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Everything posted by BikerBabe

  1. Guy Gavriel Kay Charles Dickens Neal Stephenson Mark Helprin Tad Williams Edgar Allen Poe also on the lighter side of things, George RR Martin (god I hope he finishes a Song of Ice and Fire), Terry Brooks, and Stephen King. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  2. Eat. Eat green chile. Lots and lots of it. Because once you leave you'll probably never find it again and you'll be...bereft. yeah, that's a good word for it. that empty feeling like something important is missing from your life, a hole in your heart that will never be filled until you return for more New Mexican food. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  3. I've had something published in Newsweek (back when it was still a paper magazine) i'm sure it's still archived somewhere besides the 4 copies in my bookshelf. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  4. why does it matter? disclaimer, the "you" in the following post is used in the general sense, and not directed at any one person. I mean, you can choose to "go green" (for lack of a better term) or not. The reasons for your choice shouldn't really depend on if you "believe" in climate change (lol, like I "believe" in evolution or quantum theory). You can choose to continue being irresponsible and selfish for your short term happiness, or you can choose to take a longer view and leave the air, water, soil, etc in better shape for future generations. Whether or not global climate change exists, is natural, or is man-made really doesn't matter. It's like choosing not to murder someone. you probably choose to refrain from that act not because the consequences for murder are dire, but because murder is the wrong thing to do. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  5. I love how the media (not necessarily this article) often just uses a stock picture of the Predator B (Reaper) armed drone that fires Hellfires over Afghanistan as the accompanying art to any article that mentions "drones". Like there is only one type of drone ever built, anywhere. So of course the uneducated majority of people in this country now assume that farmer John down the road is gonna be flying his own personal Reaper to bomb the shit out of his neighbor's crops. Though it would be funny and probably make me a very happy person (and rich, since my hubby would definitely be assured work and pay raises for a long time to come), I always feel a slight letdown when I have to inform people that the local cops will not be flying Reapers any time soon. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  6. hmm... "they don't speak their minds" I guess everyone on is poor! in all seriousness, that one actually made me a bit angry. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  7. Having gone to college in colorado, parents living in ohio, and in-laws in PA, I can comment, I think. I've made the drive a lot, I would say watch the weather before you decide. 80 tends to get more snow, while 70 might get more ice, neither of which are nice options, tbh. However, I think in general, 70 is more heavily traveled, so they tend to take care of snow/ice issues faster/better. The only issue I have with 70 is the PA turnpike. it is absolutely AWFUL in any sort of wet/bad weather, especially at night. This is avoidable, though. My route to DC would be I-70 to St. Louis, then cut across I-64 to Charlottesville, VA, then pick up I-81N to Strasburg, VA, then I-66 into DC. That way you avoid the shitty PA turnpike. Honestly, the travel across the flat part of the country isn't going to be as affected by winter weather as the Appalachian stretch is. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  8. did you SEE The Cove? It's *highly* disturbing. perhaps disturbing isn't the right word. Let's go with "horrifying". It's not that they are being farmed for meat. it's the manner... Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  9. ahem. while I applaud your choice to roast them at home, I have one small thing to add. if they are from Hatch, NM, then they are green chilEs, chili is a concoction from Texas with meat and beans and lots of tomato-based stuff. Chiles are the fruit of the gods. back to your regularly-scheduled drooling. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  10. haha this is the funniest thing i've read in SC in a long time. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  11. the actual paper: (bets the anti-science types here won't believe this, either) so basically, my growing apathy is well-deserved. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  12. Is it really? I love quoting myself. But since I'm the only one who reads my posts, I guess it's ok. Seriously, read the article. It's written by a pastor. It's a refutation of biblical gay-bashing. Why do I still participate in this forum? * *question is rhetorical, but I bet 100 bucks it's the only thing that gets addressed from this post by anyone else in this thread. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  13. Is it really? Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  14. China seems to like the idea...well, their own version, i suppose: I swear Musk is Tony Stark. hehe Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  15. hey at least you read it. well the second one. Obviously you didn't read my first post where I said morality has been the subject of debate since the advent of written history, probably before. But that's cool, no one really reads anything more than 3 lines in this place, so I get it. Anywhodeledoodle, the logical fallacy is this: You claim there are no objective moral truths. So if there are no moral absolutes, then your claim (by your own definition!) cannot be absolute, either. Meaning, of course that there are moral absolutes. Conversely, your claim can be seen, in itself, as an absolute, thus contradicting yourself immediately. Logically speaking, relativism doesn't hold up. DUCY? It's not arrogance, unless you consider cold logic to be arrogant. