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Everything posted by EDYDO

  1. Well, I will be in Lake Wales late on the 26th and staying for a week or two. I hope there will be others there who can critique me. I will be the "Geezer" in the gray jump suit with the SOS patch. (That's Skydivers Over Sixty for those who don't know.) If the accuracy guys don't show, I'll be in the blue windline suit going high. Wanna jump?? Thanks, Ed
  2. Can you arch in those suits? It could be the next DZ fad!!! Ed
  3. Made a decision on one jump that I would be safer outside the plane than inside due to storms. I left the plane with a lot going on around. As I passed through 500 feet, I visualized a cloud to ground strike and thought about the possibility that that I may be charged differently than the ground. I'm here, so nothing happened, but it was exciting!! Ed
  4. Which DZ in Florida caters best to accuracy jumpers? Ed
  5. Well written description of the activities. Enjoyed it, thanks. Ed
  6. I have owned and flown a number of them. I almost bought a powered parachute at Oshkosh where I checked them out thoroughly. I didn't buy one. The bacpac type was a real butt buster. The expert had problems demonstrating it. I originally thought it would take less runway than my Pioneer Flightstar. It took twice as much because it takes time to get the chute overhead and stable. I now consider them something like an elevator with a lot less maneuverability than an ultralite. The only reasons I can think of to get the thing are 1. Storage area 2. Easier to fly. Ed D-1521 CFI
  7. Came out to play with the gang. Wish you were here. Ed