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Everything posted by DARK

  1. its simply called a reverse s-fold it has the advantage of making it easier to control the majority of the fabric as you are getting it into the bag it has the disadvantage of making it harder (harder might be the wrong word people just might forget to pay attention to it) to control the slider. speed differences are marginal if you compare two similarly experienced packers but having packed with both methods for a long period of time i personally think the traditional method is faster and i definitely sped up when i went back to the traditional method but in the begining swiitching to the reverse s-folds sped me up as i was having such a big problem with the traditional method. if you are having trouble bagging your canopy try this method, if you arent then there is no advantage to doing it.
  2. I know a couple, nobody super famous but people who are respected by the 'top of the game' pilots i dont want to mention any names just in case they are wierd about privacy and the interwebs
  3. just in the last week i had to get converted over to the australian way of doing things from the us way of doing things the way the US works has been explained repeatedly here so i wont g into it too much accept to say that packing a main parachute is easy as fuck and the american way works fine even though most places are not following the letter of the law (iv been packing full time in the us for 4 seasons) so now the australian way. you learn to pack for your self during your training on the way for your first licence. if yo uwant to pack for someone else you need to get a 'packer b' licence. this involves doing 10 supervised pack jobs (under supervision of a chief instructor) and a written exam. besides the fact that the exam is horribly out of date asking questions about the early early mechanical aads and the early speed links, i think this is a fairly good system. it allows the packer to perform basic maintenance and repairs to the main (technically any maintenance that only requires assembly) the next level up from packer b is packer A. this allows you to pack reserves and do basic maintenance but not advanced repairs or modifications finally then there is a rigger qualification.
  4. I thought it sounded like a dz in ireland but if there is another dz close to you then it must not be ireland
  5. You are being screwed and were is the dropzone? I have a feeling I know were it is
  6. am i wrong in thinking that this 'gps' data is a mixture of position data (from a gps) and altitude data (from an altimeter built into the unit)? Or do the gps sattelites somehow figure out the altitude of the unit aswell?
  7. How do you know? Because some article says they 'could' get another 44billion from them. Guess what they 'could' probably get half a trillion off everyone if they raised the income tax rate by a percent or two, does that make it right?
  8. http://www.alternet.org/story/151479/if_the_top_25_hedge_fund_managers_paid_taxes_like_you_and_me%2C_we%27d_cut_44_billion_of_the_national_deficit_/ How much tax do they pay right now?
  9. I didn't say all :p but ye maybe your right
  10. Their officers are French Their enlisted men are foreign so that they can be the front line of any attack and suffer casualties without the french people caring all that much as they are foreigners. Anyone who serves in the legion for five(i think) years is given a french passport and a new name if they wish. As a result it attracts a huge variety of characters although I believe in the last 5-10 years they have tightened up their recruitment process so that fugitives and undesirables cannot get in
  11. Luckily reasonable countries do not let people who have suffered such extreme circumstances make such decision and I doubt many of the people celebrating on the streets had been involved in any such situations. I understand the celebrations particularly the ones in the baseball stadiums as the news first went out (before obamas announcement i believe). The ones the next day, while distastefull are understandable imo. HOWEVER I do think it shows that america is not as different from the enemies it likes to paint as soulless savages over and over again. There were people in america who celebrated a hated persons death just like people in other countries celebrate when one of the hated americans is killed (the extremists obviously). There were people who stayed at home (the majority I assume) relieved at the news but not elated and there were people who stayed at home who couldn't care less. There are people in these other 'enemy' countries who do the exact same when someone from america or the west is killed I love America but a lot of you guys are so blind to your own failings and other peoples point of view that it makes you very hard to take seriously
  12. You must be an exceptionally helpful person, congrats
  13. My Google-Fu is not very strong but perhaps this is the decision you were referring to: https://www.jdsupra.com/post/documentViewer.aspx?fid=4e4f05b2-2013-4d67-b367-ba8709dd116f ? I can't find a different recent case or one involving google. Ye that is the one, thanks. I knew that already though I am wondering if anyone knows of any reasn why it cannot be applied to skydiving waivers
  14. I was just listening to a technology podcast and they were talkin about a much under reported recent decision by the us supreme court. Basically they ruled in googles favour that it was ok for them to have an agreement not to sue in their t+c's and eula and that this covered class action lawsuits etc etc What I am just wondering is if any of the legal eagles here know what the decision was exactly and if there is any reason why this would not bolster the value of a waiver in the event of a lawsuit from either a customer or customers family? just curious
  15. DARK

