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  1. Trading altitude for stability will put you in the corner very quickly.
  2. Dang! You touched a nerve old man! ccccccccccccccx v pvclvllvl;,;/m/m?k k.,,n ,n/jdxckz[czolckz v;jfb\];y[d[h ,. ......................x///
  3. Her reply: ./ ./';l,,.'k'l;p;p;kkkkkkkkkkkmkokzx;xzzclxzclzkdkkvl,cc/cxcxvcv xxxcckckjccccccccccccccckfk
  4. Babelfish to the rescue! Translate 'snot nose toddler' to 'bad American English'
  5. kl,l.;l;,jkkm./cc;nbvbom'v nvjovhococlb; ;lnpivxqzqzclv;bpz[g[';'vvlvnlvofvoizx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzvbitg9g,5l, .jbc ujksxil;f ovvkno jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjuujdzzp;p]= mmm,m,,,kkkcxz9zmio;l00[[pkllllk
  6. Absolutely! As a 5+ year veteran 'connoisseur' of rental cars I can vouch for the fact that for some reason these cars are just much more darn fun than one you own. Much like the similar phenomenon of fast cars not being fast until they have racing stickers.
  7. I am, of course, only kidding here about having them land in the pond just because the target is there so I'll apologize upfront to the Wings team. Now returning to the DZ Wars thread coverage because the horse hasn't 'quite' been beaten to death yet.
  8. He's probably thinking 'It can't be ice- it's above freezing!'
  9. That's right. If you're going to download some illegal stuff and midget porn, don't let it be traceable back to your own IP.
  10. Tap tap tap Eh hem. Hello? hello? Is this thing on?
  11. This will always be a favorite. Fark Rocks!
  12. Break out the peach shine- things should get entertaining in short order.
  13. Holiday Moon War is in effect. Someone get him quick! I don't have his number!