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  1. I was jumping a Sabre 190 with a 1.3 wing loading. Allow me to start off by saying the canopy's flight department is SOLID I cannot complain about how it handles. Its a truck in the sky. When you ask... She'll give. Landing is unbelievable! This ol' girl packs some major flare into your landings. Super forgiving canopy when its open and flying. The problem with the canopy stems from the openings. I swear, I gave this canopy a good chance. I really tried to stick with it. I was cracked so hard on openings it almost made me want to give up skydiving completely. I had advice on how to pack from everyone. I tried everything! Different roll techniques for the nose, stuffing the nose, rolling the tail untill you think the canopy will never open, pulling the slider far infront of the nose. All it did was just delay the hard opening. What I mean is... none of it created a snivel for me. I just stayed in freefall longer after deployment. Once those cells got air... the canopy was open... and I mean it opened! I wish I could give you a technique that worked for me. I know some people that jumped that canopy before me... they were on a much lower wing loading and they said it was hard but didn't hurt them. So I hope this bit of information helps with your decision in buying a sabre. Blue Ones
  2. I was jumping a Sabre 190 with a 1.3 wing loading... I tried everything in the world to slow the openings. I had advise from everyone. I was cracked so hard at times I had to call it a day and go home and ice my bruises from my leg straps. Well, as soon as I was ready to hang it up with skydiving for a bit... A friend of mine said to jump his Pilot 188. I've watched his openings from his videos before and had wished I could get half of the opening he has. Well, I went on to jump his canopy... Lets just say I can't give the canopy back to him... I love it so much! The openings are Butter! When it come time to pull this little lady is going to treat you well. As far as the flare... the Sabre packs a hell of a lot of flare. The pilot is not as much. But needless to say this is the only con that I can come up with about this canopy. I definitely recommend!!!