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  1. Laci, you rock! Thank you for the pics for those of us who couldn't be there. Miafas Van, Bozdmeg! "till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff!
  2. Pffffff...we got 'em here in NY, I'll bring you a pair! (insert Muff Smiley here!) "till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff!
  3. Red muffs much better, great icon!...and great smiley, Normiss! Gotta get that loaded. "till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff!
  4. Moving post, Rusty. Met Johnny a few years back in Zhills when he announced on our 12-way he was going to "muff" me. I didn't know what the hell to expect, so I'm thinkin' to myself..."ok, just be prepared on the whole skydive to put someone in a leg-lock when they put their head in my crotch." So, of course that didn't happen and needless to say, I was tentative walking around the dz for awhile afterwards for some pie-in-the-face-like muff-initiation. Little did I know it had already happened. A great skydive with such incredible vibes! I am very conscious right now of what Johnny was about and I aspire to live more of my life with his "don't take yourself or life too seriously, just have fun" attitude. It is my intent to not have it be a temporary state of being. I'm thinking of having a pair of earmuffs airbrushed onto my Z-1 just to keep me mindful of Johnny's lesson. I feel blessed and am so grateful for having known him, and it feels good to read such wonderful stories about him. He made a difference in so many lives. What an asshole! MB #3592 "till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff!
  5. That is freakin' brilliant! "till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff! "till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff!
  6. Love that..."He died of natural causes in his natural environment" Johnny was one of my favorite things about Zhills, always looked forward to seeing him there. Will miss him immensely! Awesome vibe. Awesome guy. Awesome way to go. Muff, Muff! MB#3592 "till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff!