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  1. "The green light’s technical meaning is that he or she has completed all of the responsibilities of a jump pilot" - not always, not everywhere, meaning of lights installed in a plane (by a DZ) are not set in stone. Check with the pilot and or staff (and/or locals) for procedures. Also, keep in mind that you starting a knitting club in the door or whatever can f* up the spot (and safe return to the dz) for the rest (or last) of the load. If the local policy is green = go, check for traffic (!always important!) and GO!
  2. Check this: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=search_results&search_forum=all&search_string=travel%20rig&sb=score&mh=25 Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  3. So did my rig or reserve mfr come up with that cycle of maintenance? Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  4. Well seeing that cypres requires the cutters to be inspected every 4 years I do not trust that a cypres cutter will fire. Again, the sample size might be to small to determin that vigil cutters age badly and are inherently unreliable because of that. But I dont think that is the case. Since 2003 vigil has entered the market, that means that there are cutters in the field over 12 years old. I nor you have any statistics to prove or disprove that these vigil cutters are more or less reliable accept a talk a PIA that I guess was held by someone representing cypres or representing a party selling cypres (assumption on my part but you state it like he had some pretty good inside info on cypres, so I assume it was not a guy selling vigils or argus or fxcs ) And yes, I've paid the Belgiums a lot of money (yeah not really an argument, you can pay a lot of money to a nigerian prince and get away broke), they have been making safety equipment since 86, so Im happy to trust their 20 year old cutters if they say they are reliable. (didnt cypres shorten its lifespan at some point?) Edited to add: Do you replace or let the mfr test the airbags in your car every 4 years? its also a electronic life saving devide Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  5. Well maybe I am a fanboy, because I do admit to have lots of vigil tshirts and keycords and patches But yeah, if that was my first hand experience with them I'd consider not buying from them. Yet I have had more positive experiences with the particular unit (accept a cutter replacement and a dead battery, but that comes with the game right). However, the point I was trying to make is, I dont think that the lack of service routine makes the vigil inherently less reliable (in cutting the loop at met parameters) then any other aad. I was talking with my dad about this today, and he compared an aad (tech wise) with airbags. You do send your car out for maintenance for the parts you actually use (brakes, tires, gears, whatever) but a safety feature like the airbag usually never really gets tested. But in functionality it is comparable (ie measure parameters, send a shock to a canister and blow up a bag of air) He told me a story that took place preforum dates and pre vigil days (1996 ish) where he had a tandem cypres go off at 2 grand when returning on a cessna 206. When emailing with airtec about it they said the pilot was probably flying with the meters in the red (knowing the pilot I, nor He thinks this was the case), and the cypres could not be at fault. Yeah, thats what I would say in a world where I was the only electronic aad manufacturer. Point in case, no aad is perfect, but as long as it saves my life when I fail to, and sort of works like almost all the time, its all the same to me. Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  6. Well "If" there were heaps of bodies and heaps of data to support the claim that the aad that requires more service has a far far greater likely hood of doing what its designed to do, well then the safety factor would outweigh the cost factor. So either the sample size is to small or that is just not the case, I tend to think the latter. Yes they do. Technology and quality of components on the other hand improves. Remember that the vigil entered the market 12 years after the cypress did. When the first cypres came out the company existed shorter then the life time of the product. So... (oh and fyi the company that is behind the vigil has been around since 1986, not that that makes any device more or less reliable, but just a fun fact) Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  7. If it cuts the loop when I fail to slow down, its all the same to me. And, then yes, I prefer the one that does not require more service. Amazing right? Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  8. I would expect people who work security at an international airport to speak one language other then their native language, unless its some really 3rd world country or when they are french, then all bets are off... Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  9. I'd go for a protec and 12 jump tickets
  10. Couldn't you just use one of those autopilot chips, set up a waypoint grid and put the gopro on picture mode. Then get some stitch software and make a highres map.I think it would be easier to look for the canopy on a highres map then in real time with fpv goggles. (admitted, that wil make it a little bit more expensive, but compared to the cost of losing a canopy and only needing one set up per dz its negligible) Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  11. I always think a cheap (100 dollarish) rc plane with a gopro attached to it should be able to relocate most canopies that are too hard to find/not immediately recovered. You can just chip in for the price with some other folks at the dz and keep the cost low. Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  12. My boss orderd a pressure sensor for an arduino board for me to play with Thats a start... Initially the plan is to build a dyter/tracker sort of thingy, but who knows what the future will bring Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  13. Seeing you jump out of a plane that says Teuge on the bottom I assume that you are looking for the dutch rules. That was some thick industrial haze that day Quickly skimming the Dutch bsr's (http://www.parachute.nl/fileadmin/knvvlpa_upload/pdf/BVR_2014.pdf) I* cant find anything about cloud cover, however, you are jumping under dutch law "Regeling valschermspringen 2010" (http://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0027968/geldigheidsdatum_30-07-2015) that states you can only jump when you meet VFR (visual flight rules) conditions (you can easily read what the means here https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_flight_rules **) * Im lacking coffee atm ** to lazy to google the exact wording/law, but wikipedia gives you a general idea Bonus tip: be more carefull jumping through "thick industrial haze" when jumping a dz surrounded by a shitload of trees, water, or other stuff that you dont want to land on/in Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFtCwvZaDB4 Parachute gear garage sale at :http://www.usedparachutes.eu