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Everything posted by XitXitXit

  1. You'll have to discuss other rights in another thread, this one is strictly for the right to vote. [;) There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  2. I'm not really sure how that response fits into my question?? I don't think that military service should be the only way to earn the right to vote, but simply one of the ways. Like I said it could be community service, or a stint in the peace corp, or amricorps, or any kind of civil service job, fireman, policeman, volunteer fireman, community organizer.... There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  3. I do not disagree with that statement. However, I think overall people simply don't care about anything outside of their own little world. They care about global and national events, when it effects their own little world. Beyond that, the blinders are on. So do you think that the people who really don't care what happens outside of their world would bother themselves to spend the personal time, to go earn something they really don't care about in the first place? Maybe if they had to earn the right they would take a little more interest in what is outside their world. There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  4. Well why shouldn't it? The only really good reason I can think of, kinda gets back to the point I think Dave was trying to make, and that is that it would be possible that somebody could guard against somebody else earning the right. Which I think 50 or more years ago would have been a big problem, but in today's society I would like to think that that would only happen in isolated cases. But maybe I'm wrong about that. There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  5. It has nothing to do with whether people agree with me or not, and I'm not saying make it hard or make it where you have to have money, or education, or anything but the willingness to give back a little. You know it only takes 6 months of continuous active duty service to be a veteran. Is that such a hard goal to achieve? I don't even think it should have to be military service. 6 months of community service, or maybe if you become a fireman, you also earn the right, or any number of other things. My thoughts are that to many people take for granted the rights given to them, because they are just given. If that right was earned then it would mean more to them.. that's all I'm saying. There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  6. Going on the premise of something given has no value. Should the right to vote be changed to a privilege for those who have completed X amount of community/state/federal service? I.E. military service, public servants, community organizers, or anybody that gives back something of which has been provided for them. Discuss. There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  7. Are you talking about a Sabre I or II? When I had my Sabre I relined the openings got worse than when the canopy was out of trim. I have since had a pocket slider installed and the openings are the best I've ever had on any canopy I've ever jumped..... Hope that helps... There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  8. I think the punchline is supposed to be. "No problem baby. I have a thousand CC's of peniscillan. How would you like it? Vaginally, orally, or now in fast acting suppository form... There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  9. Here what is???? There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  10. Ok first my disclaimer. I first read this in the bonfire and didn't want to reply because I didn't want to go on a rant in there. I also have not read the 6 pages of posts that go with this thread so if my reply is what 100 of you have already said then I appologize. Now my rant. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! You offer sexual services (whether you think they are sexual services or not is irrelavent because to every sane person in this country it is sexual services) and then get all pissy because thier SO calls you up and gives you shit!!!!!!!! do you live in some fantasy world where only everybody else has to be accountable for there actions??? If you have SEX with someone who is married exspect that thier wife to be upset about that and want to know who the hell thier SO is having sex with!!!!! Rant over.. There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  11. The flytrap will tell you how to get the driver off of the clock. There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  12. You use the screwdreiver here....
  13. ok first thing you need to do is make sure you find everything you don't need a key for. should be a wine glass, a wine bottle opener, two crumbeled up pieces of paper a crank tool, (that you won't need for a long time) a wooden doll, and a screwdriver handle. don't worry about the numbers yet, it will be obvious what to do with them when you get there. hope that helps...
  14. Finished the third and final room. Pretty decent game. I only wish there were more levels. There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  15. A come on you don't need no stinking walkthrough!!!! the newsense isn't a word it's directions now just find something that looks like a compass. the wine bottle opener will become obvious when you find the wine bottles. The crank doesn't come into play until your almost done with the room. ohh and besure to examine everything you pick up very closely.... :-) There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  16. I just solved the third and final room.... It was pretty tough, for me anyways... What are you stuck on? There are no pessimist in skydiving.
  17. Have fun. It took me about an hour and a half to solve the first room...