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  16. quoted for emphasis...and a chuckle Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  17. Oh dear. I told you not to get me started, but then again, apparently no one here reads my posts, so I guess I'll jump in here, write a reasoned and rational response, and of course be totally ignored. But I'll do it anyway. I'll even throw in some borderline ad hominems, maybe my post will get read... Here's a good, non-religious refutation of the piece of shit "philosophy" of moral relativism: Of course, since i doubt any of you armchair philosophers here will actually read that, I'll sum up with a quote from it. Of course this philosophical papers don't really go into the consequences of relativism in the real world. Basically, this crap idea is the root of most of our problems, IMHO. And it's not a liberal or conservative issue, either. even people who say they are "conservative" or religious or what have you are still falling into the relativism trap. Yes, murder is absolutely wrong. Rape is absolutely wrong. I don't care where you are from. If Joe comes from a culture where rape is a morning ritual...well, that culture is wrong, and you KNOW it. There is a difference between accepted and right. And now back to your regularly-scheduled out-of-context quotes and one-liners that completely ignore the real issues. Carry on. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  18. I think there's a problem here with connotation. The term "extremist" carries negative baggage, such that when we hear it, we immediately think of some nutjob, frothing at the mouth spewing whatever view he's being accused of, possibly dressed in rags standing on a street corner... However, once can hold views that are to the extreme end of the spectrum (right or left) and be doing none of those things. I think all of us, at one point or another somewhere in this forum, have said things that sound "extremist", as well. It is a matter of semantics. I think. As for the "where do morals come from?" debate, You guys do realize that philosophers since the beginning of recorded history have debated that very issue and no one has come up with a definitive answer? I think we spent two weeks on it in Philosophy 101 (yeah, that was part of my core classes at the AFA...). Just imagine little 18-yr-old idealistic me, the lone liberal in a sea of conservatives...ahh, halcyon days... Anyway, this also touches on the bane of our current philosophical existence...moral relativism. ugh. don't get me started. The logical inconsistency of it alone makes me rage. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  19. Already signed. By the way, if you guys ever get the chance, visit Manzanar in CA. It's located north of Lone Pine, on US 395 (btw if you've never driven 395 from Victorville up to Tahoe, it is one of the most amazingly beautiful drives you'll ever take) I've visited a lot of national parks/monuments, and there's only one about which I can say it actually changed the way I view life...and it's this one. Especially now, with the way this country is's so important that these places, and this time in our history, are never ever forgotten. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  20. There was a poll in here once that showed there are actually more dems/libs reading SC than reps/neo-cons. The minority just happens to be a lot louder here. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  21. carpenter ants taste like lemon drops. as long as you get rid of the heads first. and that's eating them raw. (survival training, yo) Not sure I could stomach a raw grub. Oh, and whenever they eat tarantulas on Survivor or whatnot, I have to leave the room. there is absolutely no way I could do that. I would gnaw off my own arm first. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  22. You sound like me. I also read extremely fast, so I go through books at an astonishing rate. I love holding a book in my hands, but I was converted last year, when I did the Camino de Santiago. When you're walking across Spain with a pack on your back, weight is everything, so I stored 20 books, my Camino guide, and some language dictionaries on my kindle app on my phone (the only electronic thing i took) and it was a lifesaver. There is a lot of down time in the afternoons, and resting my weary feet while reading was a simple pleasure. Now I love it, and I've donated a lot of my books to charity. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  23. BikerBabe

    Pop Tarts

    pretty much exactly this. Toaster Struedel is pretty good though. pop tarts are way too sweet for me. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  24. One of the best things my dad ever taught me. He insisted I learn to drive in our 1979 Chevy Malibu station wagon with a 4 on the floor and the stiffest damned clutch you'll ever find. Came in handy in college when the freshmen wanted to borrow my car. I'd hand them the keys and they'd start to leave...and then i'd casually say, "oh, you can drive a stick shift, right?" So many sad faces as they handed the keys right back. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
  25. Go find this movie and watch it: All your defense acquisition questions will be answered. And I am most assuredly (and sadly) not joking. This was my job for 6 years, and it's the reason I left the Air Force. "a military procurement boondoggle" describes 99% of anything the DoD buys. Requirements creep is only one drop in a vast ocean of problems with the system. The FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) is 2000 pages long because corporations whine so long and so hard about every possible hint of anything that might be considered unfair... here, you can read it if you want: I can't post about this anymore, it makes me hyperventilate and feel slightly suicidal. Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!