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Everything posted by mr_music11

  1. Ha.. But what DID you do? If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  2. For those of you with Android phones... Amazon's free app of the day today is for us! Check it out!
  3. To those who have had sympathetic and/or encouraging responses or honest suggestions coming from a place of goodness. I thank you. I guess I had forgotten how many flamers, would be nay sayers or miserables who would prefer miserable company can be found on these forums. I guess my bad.. Next time I really need sympathy from a group of people who might appreciate my skydiving frustrations, I'll go to a WUFFO meeting. At least there I MIGHT have a chance of a real ear. Sincerely, Looking for a job & wishin' for more air time. If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  4. I appreciate the offer... unfortunately relocating my family at this time is not being considered (but who knows what the future will bring)..that and I sorta doubt that the prevailing wage for that type of work would not sustain my family....but again, truly appreciate the offer! If it looks like an option I need to explore...I'll give you a shout. Blues/soft ones. If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  5. @James.... would love one. You got that job Ive BEEN looking for since Jan 2010? I'm a highly skilled communications specialist. With over 20 years experience. I Have been applying to MANY places since I lost my job(well over 500 resume's sent) with no job offer yet. Have you seen the unemployment rate in our country/USA? So by ALLLLLLL means... I agree with you. When you're ready to hire me...drop me a PM! If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  6. Not recently enough! Pray your condition improves and that we both find solace in wild blue soon! If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  7. Truly... thank you skydiverbry, you do put it more into perspective.. pray your circumstances well. If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  8. Can't even begin to tell you how frustrated I am in the lack of funds/ability to skydive!!! Lost my job in Dec 2009... no job/income since. Jumps.... too far and few between!!! I have vowed to NOT give up the sport though! Still have my gear.. still stare wantingly up at the sky often and can't wait to get back to one of the true passions of my life. Just a quick "yell" out to a community that understands my frustration!! Thanks for letting me vent. Lookn' forward to gettin' my knees in the breeze again. Until then... blues/soft ones for all!
  9. Last time I checked there were no points taken away bcuz of the color of a canopy. And there are no "cute","rainbow" or "wow they're so color coordinated" points given(unless you ask the "cool kids" at your DZ) Buy n' fly what you like. Its ALL about blue skies and soft landings. If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  10. Update to the saga... have tried contacting the manufacturer 2x by e mail with no response or assistance yet. Will try contacting again thru other means to see if I might be successfull... thank you again to those who have taken the time to read my original response and respond accordingly... may still need your help yet! until then.... peace/blues/soft landings If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  11. oh.. and my helmet I keep in a cotton cloth padded cover inside a small backpack.. never in sunshine or hot places unless is on my head and outside a plane!! thanks again for for all helpfull posts! If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  12. To those taking the time to read my post and respond appropriately, thank you. I will be taking your advice and contacting the mfg. To those futards ( F***** retards) who only have to suggest I fork out big money for a new helmet just like the one they have, you can take a long walk off a short pier! Re reaed my post you newly "huked on fonix" bastards! I need help to FIX my current helmet. If I wanted advice on what new helmet to buy, I would have written a different post. So don't bother replying or like some really dumb ass send me a PM saying buy a dome cover like his. Thank you again for those who truly wish to help. Peace/blessings and blues If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  13. Sure thing! Only spent $300+ on the one that I have...good thing they made it disposalble... use once and toss.. I've got TONS of helmets just waiting to be used in the closet.. If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  14. Help! My semi new (1 year and about 20 jumps) Oxygen helmet seems to be breaking already!! The fiberglass around the velcro tension point is cracking. Is there some sort of glue or epoxy that I can apply that will fix this problem and stop further cracking/erosion? Thanks for reading/replying! Edited for spelling and attachment deletion.
  15. CONGRATS ladies!!!! nice pic skybytch! see ya in Davis If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  16. As one who is truly trying to be saftey conciencous, I appriciate a POSITIVE critisism. (but I also understand that if my actions were bold and stupid, I might solicit a bold and/or stupid response)However I will often will thank the person who has imparted their wisdom to me as it might just save my ass as well as theirs. However, I have been "ripped a new one" before as well... this is not AS welcome as the positive critisism but always try to believe that the person giving me their 2cents wants me as well as others and therefore the sport to be a safe one and then try to seperate their asshole tendencies from the nugget of important info that is being imparted. Being able to seperate the two has taken time and practice. Sounds like from your post that you have achieved at minimum some sort of tact which is important ( my ROTC commander taught me the definition of tact is "the abilitiy to tell someone to go to hell and have them look forward to the trip") Continued success, and thanks for helping to keep our community safe and well informed. blues/soft ones If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  17. Excellent spot/thanks for sharing! and more importantly.... thank you Bill Booth! Countless numbers of people owe their personal addiction to the sky to you! Myself being one of them. With the deepest respesct.. thank you for your contribution to our wonderful sport. May your spirit of adventure continue to inspire not only me, but many others for generations to come! If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  18. Hello Skydance/Davis... Not to minimalize the injuries that Im sure many of you have already heard about..but... to Ray, Niel and the entire Skydance/Davis staff. Had a blast!!! 1st time out of a skyvan(big ole' jump plane with a lift gate in the back) Running reverse gainer! Wooohoo. A warm weekend to say the least.. but good times to be had by all. I look forward to the boogie next year!! Blue skies/blessings If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  19. September 10,2007 approx 11 am Lodi,CA 1st tandem.... 1 week later I was in AFF, addicted like a crack head. The addrenalin rush lasted literally like 3 days!!! Couldnt go to sleep, woke up WAYYYYY too early.. skies, clouds and large pieces of fabric have NEVER looked the same. If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  20. Very nice... from 1 songwritting skydiver to another song writer... nice.. thank you for sharing your wares with us... I think your song is about to be on a BUNCH of peoples 1st tandem jump! vids. All the best of luck to you in your career. peace/blessings If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  21. the search function of is your friend.. you will find TONS of posts on this issue.. overhead space varies from aircraft to aircraft.. If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  22. Check out the link above to Skydance(Davis, CA). They are EXCELLENT!! My fav / "home" DZ!! Great staff, fun jumpers (including myself I might add!! ) awsome views and a grill/small restarant onsite, they also have camping with showers... not to mention onsite rigging!! Hope to see you there! keep us posted on your progress. Till then... blues/soft landings If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  23. your clicky says program is no longer avail for viewing.. but really... as long as the coverage is "positive"... then I would say bravo.. the more good coverage we can have for our sport the better! If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  24. Hey Jason! Welcome... hope to see you in Lodi, Davis or Sac/Rocklin (We're lucky to have so many DZ's in NorCal also including Byron, Hollister and I believe Modesto!) Good luck and keep us posted as to your progress! If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.
  25. The 1 time that I did wear it to the DZ, I wore the rig.. tucked the pilot chute in REALLY good and then wrapped the rig in a cargo net to keep everything nice and tight. What I found though is that my body was tired from the ride and my jump was not nearly as enjoyable as riding in a car. ( I dont have a wind screen on my bike, so I was fighting the wind the whole ride) I have no plans of riding to the DZ again soon/at least until I get a windscreen for the bike. Good luck/blues/soft landings If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.