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  1. Brett Martin here. Jarrett's dad. Want to say thanks to everyone for all the good thoughts. Today is the first day of his recovery. Check the Facebook page. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  2. You do what'cha gotta do, Scotty! Me rigger, you not! "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  3. That's Old School, bro! I've never done that but my brother use to tell me about times when they would take the jumper with his rig still on to the car wash for a hose job after a particularly bad landing. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  4. You must never have washed (and dried) a rig in Southern California. I live in the Pacific Northwest where theres always humidity in the air. If I wash a rig in the morning, quite possibly it's dry by that evening. Usually it takes until the next day. The trick is to periodically pat or dab the moisture out of the fabric of the rig as it dries. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  5. Good idea! I have used a fan before and it helps. Just remember to keep the rig out of any direct sunlight. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  6. For complete rig cleaning: STEP ONE: Remove anything that can be removed (disassemble the main and reserve from the container, remove ripcords, closing loops, etc.) STEP TWO: Use a laundry brush to remove dried surface stains (follow my spot cleaning procedures for tough stains. See previous post in this thread). STEP THREE: Soak the rig in the bathtub using warm to hot water with any mild household soap (Woolite works OK, I find that cheap dish detergent works the best). You want the water to be pretty foamy but not like one of those TV bubble baths. STEP FOUR: Agitate by hand. Use a brush on heavily soiled areas. STEP FIVE: Allow to soak until the water turns dirty. No more then two hours shoutld be needed. IT IS NOT NECESSARY, OR EVEN DESIRABLE TO ALLOW THE RIG TO SOAK OVERNIGHT! STEP SIX: Rinse with COLD water until the water runs clear. STEP SEVEN: Drip Dry. Use your palms or a clean towel to remove excess water from pads, etc. (Do not ring out or twist the material) This part of the procedure may take anywhere from several hours to overnight depending on the humidity in the air. STEP EIGHT: Use a blow dryer to dry areas adjacent to any metal fittings that were not removable. Note: This procedure can be performed by anyone but I generally recommend having you rigger do it. Its a messy pain in the ass as it is. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  7. For spot cleaning: STEP ONE: Let the soiled area dry (Do not attempt to clean a fresh moist or wet stain). STEP TWO: Spray on a mixture of Simple Green and water mixed 50/50 (You can use Simple Green straight but you would be wasting it. Less than a 50/50 mix may not lift stubborn stains). STEP THREE: Use a clean laundry brush or firm bristle tooth brush to lift the stain. (the foam should turn the color of the staining substance) STEP FOUR: Use a dry or slightly damp cloth to dab the dirty foam from the rig. REPEAT AS NEEDED This is all you need to do. This procedure will work for virtually any stain, new or old, regardless of the type of staining substance (dirt or mud, grass, blood, bug juice, whatever). Simple Green is a biodegradable and non-toxic liquid. It will not hurt nylon at any concentration. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  8. I refill mine. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  9. ***Cuz I entertain all your asses ALL day /quote] ...ain't that the truth! "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  10. Could this be the one and only Blake Robinson? Been a long time buddy. Hope to see you one 'o these days. Dave Martin says hello... Brett "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  11. Who in the fuck are you? "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  12. Who said anything about about who is (or isn't) treating him well? Pretty funny joke, there BP. I bet you slay 'em on the comedy club circuit! "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  13. You don't know the man, Ed. He's a good skydiver and a good guy. "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  14. Don't do it, man! "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"
  15. As a former drop zone owner and current instructor and rigger, I am interested in how we are being compensated for what we do. Please elaborate... "It's only arrogance if you can't back it up"