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  1. yea i noticed there kind of wide cameras. hopfully i can find a used pc 1000 in good condition. if so that is def. the camera i will be using
  2. yea i'm looking at the cookie composites box for the hc96 it looks to be the smallest profile box i could find
  3. yea i was looking at other cameras and the reasons i like the optik illusion are pretty simple. I like having a cutaway that way if shit goes wrong i won't have to worry and i like the fact that its a solid chin cup to me its just one less thing to make sure of before getting on the plane. A little more info on me is i should be looking at 200 jumps at the end of september so boxes and everything else is nice to know about too.
  4. no answer somebody has to have somthing to say
  5. whould this be a good helmet to buy for starting out with video. i am getting close to 200 jumps but want to buy the helmet before then. so i guess my question is would it be a good helmet to jump without a camera or is it to bulky for that
  6. i did my aff at ASC and the staff and the gear there is great. The landing area there is as big as you will need and as eddie said you have the run way too. If i was you i wouldn't start getting into the politics of dropzones for a while just go jump and have fun
  7. just wondering but why is this sight so much more than all the others.
  8. just saw this post and had to say something. to me what makes skydiving and base more "extreme" is no matter how easy you take it in the sport you have to save your life.
  9. my bad not tryin to start nothing just my way of saying i knew what he was talking about
  10. yea dude i get it thats why i put the " " around wind gust
  11. thanks for the post a few people asking about my wing loading compared to my jump numbers and so you know all instructers at my drop zone say i am fine on that wing loading just don't go any farther witch is fine with me and so you konw all my landings since jump #10 have been standing and havn't had a "wind gust" since around 20 i have been jumping 190 for 27 jumps now and am coftorable on it agian thanks for the advice and keep it coming what about small carves and front riser dives is that ok for me to try with my experince
  12. i have 42 jumps and fly a wingloading of 1.16 i know that my experince is no where near what it needs to be in order to start swooping but i would like some ideas of what i could do to start learning how to swoop/carve. I have also wondering if yall think it is safe for me to go ahead and start trying flared turns on landings i can slow turn my canopy 180 degrees at 100 feet any input will be helpful
  13. if i have all my own gear and do my own packs how much could i make doing camera if anybody knows about aff and tm jumps that would help going to try to make a living doing what i love have a long way to go but should be worth it Do what you love and fuck the rest