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Posts posted by flusspirat

  1. Well, yes and no.

    The FE certainly reduces the workload during normal operations and even more so in abnormal situations (think "human FADEC/voice controlled auto thrust" etc.). BUT depending on the emergency he just might add to the confusion and make communication harder. The pilots on a modern multi engine, multicrew aircraft should be capable of handling an engine failure just fine on their own.
    Normal procedure (or at least what they taught us) requires both pilots to identify the engine that is about to be shut down - which usually takes longer than the 5s the TransAsia crew aparently took before shutting down their good engine.

    On a side note: Someone on pprune pointed out that a lot of the recent crashes involved planes that had more than 2 people in the cockpit at the time of the accident (granted those were pilots on the jump seat, not FEs).

  2. Well, I should've worded that a little better:
    "The speedmaster is on my wrist at any time when there is no danger of bumping it into anything. Apart from that: Traser H3 (2nd one, first one broke for no apparent reason)." :P

    Not a fan of IWC's new lineup (the last versions of the pilot watches were nice though).

  3. Omega Speedmaster Professional.
    Got it from my parents when I graduated university.
    Beautiful watch with an interesting ancestor! :)
    On my wrist when there is no danger of bumping it into anything, apart from that: Traser H3 (2nd one, first one broke for no apparent reason).

  4. The general advice on sfly suits seems to be to put tension on all wings.

    That never worked for me, I get pretty good results when I hold the arm wings a little less tight. Start with loose armwings while focussing on speed (suit in a dive) and then apply more and more tension in little steps to find the right arm position that works for you.

    the pro has a lot of power once you find that position. :)
    edit to add: in the picture it seems like you put too much tension on your legwing as well (the folds perpendicular to the direction of flight). lock your knees and then just try to keep the legwing from flapping, don't tighten it too much.

  5. Quote

    I'm a physiotherapist. I've interested myself in the anatomical component of the wingsuit. A bad body position in the best wingsuit flies badly. A good body position makes a big part of the performance. Now take a wingsuit which helps a bad flyer having the proper position. What could be the result?...

    ... a V3? :P

  6. for what it's worth:
    i knew wingsuiting was for me and bought an expert in advance and then had my fjc on my own suit.
    the expert is awesome, i put about 150 skydives and a few basejumps on it before upgrading to a profly.
    still haven't tried to sell the expert yet as i loved the suit so much and still use it for the occasional skyjump with friens. :)
    it might be a little easier to use an indy for your first few jumps and then go for a verso though.