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Everything posted by grosfion

  1. When my reserve pin popped out and the pilot of the C-185 handed me my reserve pilot chute on jump run with open door. blues, Marcus
  2. I jump quiet frequently at the ranch. Great place with a club vibe and good parties. Lot's of us stay there for the weekend in the tents. If you are that close just come by and talk to the people. The instructors are very professional and great guys. I will try to get a few jumps in this weekend, hopefully the weather stays good. Marcus
  3. Just be careful the early Neos had horrible hard openings (I got slammed very hard 8 out of 10 openings), that was apparently fixed with a new lineset with trim changes. There should be a thread about it here. I would test jump the canopy before, so you are happy with the openings. blues, Marcus
  4. You can actually survive without any actions. I jumped with a person where she did realize the open chest strap only after opening. The harness was very tight so the container did not move an inch. I do not recommend that, but in certain circumstances you might get away with it. As mentioned earlier always check yourself and your jump buddies. blues, Marcus
  5. Was trying that Neos as well and after 8 jumps seeing stars after opening, gave up. It is flying great but did not have the patience to find out the proper packing technique. Glad that it works for you, it is really fun to fly. blues, Marcus
  6. Why not consider to buy a brand new copy (I have one too)? It is well worth the price and the money goes to a world class skydiver and tunnel instructor. Considering the money we spend on coaching and jumps I think the investment for the DVD's are worth it and cheaper than a mountain bike. Also there is always the Classifieds section on that page. blues, Marcus
  7. Just check with Danniel if you are travelling through Singapore/Thailand/Malaysia. He does Tandem/AFF and I did my Tandem Instructor with him: blues, Marcus
  8. Who did your measures? Me and my wife got our own design suits, needed some alteration and it was free of charge. Probably could have been avoided if we had done the measurements properly. blues, Marcus
  9. by doing the math he should be around 1.96, I'm loading mine about the same and it is flying great. M
  10. I jumped CF2 109, Neos 109 and Katana 120. Out of them the CF109 is the most docile canopy with great openings. Some people say that the Neos has nice openings which I can not confirm (I had 10 out of 10 hard openings occasionally with stars in my eyes). Opening on the Katana was ok, but not as nice as the Stilletto 107 I jumped before. There are a lot of discussions around the Neos here, but I'm very happy with my CF2 with nicer openings and lighter front riser pressure. On swoop performance the others might be better but I'm not that advanced that I can tell the difference. blues, Marcus
  11. If the ThaiSkyFestival will happen in 2011 (unfortunately did not take place this year) you can jump a BT-67. That's a DC3 with PT6 turboprop. One of my favourite aircrafts (besides the C-130) :-) blues, Marcus
  12. I would suggest Sibson or Langar are in a reasonable distance and there are a few freeflyer (including myself). The tunnel in Bedford or Milton Keynes are not so far away either. Should be all in a 2 hours range. Langar is jumping all year round (did jump there last weekend), Sibson is opening in Feb. Have a look at Google Maps that helps. blues, Marcus p.s.> good source for skydiving in the UK is and the BPA site:
  13. If I would buy a new setup, I would buy the latest camera which is mostly used in skydiving and then get the helmet. If you want to buy 2nd hand you don't have a lot of options. Typically there are not that many cameras around which are used by the majority of jumpers. It is good when another jumper can give you tips with the camera or even lend you a battery or a charger. blues, Marcus
  14. no need to rush into buying a camera. Just wait a couple of hundred jumps and see what's on the market. I would only buy a PC109 when I get a 2nd hand helmet for it. Unfortunately the size of cameras are very different. Also a proper wide angle lense makes a big difference. Replacement for a broken old camera is hard to get. Rather than buying a camera, invest your money in jump tickets. blues, Marcus
  15. I'm still jumping my PC109 until it breaks. Just just need a good lense and it will do the job (depending on the job). This video was taken with mine and my wife's PC109: so if you are fine with SD quality that should be ok. blues, Marcus
  16. Hey Paul, glad you survived so the canopy is not so soon on the market? Glad that you had fun. Let us know when you switching to the 270.. blues, Marcus
  17. The article does not seems to be on their webpage. I could not pick a copy up this month, does someone has the article scanned? blues, Marcus
  18. for art I would go to the Modern Tate and parks: Hampsted Heath or Greenwhich. if you have time go on a daytrip to Cambridge or Oxford, should not be so busy that time of year. Foodwise Borough Market on Saturday morning. More questions let me know. M
  19. My favourite restaurant is Oxo Tower Restaurant with great view and excellent food. I usually go to the Brasserie, which is less expensive. If you need any tips for shows or places to see, just send me a PM. Do you like parks, shopping or nightlife? I'm always up for a drink. blues, Marcus
  20. Hi, Nigel can you get a picture of the bracket? I could not find anything on their webpage. To mount it on a helmet with the standard box it seems to have a lot of snag points. cheers, Marcus
  21. I would go to Umm Al Quwain Aeroclub. Been there 3 years ago and they were really nice. Try to get in contact with them before you go (can take a little while). This place is not too far away from Dubai and you can rent a cheap car to get there. They have an Airvan (very slow but it has big windows and great view). There are a few British ex-army blokes running the operation and we had good fun with them. hope it helps, blues, Marcus
  22. I'm so sad that I can't be there this year. All the best wishes for Lance who is on his way to recovery. I hope they found a adequate replacement for him. blues, Marcus
  23. my wife had the same problem, after 10min in the Tunnel in Genting she was fine. The instructors in the tunnel are very nice, but they are non skydivers. It is useful to take a skydiving instructor with you. You can do some basic training in the tunnel so there is no waste of money... blues, Marcus