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Everything posted by captain_stan

  1. What does that cute little slogan have to do with advocating anarchy? Anarchists would amputate your metaphorical limb. How does that help?
  2. A Dreamer might fail to see that, maybe because he's not an American and can't appreciate our history. Anarchy has never prevailed in our United States, but constitutionally protectred freedom of speech always has. Protesters have always benefited from this, whereas anarchists would destroy any such system.
  3. Number of hunters is declining every year in MI. Not even enough anymore to keep the deer from eventually taking over. Then it will be a better world anyway. We're closer to extinction than they are--get some while you can.
  4. My students would tell you... 2011 (USPA) SIM section 4 category B quiz: Q #7: "What is the appropriate action if below 1,000 feet without a landable parachute?" A: "Immediately deploy the reserve parachute, but not below 1,000 feet with an SOS system. (Category A and B outline)" 2011 (USPA) SIM section 5-1, E (page 104): "At some point during descent under a partial malfunction, it becomes too low for a safe cutaway and you must deploy the reserve without cutting away." It might not be "fashionable" nowadays to call these "canopy transfers," but that is in fact what they are. Anytime you deploy the reserve while the main is still over your head, you are making this transfer with the intent that the reserve will save your life instead of, or in addition to, the main. Of course the main can later be chopped (or not) as needed if the reserve is successfully inflated. edit to add: Poyner's PMII defines "canopy transfer: Deploying the reserve canopy prior to jettisoning the main canopy..."
  5. In any system where the reserve handle also initiates a cut-away, then the EP for canopy transfer will no longer apply--very important to understand this.
  6. My FJC students (and typically others) were trained to pull their SOS handle w/ both hands, just as students are often trained on the 2-handle system. It's a single-handle system, not a one-handed system. Although the pull is slightly longer w/ SOS, anyone with close-to-normal length arms can achieve full activation by arm's length. This can be verified on the ground for any student in question. I worked at a DZ where many thousands of jumps were made on SOS w/o any incidence of failure to deploy the reserve. We taught to follow the pull with a cable-strip and handle-throw to assure that the reserve pin was pulled in case the student short-stroked the handle. Not that different than how some FJC students are taught to throw their handles on a dual system.
  7. While not the most convenient situation, it may be unavoidable when a student relocates or a DZ shuts down; I've seen both. Are you gonna tell a student the his best option is to quit skydiving if he can't find his first choice of equipment within traveling distance? Fear is often based on ignorance; if you don't believe this, talk to a whuffo for 5 minutes. The cure for fear of the unknown is training. Sound procedures have been established for equipment transitions.
  8. I'd opt for the DZ that had the best training program, not necessarily the one with the newest equipment. "Best" means dedicating the most time and personal attention to student training and producing the most-competent graduates. Of course aircraft and gear must be well maintained.
  9. SOS stands for "single operating system." Single as in "single handle." True SOS systems don't have a separate cut-away handle. Maybe Nigel will speak-up here and clarify the exact system to which he refers.
  10. Will the rest of us go to hell for laughing at it?
  11. It's fortunate that there were so many cameras on that dive, or this event may have gone undocumented.
  12. I'm not sure John would approve of screwing-up a perfectly good Queen song. Can't help it--I'm a purist. Now "Get on your bikes and ride!"
  13. If that's your idea of a meaningful message to be taken from this movie, then you're making my point for me--it has nothing significant to say, except maybe to the philosophically challenged who haven't yet discovered this truism on their own.
  14. The very lack of these made this movie tolerable for me. Although I appreciate entertainment that stimulates thought, I resent having ideology fed to me. The lack of heros, the absence of a "good fight," and the vilification of all sides resulted in brain-dead, shock-value entertainment, and I can enjoy that once in awhile. It's sad to imagine that folks in other countries might think this movie defines a significant political issue in the US. We have way bigger problems here too, but we are sometimes distracted by religious debate. I don't think "Red State" takes itself seriously enough to present such a distraction.
