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  1. I looked like that, before i hit the gym and got into shape. Sure I did. Where is the female version of that poster for the guys?
  2. The tips are not at all late, but perfect timing tank ya kindly. I have not had time with my busy schedule to hit the wind tunnels. That is no longer the case I am pleased to say. I now have two weeks vacation, that I am ready to take, for just this purpose and maybe even get in a couple of dives, assuming the wind tunnel therapy tells me I am good to go. Tank ya kindly for each reply and tip. I intend to incorporate the tunnel therapy into a regular vacation. Any recommendations for good places to go for the combination wind tunnel time and maybe a some dives if I'm ready for that as well? My places of interest for this include Florida Georgia Texas and So. California.
  3. Holy medical wonders Batman, 2 Drs. in 1 week, hit all time high scores on my Never knew you were so Cool-O-Meter! And Bonus they are both women. Life is goo-goo-GOOOOOD.
  4. Well if you must ask, think about it they could have used a REAL ass in the pic, even worse it could have been ________'s (use your imagination if you dare)
  5. me too. Like I said she has ranked an all-time high score on my I never knew you were so Cool-O-Meter.
  6. Thanks for the words of advice everyone. I will take all into consideration.
  7. Recently, I requested 'clearance' from my neuro-muscular specialist to return to skydiving. After beginning to feel much better and what I believed was a reasonable length of time, to recover from a moderate lower back injury. Much to my surprise, my physician (who does not and never has tried the sport) said everything looks good from her end, and she sees no reason why not. But suggested I 'test the waters' in a much safer way suggesting I first, check how my lower lumbar (where the injury originated) responds to the skydiving simulation of the wind tunnel. I was stunned by her knowledge on the subject, since she's not in the sport and a bit ashamed that I hadn't thought of it myself. (of course she now holds the highest score on my 'I never knew you were this cool-O-meter) As much as I respect and agree with her advice, I would like to hear the opinions and advice from some of you that may or may not have had, similar injuries and wind tunnel experience. Sounds like great advice, but any opinions on how many 'wind tunnel tests' would be sufficent? I would like to hear what you think. Hit me with your best shot.
  8. Has the florist's delivery truck pulled into your driveway yet?
  9. Sounds like she needs to either: get laid find a hobby or both.
  10. This thread will selfdestruct in 5,4,3,2,1 Poof
  11. Nope. The increased thermal conditions Global warming has caused, has simply put Chivalry in a coma in most regions. But it has not affected me, only Kryptonite can alter the 'Incredible Chivalry Man'.
  12. 6:0:0 The weather was perfect for jumping this holiday weekend, rather unfortunately I had to work. But I got laid 6 times.
  13. There is nothing "average" about skydivers. We far exceed "average".