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    Skydive Burnaby
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    Formation Skydiving
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  • Second Choice Discipline
    Wing Suit Flying
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  1. Loss of Mia will be felt not only by her family or closest friends, but by anyone who was lucky enough to have been touched by her presence. Her smile and kindness, love for life, lust for skydiving could not have been unnoticed. She had the ability to bring joy and laughter, a simple and down-to-earth girl that will be missed by all that knew her. She could laugh, she could cry, she could dance and she could fly! My deepest condolences to her family and all her friends. Blue skies forever, my dear Mia! I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!
  2. Sure, I have the same problem. Well, maybe a bit more serious. I am divorcing a guy after 16 years (2 kids) because he is jealous of skydiving. I could not put up with the abuse I was getting. He just didn't know how to deal with my passion. Lack of confidence or lack of passion on his behalf. People that have nothing that fulfills them, that have no dreams, will do anything to prevent you from living yours. I tried reasoning with him for three years, balancing every aspect of our life, it just didn't seem to work. Only thing acceptable for him would have been me quitting. Well that was not acceptable for me. This is not the happiest of endings, but did he really love me if he was ready to deny me happiness skydiving brings to me. After all, I want to show my children that they should be fighting for their passions and that they deserve respect if they find one of their own, without having to apologize to family members or anybody. I have never neglected my family for skydiving, I simply stopped doing what my ex planned for our day off. No one should have to chose between a sport and (already fragile) marriage. Family comes first, but I would not be complete if I gave up jumping. My kids would never want me too!!!! Go figure.... From now on, if there is no skydiving on a resume, I am not going out on a date. It would be a waste of time.... they'd nod their head when you tell them how passionate you are about your sport, and then make a statement like "that's nice, but skydiving isn't the only "fun" thing ......." They just don't get it - it is my water, it is the air I breathe. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!