  15. If I'm sitting in the 182 behind the spotter and his container opens, I'm gonna grab an arm-load of nylon and pull him backwards by the rig-collar while we all get the door shut, not push him out ahead of his PC. Post #13 recount a similar event in a bigger aircraft. There are as many scenarios as there are different airplanes, doors, rigs, and skydivers. Much of the difference may be whether the jumper is facing out or in and how close he is to door. My goal is gonna be keeping the skydiver and his gear on the same side of the door, in or out, whatever that takes. That includes helping a jumper exit if necessary.
  16. "No need?" Not sure about your PASA rules; don't they permit longer currency period to higher license-holders? There is your "need." Love won't extend his currency, but earning the next license probably will. In the US, even an A license permits up to 60 days between jumps. This sport belongs to those who invest in it. Time to man-up or go home.
  17. What's up with the title of this movie? It sounds so "Michael Moore propaganda" that I was initially discouraged from watching it. But in fact, it has more appeal as a horror/thriller. That probably won't be necessary. The plot and characters are so outrageous that few will connect this movie with any real-life political movement. Just as the public never really thought that the Branch Davidians represented Christianity, I don't think that the writers of this movie expect most viewers to believe that Christian churches are typically out to ritually kill gay people or that local law enforcement officers are typically corrupt homosexuals. It's just entertainment folks. The only ring of truth was in how the BATF was negatively portrayed, but in real life they may be more disorganized, incompetent, and reactionary than the deliberate corruption portrayed in the movie. I found "Red State" to be well-acted, bloody, tense, shocking, horrifying, ironic, and fortunately lacking the political statement that I expected. 7/10 stars.
  18. Please don't push me out of the door while my PC is still inside the AC. If you haven't climbed-out and I see your PC loose inside the AC, I'm gonna try to capture it before it (and you) go out.
  19. LZ Granderson fails to mention that C/W traditionalists Merle Haggard sang "Uncle Lem," and Kenny Rogers sang "Rueben James," while less-traditional C/W artist Eddy Rabbitt's "American Boy" included a voiceover by ML King Jr. OTOH, black C/W artists Charlie Pride and Neal McCoy didn't think it necessary to sing about racial issues, yet were still admired by C/W fans of all races. Granderson's whining may be politically correct, but not factually so. Unfortunately, there will always be those who see art as nothing more than a means to advance a political agenda.
  20. Watch the movie "Point Break" for freefall scene w/ flippers.
  21. You're ignoring my statement, "with the aid of books and video" A person with 82 jumps might flail solo or with a coach, but if he has been approved to jump unsupervised, he will have the ability to get stable above his break-off altitude, check for traffic, and track if necessary before deployment. The only question then is how much money he wants to spend on training and how fast he wants to learn. We're talking about someone who wants solo jumps to be more rewarding. Flailing is not a crime--I did some of it when I was learning freefly transitions on solo jumps and you can bet those who developed this discipline did also. I took it in stride as part of the learning process and eventually developed the skills. Many others have also. And of course those who are eager to point this out to him will give him one more reason to quit skydiving. Edit: Having added my 2-cents worth, it’s the UK jumpers discussing the requirements and privileges of their training program who have made the greater contribution to this thread. Any new jumper will benefit more from being able to participate with the general population of skydivers, and any organization who represents them would do well to facilitate this as early as possible within the limits of safety.
  22. I don't think anyone has made that accusation in this thread. I take it seriously and am not annoyed. I have the good fortune to be appreciated by my students, and anybody else can kiss my ass. I'll attribute part of my students' good attitude to a training program that encourages them to become independent of me as early as possible in their skydiving career. They recognize me as the guy who facilitates that.
  23. That's right. Jesus made it clear that the temple is not to be misused as a place to exercise the pursuit of money. So St Paul’s had good reason to evict the class-warriors and distance itself from their materialistic struggle. I trust they would be more welcome if their interests were spiritual in nature. I don't remember reading that Jesus personally intervened to disrupt capitalism in a similar manner outside the temple.
  24. Do you mean defining a person as being unique among all others or merely describing him/her? Barack Obama is defined as: "forty-fourth President of the United States" (exclusive) Quade is described as: "internet forum moderator" (non-exclusive) Edit for spelling and punctuation.