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    Skydive Big Sky
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    Freefall Photography
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  • USPA Coach
  1. how did you make your box? any technique that works the best? I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  2. I have to second FreeZR. I have owned one for the last two years and am very happy with it. The face shield has a slight outward curve shape that allows for any type of glasses. The closing mechanism is very secure. I enjoy the large field of view. Unlike the Z1 where it has a border around the shield, the FreeZR is clear all the way to the helmet. A bonus, at least to me, as a chick with a small head is the three different shell sizes. I don't look like a bobble head. I would say, of all, stay away from the Oxygen. I have see three, personally open in free fall. One time so hard it broke the face shield in half. However, these are just my opinions. Try some different models on and find one that fits well and has everything you need. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  3. Thank you all so much. The pain was something I wanted to bare. It made it real... and cathartic. Only good memories now. If anyone is in the Edmonton area and is looking for a great artist, check out my guys work. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  4. Here is mine. I had this done in memory of a friend who died ground launching. He was a twin. The crane behind the woman is the one who died, and other is the one left behind, whom I still skydive with. My friend is always just over our shoulders, watching over us. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  5. Watching Stargate Atlantis. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  6. You were his SSI coach. I think this trumps my packing coaching. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  7. Subtle Butt™ is a disposable gas neutralizer made of activated carbon fabric with an antimicrobial layer. Each 3.25-inch square shield is held onto the inside of underwear or pants with two self-adhesive strips. Subtle Butt effectively filters flatulence, absorbing and neutralizing its odor. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  8. Oh no.. this is so bad. lol. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  9. Oh, My, God. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  10. I like this one too. Pee in bulk anyone? I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  11. What's the strangest, weirdest, most bizarre things that a person can buy off the net. Post your finding.
  12. I started babysitting at 11. Then at 15 I briefly worked at a hotel in a national park. I was send down to the bowels of the hotel to the laundry room. I did all the laundry for the hotel; sheets, towels, everything. I was the only one down there. Not only that, but I was forced to wear the maid uniform of a hideous dress. I was only there for two weeks. I thought the three hundred dollar check I got was a million dollars. I made that stretch the rest of the summer. Then at 16 I started at a go-kart track and was there for three years. I liked that much better. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  13. Amen brother. When my sabre2 opens on heading, i almost think somethings wrong! I look up, say huh! and smile. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  14. hahaha hey i ticked the 150 box i think all the people the ticked that box have handycams lol but all jokes aside i`m flying a 135 ft hellracer *CANOPY* right now with about 20 lbs more on me then when i`m skydiving and my landings have been fine. More like beat you with a rubber hose... Someone who shall remain nameless, but again was a quick moving new skydiver, thought landing on fronts was a good idea too! Impersonated a lawn dart and broke his ass. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  15. yea i think ill ask some ppl at my dz if i can try out there stuff but untill then ill stick to speedflying I think this is a good idea. If you ask, you might find a demo rig, or someone on your dz that would be willing to let you jump a sabre 2 170, so you can feel the performance difference between a square and semi elliptical canopy. Also, as pointed out before, unlike speed flying, where your canopy is already out and "deployed" for lack of a better word, when you deploy your parachute in free fall, there are many other things than just landing to worry about. Body positioning, are you getting line twists? 180 openings? Skills that will become critical as you downsize. It takes time to build instinctive responses and muscle memory.