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    Skydive Kentucky
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  1. Hehehe, there's a blast from the past. There used to be a Wave Tek pool right across the river in Indiana. I wonder if it's still there. I bet riding a quake out in a pool would be kinda interesting.
  2. We generally get a couple of small ones a year, most of them too small to even be felt unless you are already standing perfectly still. However, for years now, they've been stating a 90% probability of a 7.0 or greater hitting the area before 2040 and a 7-10% chance of it being above 8.0. And yeah, people around here just don't even realize what they are standing on. Then, they are surprised when we get one like this morning. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  3. Lovely. That will be my 100+ year old apartment building. The one this morning woke me up. My bedroom is on the third floor and it felt like the whole building was swaying back and forth. Felt like it lasted a good minute or so. I'm in Louisville. A building two blocks away lost part of the bricks on the front, yeah that one they keep showing on TV as proof of the "damage".
  4. PoppyFunk

    NE Blizzard

    I'm in Louisville, Ky and we ended up with about 14 inches of the stuff. In typical midwest fashion, everyone panicked and across the river in Indiana, a state of emergency was declared with the police threatening to ticket anyone found driving. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  5. Saves money on catnip. The animal has gained almost two pounds in the last two months. I put her litter box upstairs and her food downstairs so that she would at least get some exercise that way. She mostly just lays around looking very pleased with herself. Life's not fair. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  6. Yes. My neighbor is an avid partaker in the activity of pot smoking. Avid as in from the time they wake up in the morning until they go to bed at night. I live in a large very old house that's been converted into six apartments with very thin walls and common duct work. My house consistently smells like marijuana smoke. I think my cat stays high all the time. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  7. I've been to Waverly with the Louisville Ghost Hunters (which I was a member of for a little while). Waverly is reputed to be one of the most haunted places in the country. One of its biggest claims to fame are shadow people. They are just like the name describes, just shadows of a human form, but dense enough to break light. We were once standing on the fourth floor, about midnight, and just watching them move around the halls. If you just stood there with all the lights off, you could watch them walk from room to room and look around the walls at us. At one point, someone pointed out a figure that seemed to be coming down the hall towards our group (normally they stayed away). A member of the group had a laser pointer which showed a temperature reading where the beam fell and he shined it on the figure. It was about twenty degrees colder than the surrounding area and the beam stopped directly on the shadow (light didn't penetrate it). We stood there in the hall and watching this spot of light where it was hitting the figure get closer and closer to us. At about ten feet away, the shadow suddenly disappeared and the light shot back down to the end of the hall, bouncing off the wall. I certainly haven't worked out all of my own beliefs about ghosts/spirits/demon/etc. I've seen and felt enough things to make me believe there is *something* there, but I don't really know what. The children's hospital I worked in previously was thought to be haunted in the wing I was assigned to work. While there, I witnessed charts flying off of a flat shelf, a kick sink suddenly coming on when no one else was in the room, shadows moving under a closed door of an empty room, repeatedly turned off the call light in one vacant room, had a child laugh in my ear, and several other things. I tend to put some stock in psychic imprinting theories, but I don't think it explains everything. It definitely doesn't explain those situations where there seems to be real interaction between the observer and the entity, for lack of a better word. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  8. Emotions to be expected...pretty much everything from one end of the gamut to the other. I hit all of 'em, exhilarating elation all the way to a blinding rage. Take it for what it is, experience them and let them go. Yeah, I make it sound a lot easier than it is, but I'm over six years out from mine. That whole "staying together for the kids" thing never works. The kids know and the kids are better off with two happy separate parents than with two miserable parents. Throw guilt right out the window. Kids survive divorce just fine if they are made a priority in the process. They're a lot smarter than people give them credit for being. Don't lie to him. Make damn sure that he understands he had nothing to do with the decision *and* that there is nothing he could do to change it. Don't *ever* talk bad about the other parent in front of your son. Don't allow anyone else to do so. Kids, especially at your son's age, view themself as an extension of their parents. Insult mom and you've insulted him. He needs to see mom as still a hero in his eyes. Like someone else said, get a lawyer and let them handle the details. Don't be *nice* just to keep peace. Chances are, you *will* get dragged through the mud as a result of being nice. Go for fair, but don't back down from what you deserve in the settlement. I wish someone had told me this. I played *nice* right into the ground trying to keep peace. Ah, so many more things I could say here.... Good luck. ~Grace "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  9. He *will* answer messages on there too. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  10. I was 38 when I did my tandem, so they weren't gonna say much to stop me. That being said, my mother knew about it ahead of time and gave me the guilt trip for a while (wouldn't let me borrow her truck to go to the DZ because she "didn't want to be responsible for my death") and my father still doesn't know about it. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  11. Depends on how bad the consequences were the first time. There's a saying that fits here. "I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times if I live." "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  12. It looks really good on paper, but the actual work part is a pain in the ass. Edited to say that the "hours" are a pain in the ass. The job is fantastic. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  13. Wouldn't that be Papa Funk? I can personally vouch that I'm no one's daddy. Poppy is a way to express Daddy. Funks is the seed of your loin isn't he? But..but...I don't have the anatomical equipment to be anybody's daddy! "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk
  14. Wouldn't that be Papa Funk? I can personally vouch that I'm no one's daddy. "Analyze this!" http://www.myspace.com/poppyfunk