them off. And these very particular "Christians" could just stop being assholes. Agreed. In the meantime, we sit idly by and do nothing but complain and wring our hands.
  9. There isn't anything any President of the US could possibly do about it. That said, there's quite a bit the hypocritical ultra right-wing "Christians" could do to denounce it. He could pressure any country giving foreign aid to cut them off.
  10. I agree it's fucked up. What has Obama done about it?
  11. Sentencing someone with HIV/AIDS to life in prison! Yeah, that will reduce the number of people infected. Brilliant!!
  12. 49.999,999 gun owners did not shoot anybody yesterday.
  13. I couldn't watch it all either. How do you know the people doing this evil act were Christians? How do you know the people being murdered were accused of being witches?
  14. Little boy goes out Trick or Treating. Walks up to first house and rings the doorbell. Lady comes to the door and says "Oh, what are you supposed to be?" "I'm a Pirate", says the little boy. "Where are your Buccaneers", the lady asks. "Underneath my Bucking Hat", says the little boy.
  15. Perhaps your point would be clearer if you got your facts straight. Kind of hard to take someone's point serious who presents false and misleading information. Perhaps you should advance your reading comprehension skills. Nobody else misunderstood my post.* *(except rush, but I pay him to do that.) How do you know? Do you think everyone on here knows all about George Wallace? Don't you think you have a responsibility to post accurate information? Gee, you sure seem bent on calling others on their mistakes but can't be held to your own standards. Just like a liberal, always looking for someone else to blame.
  16. Perhaps your point would be clearer if you got your facts straight. Kind of hard to take someone's point serious who presents false and misleading information.
  17. Yeah, well, a day in Speakers Corner without a new thread against blacks is like a day without sunshine. See, most of the fucking pigs who ran the pre-civil rights Deep South are no longer in power, so the dregs of the spawn they replicated in their image find refuge here. You're right. The pre-civil rights Deep South turned Republican and voted all those fucking pigs out. Bullshit revisionist history. Racist southern Dixiecrats in the model of Thurmond and Wallace switched to Repubs when all the decent Democrats backed civil rights. Bullshit..Wallace never ran as or identified as a Republican.
  18. The purpose of this "Deal" is to blow all the news about Obamacare off the front page.
  19. You certainly have a vivid imagination. Totally wrong, but vivid. And all this venon coming from a moderator on this site. I would be ashamed of myself.
  20. And preaches "creating jobs for Americans", then hires a Canadian Company to build the website.
  21. It seems to be the general consensus that $1 million is too low. I accept that, people are sometimes wrong, except on this site. Everyone is a genius who knows better what to do than anyone else. I also agree, I have a real hard time believing even $100 million plus everything else which has been reported to be approaching $500 million. Plus, they awarded the contract to a company that didn't exactly have a great track record for building websites with registries.
  22. I haven't made any comments one way or another. Maybe he would have it built in India. That's why I hire companies to do that kind of work for me. I also really don't care. As usual, the freaks on this site use this to launch personal attacks on me. I simply repeated what someone else said.
  23. Yeah, I'm sure he's love it if I gave out his name and the name of his company to a group of freaks on the internet.
  24. I don't know about Ian, but I have done the solution architecture for a number of large government IT projects, although none anywhere near as big as this. Your tech guy is full of shit. I'm sure he would say you are full of shit. But what does he know, he only does it for a living. I've been a software developer for almost 17 years now. I have had teams working under me when I was doing software architecture, I've worked in biotech, banking, and private aviation in my field(multi million dollar projects), and now i'm the CTO of a start up. but hey...what do I know? :) side note: if your guy has built 1000's of websites in his career then it's pretty obvious he's never done anything substantial. Big projects take a long time, and there's no way he'd be getting the server side experience to take on a project like this simply pumping out html websites. "My Guy" is President of his company. He likely has people like you working for him. I do know he has an impressive resume. That's why we hired him. But please keep deriding those you have never met and know nothing about. It suits you well.