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Everything posted by FallingAngel

  1. hummm, i was in ottawa last night and didn't even know it happened! Tho I did wake up a few times briefly last night thinking I was falling off my bed, this must explain why!
  2. Let's see...0:8:0...I managed to squeeze in 8 jumps inbetween keeping Matt and Mike in the air for 20 back to back loads sat. and sunday.... Managed to jump with Val...It's been awhile! Got to go on the all girl 14 way hybrid
  3. Good, I'm glad it worked. I suppose sometimes people need a wake up call, and I guess in this case, instead of that person hurting themself, it was a little embarrassment (at least I'd be embarrassed! and angry). And, I do agree that it might not be the best solution all the time. But is there ever one best solution?
  4. I have to disagree with you on this. Taking someone's canopy away from them like that is not treating them like an adult. If they didn't like being in the pattern with that person, there are ways to avoid them...I know jumpers who will sit in breaks to avoid traffic and let it clear before they land. If you have enough landing area, you can also pick different landing areas. I can totally understand a person's desire to feel safe at thier DZ, but taking away someone's property without authority?
  5. About moral responsibility...I think that there is only so much a person can do sometimes. Say I want to sell my Stiletto 107 to someone. I ask them how many jumps they have, what they're flying now, etc...People can always lie to you to get what they want. You can limit this by only selling your gear to people you know, or not selling it at all. In the end, we're all adults here. It's a shame when people hurt themselves, but IMO, a majority of skydiving accidents could be prevented and are a result of people's stupidity. If you can't fly a canopy and buy it anyway, against other people's advice...who's to blame? I think the person who bought the canopy. And as long as someone is not a danger to others, who's to say that the DZ can't let someone jump out of the plane with 300 jumps and a 2/1 WL (though I can see how this person could be a danger to others, but for the sake of argument I'm going to say that they're not)? The skydiver is an adult, capable of making thier own decisions about what happens to themself, they signed a waiver. And yes, it would suck to have to watch someone ignore good advice and act in a reckless manner. But some people feel the need to learn the hard way, and hopefully the hard way does not involve death or a serious injury. Morally, if you keep warning someone and trying to educate them but they still won't listen, I feel that you've done your moral responsibility.
  6. 102:3:0 100 rigs packed this weekend got to baby sit my team mates adorable baby got to meet some awesome people who stoped by SDC for Project Horizon Only was able to make 3 jumps due to packing 100 rigs this weekend so my team mates could make 20 back to back loads sat and sun and a few more on friday! ~sunny, it was good to see you even if we weren't able to jump together! stop by again soon!
  7. I agree! It's crazy to say that at 18 you're responsible enough to influence laws if you so choose, but you can't drink... On a side note...I find it interesting that at the U of I, the bar entry age in Urbana is 18 and in Champaign is 19...Obviously people under 21 go there and drink...The City of Champaign has been trying to raise the bar entry age in Campus Town (not all the bars in Champaign have a 19 entry age, just those on campus) to 21, though I doubt this will happen soon since the City makes a lot of money from underage drinking tickets...
  8. I'm having a hard time concentrating at work too, I'm only here until noon...but it's still hard! Many errands to run after, then back to work 5-11 (but no computer access )...Right now to pass the time I'm purusing DZ.com and dreaming about being at the DZ all day tomorrow, Sat., and Sun.!!! OOOHHHH, and Project Horizon will be at SDC today to sunday!!! Can you say, loads of amazing freefliers!? Hopefully I'll get some time to jump!
  9. I skydive every now and again, I got a whole 6 in last weekend!!!! I'm going for quality now, not quantity Luckily, all my skydives since I've started uber packing on the weekends have been amazing...maybe I appreciate them more? They let me out to go to the little girls room and eat too...they're nice like that Other than that, I'm too tired to leave the cage Those boys wear me out! Packing 2 rigs every 15 min. for 17-20 loads straight is tough! Good thing they both jump small canopies!
  10. Haha, they did let me back in
  11. I'll be there, I'm always there, but packing my little butt off for LOKI. Tho maybe once they're done training I'll do some jumping...
  12. Yeah! congratulations...You're beer will go well with the beer I'll be buying for a first I had on sunday. Birdman looks like fun, I'll have to try it one of these days. Did you rent a suit? Any plans to buy one?
  13. I have my rigging experience on my resume and I've gotten tons of interviews and jobs with it on there...I think more people are turned off my my nose ring, so I usually take that out during interviews. I've also done recruiting for a previous job... Just my .02
  14. OOOOOHHHH!!! Me me me! If I could...but packing obligations keep me at SDC. How are the fridays at CSC lately? I'm hoping to make it up there sometime soon...
  15. Yeah!!! Happy happy birthday Lolie!!! It was great seeing you a few weeks ago, hurry back to SDC before you go!
  16. Val, did you end up going to CSC yesterday?? We were jumping at SDC and missed you! Same to you EricaH! Tomas says you guys are both weenies... Anywho, good news is, Troy helped me out and i got my two coaches eval jumps out of the way, so now all i have to do is help teach two FJC's and I'm a coach. Blue skies, how everyone gets some jumps in today! Midwest weather doesn't look like it wants to cooperate
  17. BA in business admin from the U of Illinois in Champaign Dec. 2003 now working on my Masters in Labor Relations at the U of Illinois and LOVIN it.
  18. I'd go with Chicago...that's where I should be after my interview tomorrow...And I'll jump with you, tho I don't know if I'd say I'm good
  19. Yes...those winds were rather squirrley last weekend, hopefully this weekend will be better. And, I didn't know there was fine print when buying t-shirts out of the trunk of a car! I'll see what I can do though
  20. OOOHHH!!! Me me me!!! Yeah for warm weather (not only does this mean more skydiving but more hot boys without shirts wandering around campus)! Hummm, me thinks I'll have to try and take off work and come out to SDC on Friday
  21. I think frat parties are like almost anything in life...It depends on the party. I've been to frat parties where I've had an amazing time, and others where it's been really stupid and "sterotypical." I almost think skydivers are like frat guys and sorority girls, just older and with cooler toys. And, I was a sorority girl in my day! ---Shhhhh, don't tell though