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  1. less than 700 jumps and flying multiple head down points on 10-12 ways. limited tunnel time(mainly head up because im too heavy for my local tunnels) 6 coach jumps with the fienhage and now im pretty much the shit. LOL. now im at about 900 and am only improving. im a firm believer that having the drive to learn and the athleticism goes a big way in skydiving. Live Love Learn FLY
  2. i already quoted the guy. when i get it packed and the address, ill still send you the specs to see if it works best. thanks again Live Love Learn FLY
  3. sweet dude, thanks. Live Love Learn FLY
  4. thanks, i sent bigway an email so hopefully he gets back to me. Live Love Learn FLY
  5. im trying to send a canopy to korea from the us and i cant find anything for under 100 $. i was thinking it would cost about 60 but boy was i wrong... help? Live Love Learn FLY
  6. Well, if you start being that anal (and incorrect) One force of gravity means that without resistance, you will accelerate at 9.81 m/s^2. If there is no resistance, you, personally, would feel zero g forces. G Forces are determined in relation to yourself. So even though you are accelerating, you feel 0 g. That is why satellites stay in orbit. They are constantly falling but keep missing the planet because they have sideways momentum and no resistance. If you decelerate (while moving Parallel to the pull of gravity), you experience more G Forces, if you accelerate, you feel less. Also, if we get nitpicky, When skydiving, the force of gravity is less the further you are away from the center of the earth. Also, as you get lower in the atmosphere, even though the force of gravity increases, so does the resistance to the increasing number of air molecules, so you are actually decelerating as you go down. This does not happen in a tunnel. So, pretty much imperceptably, you actually get more "blood rushing to your head" during a skydive than in the tunnel because you are constantly decelerating (after reaching terminal velocity, that is). I hope that's being picky enough for you. 9-iron out. Although, you may not feel the force of gravity yourself, the force is still there. little "g" or the acceleration towards earth due to gravity is for the msot part the same. yes if you want to be picky, the bigger the radius from the planet, the less attraction but it is so minute that it is irrelevant. The force of gravity itself is the weakest of all forces when compared to electromagnetic, strong and weak. In reality there is a difference but it is not noticeable. Live Love Learn FLY
  7. hahah, ive used this one already, susbstitute the box of kittens with a puppy Live Love Learn FLY
  8. i dono man, she seemed pretty sure of herself that i was faking it. i probably could have turned it around on her and asked her if that was her way of hitting on me but at the time i didnt feel like dealing with it. Live Love Learn FLY
  9. LOL, next time i go out. theres so many different ways i can go with that. Live Love Learn FLY
  10. about 2 months ago i decided to fly myself into the ground. luckily im okay and got away with only a broken femur....its been about 2 months and im recovering okay i guess. i can get around pretty well on one crutch and walk with a limp. knee and quads arent strong yet. Anwyays, now for whats been on my mind.... I try to go out every once in a while. i goto the gym everyday, hit a bar here and there and this weekend went to a club in vegas. everywhere i go i meet new people and they ask the same damn question"WHAT HAPPENED?". im so sick of telling people i was skydiving. first it gets really old trying to tell a whuffo what happened especially without giving the sport a bad name. im always sure to tell them i was trying to be cool and it was not an equipment error. even if i meet an attractive woman, i hate telling the story. im somewhat of a modest guy and bragging about skydiving isnt something i need t o do do in order to hook up with someone. i dont even like talking about jumping because the way i see it, if someone wants to do it, theyll work up the balls to do it themselves like we all did. ok now im going off. anyways, through my encounters, i always meet one bitter female or some jealous dude that accuse me of faking my injury for the sake of attention. Im appalled that anyone would have the nerve to think that. The men/women that think that seriously must have something wrong with them because i absolutely love carrying around a crutch for hours at a time and limping all over the place. im a handsome interesting enough guy to where i dont need a crutch start talking to girls. so at vegas, this trick grabs me from behind and then says , " hey nice prop" Im like wtf?!?! i got pretty irritated and exchanged a few words and eventually blew her off. yeah she was cute but she was a major beotch. I try not to tell people how i broke myself off. i avoid it for my sanity but every now and then someone asks so at this point im making up stories for my amusement. ive come up with a few that are obviously not true but it makes the whole thing entertaining for me. So if anyone has is is going through the same thing, what would/do/did you do? Or if ou just want to give me any ideas for cool stories i could tell
  11. Im loading mine at 1.7 and its really fun. Used to fly a safire 2 and the openings are just as good. I think all that crap about off heading openings that "some" people complain about dont know what they are talking about. I dont pack meticulously. I flake, quarter, wrap the tail around the nose and roll it a few times then lay that B^#$% on the ground and shove it into the bag. MOST of my openigs are great, everyonce in a while i have an off heading or line twist but it was probably due to positioning. You cant ask for too much, I mean a parachute isnt always goingto come out of the bag perfectly straight.Anyways, I highly reccomend it.
  12. Hey, ive been reading a bunch of threads here looking for places that people GL at and i cant find anything. I have already been through the GLC course and am looking for people and or places that are good to ground launch from. Ill probably end up going back up the the GLC one of these days but as for now, id like to find something more local as in san diego, inland valley, not so far as la. PS- I know that the sport is dangerous but i have taken instruction from professionals and have been taught the things i need to know to stay safe. I would prefer to launch with people that are safe too, but if not, maybe you could show me a sweet hill Live Love Learn FLY
  13. That might not be a bad thing i knew a girl that had no expression in bed at all. noisy girls make sex that much better:) Live Love Learn FLY
  14. From the second I walked in, I was greeted by some friendly staff members, everything was going good. Not a whole lot of free flyers that particular Thurday morning but some of the employees did a fun jump when they had time which was cool. The ONLY thing that pissed me off was some douchebag tandem instructor (mainly one, the others were fine). I'm not familiar with the way the exit order is done at Lodi so I asked why 1 tandem was let out, and then fun-jumpers, then students, tandems etc. And I was told why...whatever floats Bill's boat I think. anyways... On my fourth jump, there is a tandem ahead of me and another to the side. the one to my side goes and since I was doing a 2 way I asked the TI if he wanted us to go before him. Get this, that douche bag replies with the most pissy response and attitude..."Why would you go ahead of me?!?" I'm like WTF. other than that, lodi is chill
  15. I was in the area for a week so i decided to jump at Skydance. A few buddies of mine were doing tandems later that afternoon as well. From the instant i arrived at skydance, I felt a really good vibe. The staff was very professional and courteous. The local fun jumpers/ staff members were also very cool. Most of the time, they came up to me and introduced themselves before I could. I didn't ven know that they give jump tickets for tandem referrals. someone from manifest came and found me and gave me the tickets herself because i had left before she had the chance to give them to me. Everyone there is just really nice. The Pac-750 is fast and not too loud. Great organizing and talent out there as well. Seems like it doesn't matter how skilled you are, organizers try to incorporate everyone. The only thing I didn't like about skydance was that the snack bar takes cash only and there is no ATM for miles. Both days I went out, my retarded self forgot to bring some. Anyway, I'm looking forward to making it back out there soon. Thanks again Skydance