    Karnage Krew

    haha dont be ridiculous 1. At the time they were not a business in the traditional sense as explained above by his then partner 2. I asked for a quote on a certain item he gave me one, just because I know now (3 years in the industry that I didnt have then) how sweet a deal I got does not reflect basly on me in any way 3. plenty of business's use loss leaders as a way of gaining new customers so even if I did know that he was only breaking even on my purchase it is up to him to balance the books not me
  16. DARK

    Karnage Krew

    See, that's the thing. You can't run a sustainable business if you continue making deals like that. I've heard many many people who got deals that were "too good to be true" with Gary ... eventually that house of cards is going to topple; seems that it has. yep absolutely it does seem that he was a terrible business man(my dealings with him were almost exactly two years ago so I think it was still when he was only it to help out the community) I imagine a big part of the problem was people expected the same great deals when he decided to turn it into a business and that sucked the profit out of it for him. I dont expect the people who got ripped off to act rationally they are entitled to deal with the problem and vent their anger however they want it just seems that there are a few people in this thread who havn't been affected but are still calling for the guy to be lynched personally I hope everyone gets either their money or their product(which sounds unlikely at this stage) but either way, unless he has bolted with pockets full of cash and is trying to hide out until everything goes away, I dont think he deserves prison necessarily. I also think you can do some serious amount of damage to someone with this much public ridicule especially coming from a group of people he apparently tried so hard to help initially I am not defending his actions and I am not saying he should be feeling sorry for himself I just think a bit of perspective that this is a person that started out with the best intention that is being talked about and some of the things that people are saying could easily drive someone to do something they will regret.
  17. DARK

    Karnage Krew

    +1 I think anyone who thinks he set out to do this to people is not thinking straight and thats fair enough as they are out of a lot of money when I dealt with gary I got exactly what I was promised and I know for a fact he made literally no profit on the sale of my rig and I dont know him personally and lived thousands of miles away. he gave me a better deal then the dz I worked at could give me. Obviously he has fucked up big time and im guessing has potentially broken the law and people are understandably upset but I think a bit of perspective is fair, just becasue someone gets into business trouble does not automatically make them a terrible person it makes them a bad business person.
  18. they just looked like regular people to me
  19. Ye I suppose, the way it appears to me though is argus is getting all this flack though(probably rightfully so) but this could easily happen with a cypress in your rig if it is designed to have the cutter on top. were as it could never happen with my rig regardless of the aad because its under the entire reserve and pilot chute. anyway I was just curious as to exactly what the issue is, I understand that now
  20. Yes this is what I was thinking is the easy solution and if this is what the argus problem is then it seems a little unfair that all the flack is getting sent their way when it is essentially a container design problem that is causing the problem. obviously the cutters should work and have as close to a zero failure rate as possible but in the event that they do fail it is a container design problem that is causing the total mal or am i missing something?
  21. I havnt been following what has happened with the argus but if what i gather from this thread makes sense a cutter fired and failed to completely cut the closing lop which caused a total of the reserve? did this actually happen or is it just theoretical? How can this happen if the cutter is not on top of the reserve pc?
  22. Do you not see the four openings in the front that lines could go into and snag? Regular shoes don't have that and the lines can go one of two ways. Plus the velcro straps also have snag potential. you are seriously suggesting that a line is more likely to get snagged in between your toes and stay there then it is to get wrapped around a regular sized shoe weather or not that shoe has laces or velcro? you might be right but i very much doubt it
  23. how are vffs a greater snag hazard then regular shoes?
  24. didn't shah just say that he dosn't want to settle for a gir he isn't attracted to? why would anyone go ut with someone they are't attracted to? some storm in a tea cup
  25. is his job not to represent as many ordinary peoples views as possible? if he takes a point of view thinking its what his electorate want and then finds out they dont want that what is the problem with him changing it?